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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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40 minutes ago, Dan T. said:





Sorry, I have to disagree with all of you.  For all of Trump's faults, and the list could go on for days, it would be a matter of some small redemption to be able to say "at least he's a good family man."  But there he was banging a porn star while his third wife is home with his newborn son. And don't forget the ex-Playboy bunny and the 18 other women he has likely slandered with his denials

Well, took me a bit out of context without the rest of it, but even still... the "at least he's a good family man" ship sailed LONG LONG ago.

No one at all should have ever been fooled by that notion.


When it comes to sex, you simply are not going to find anyone with that sort of power who is an angel. When it comes to who we vote for, we all have to decide which of their foibles is acceptable. Rich and powerful people get laid. It's a driving force. If it will be the decider of a vote, you'll never vote.

"Family values" among people who are that powerful? Temporarily setting aside the truth of  'power is the greatest aphrodisiac' ..  When are they expected to be parents given the schedule that sort of life demands? It's not there,, and if it is, it is decidedly different than what we consider good parenting or 'family values'.

Holding out hope for that is just being set up for disappointment. (And in the case of Donald Trump.. well,  one wife..  two wives.. three wives,, affair, affair, affair.. grab 'em by the ****, I knew she was married and i didn't care i tried to **** her.. whoops sorry kids didn't know you were changing.. There is nothing and never has been anything like 'family values' near this man in decades. He is the poster child of spoiled, vapid, incredibly shallow silver spoon fed rich boy who has never been told no and thinks that because of his hand me down power and wealth, he shouldn't have to be told no by anyone, ever. 
"Family values" should have never been considered as an asset for Trump, and no hope for it should ever be held, Furthermore, even the hint of it should cause anyone to wonder what con he's pulling.


This is why sex isn't necessarily a deal breaker for me.  In that rare air, it's unavoidable. People throw themselves at powerful and rich people for a multitude of reasons, and there is no way anyone should expect Trump has any of the moral fibre or fortitude it would take to resist it and remain true to wife 1... or 2..   uh,, or 3.. But, i am also not one who stands on my bible and screams about all the things other people do that I don't like. And if i were, i certainly would not bend my rules for one and not the other. 

I have integrity that is much deeper than that. My disgust isn't over Trump having an affair. He's disgusting and it's expected. 

for him, i see it as a dealbreaker because i also see him as a massive egotist and a very easy target for Mata Hari type activity. I think he's dumb enough to be compromised by some ****. 
My disgust is for those who look for ways to justify it in front of the God they seem to think is so important that it guides them to elect a person like this.

These people deserve nothing but spit in the eye.




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41 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

Sorry, I have to disagree with all of you.  For all of Trump's faults, and the list could go on for days, it would be a matter of some small redemption to be able to say "at least he's a good family man."  But there he was banging a porn star while his third wife is home with his newborn son. And don't forget the ex-Playboy bunny and the 18 other women he has likely slandered with his denials.


People bring up Bill Clinton.  Bill Clinton tarnished his legacy because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. To me, that matters in assessing the man.  Which is a shame, because he was otherwise a brilliant policy-wonk with great political instincts.


One of the things I admire most about Barak Obama is that he is, by all evidence, devoted to his wife and to a loving marriage, and raised two daughters guided by that family-centric moral compass.


No disagreement at all. I agree with everything here. I guess it's just not surprising enough to make me care because Trump has been a well known adulterer with a clear lack of morals since pretty much he burst onto the national scene.


I just enjoy every moment that highlights and magnifies what an awful person he is because of how close the virtue signaling social conservatives hitched their wagon to him. Talk about a short term bargain that is going to utterly destroy the movement long term.

3 minutes ago, Llevron said:

What if it was Ron Jeremy and not Stormy Daniels? :evil: 


Also where is TWAs sanctimonious ass during this discussion? 


TWA's sanctimonious ass got it right though. By letting gays marry, our country came to embrace pedophiles and adulterers. He just never specified that he really meant himself and other GOP'ers.

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3 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:


As someone who hates NDAs that silence women, I hope she prevails. It's obvious that I am not a fan of her profession. This agreement involved a consensual relationship, and Trump's attempt to hush it up right before the election. 


It's also obvious that I think Trump's an asshole and this is further evidence. He's also so stupid that he didn't sign the agreement, didn't actually pay the money, and he expects her to STFU. 

I hope she gets a boatload from selling her story and not on her back.

She's an Ex-porn star, who made her living on her back.  Guarantee you there will be a Porn Movie about her and the Cheeto; probably starring her.

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It's not the sex, it's that he's the type of guy who is so concerned about his false image (hair, tan, wealth, etc) that he is susceptible to blackmail. Stormy Daniels is shaking him down. She probably underestimated the value of her story thinking he would lose the election.


Now imagine what Putin has and is getting.

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52 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


Sorry, I have to disagree with all of you.  For all of Trump's faults, and the list could go on for days, it would be a matter of some small redemption to be able to say "at least he's a good family man."  But there he was banging a porn star while his third wife is home with his newborn son. And don't forget the ex-Playboy bunny and the 18 other women he has likely slandered with his denials.


People bring up Bill Clinton.  Bill Clinton tarnished his legacy because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. To me, that matters in assessing the man.  Which is a shame, because he was otherwise a brilliant policy-wonk with great political instincts.


One of the things I admire most about Barak Obama is that he is, by all evidence, devoted to his wife and to a loving marriage, and raised two daughters guided by that family-centric moral compass.


I'll also note that the Lewinsky affair was the biggest story in the world for like a year, and probably by far the biggest black mark on the Clinton presidency.  For Trump, it's the scandal of the week, maybe just half of a week.  It's like the episode of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns had every disease, but none of them could break through.



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21 minutes ago, Llevron said:

What if it was Ron Jeremy and not Stormy Daniels? :evil: 


Also where is TWAs sanctimonious ass during this discussion? 


Laughing at ya'll as usual.

It was rather obvious he was a lying,cheating dog to begin with....and ya'll said it shouldn't matter.


Still better than Hillary. :ols:

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8 minutes ago, twa said:

It was rather obvious he was a lying,cheating dog to begin with....and ya'll said it shouldn't matter.


Uh, by "y'all", you mean "me and the other Republicans"?  


Cause back during the election, I seem to recall several people of the supposedly overrun by liberals Tailgate pointing out the hypocrisy of the Religious Right endorsing a man who was on his third mail order trophy wife, and who had admitted to invading the dressing rooms of teenaged models.  And I'm pretty sure that you were right in there pitching for the Yankees by announcing that those icky liberals had made it OK for Presidents to commit adultery.  

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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

The question remains, how long can his administration keep gaslighting the American public?

With 35% of the population buying every word of what he says and does, and as long as there is a highly developed network of media outlets devoted to selling the lies, and as long as you have people on the Right willing to advocate on his behalf under the guise of just being fair....well I’d say the answer to your question is “a good long while.”

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It's actually really hard to think of a circumstance in which Trump's support from his cult wold actually deteriorate.  I think it would need to come to light that he definitely had a tryst with a man.  Maybe if he got caught on tape talking about how dumb and gullible his voters are.

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1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

With 35% of the population buying every word of what he says and does, and as long as there is a highly developed network of media outlets devoted to selling the lies, and as long as you have people on the Right willing to advocate on his behalf under the guise of just being fair....well I’d say the answer to your question is “a good long while.”


We just had a guy who was banned from the local shopping mall, because of his repeatedly creeping out of underage teenagers while he was in his 30s, come this close to being elected to Washington, because he had an R after his name and was famous for his belief that being a loud conservative rendered him immune to the US constitution.  


Near as I can tell, the only things conservative voters won't tolerate are:  


1)  Being gay.  

2)  Or ever once doing anything bipartisan.  

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1 hour ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Eh nothing.


When Clinton lied to the Special Committee about the affair, it was fair game after that. I had no problems with the punishment he got.


I am also cool that Anthony Weiner is serving time for his shenanigans because he was hitting on underage people. When he was taking **** pics to adults, that wasnt my business.


When Elliot Spitzer was forced to resign from the Governorship of New York because people created some allegations that he used public money to pay for the prostitutes, I thought that was terrible. ANd it turned out he didnt. Not my business that he buying escorts. I really don't care.


I didn't care about Mark Sanford either, except that it was bizarre and he proported to be a devout Christian family man.


I really don't care about sex scandals until they break the law or shows them to be hypocrites. Its not my business at all what anyone does with their private areas. (and by hypocrites, i mean clowns like Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston did during the Lewinsky scandal despite their own affairs)


Trump has never been a good family man. Why you think he on his 3rd marriage? And all of them ended because he was cheating on them.


He didn't raise his children with Ivanna either. He has never told us he was a good family man. Its the lie that people want to believe is the problem.


Governance and the work you do has nothing to do with what you do with your privates, unless you are breaking the law or being a hypocrite like those televangelists in the 80s.


Americans have always had an immature view towards sex.

Except for the fact that it exposes you to blackmail. Which is why so many White House advisors can’t get security clearance above that of the guy who cleans the toilets at the White House.

Just now, Larry said:


1)  Being gay.  

2)  Or ever once doing anything bipartisan.  

Unless you’re gay and go on TV saying how great Trump is, then they’ll parade your ass around like their new show pony! All while they seek to subject you to electro-shock therapy, and remove yoyr rights as a human being.

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14 minutes ago, Larry said:


Uh, by "y'all", you mean "me and the other Republicans"?  


Cause back during the election, I seem to recall several people of the supposedly overrun by liberals Tailgate pointing out the hypocrisy of the Religious Right endorsing a man who was on his third mail order trophy wife, and who had admitted to invading the dressing rooms of teenaged models.  And I'm pretty sure that you were right in there pitching for the Yankees by announcing that those icky liberals had made it OK for Presidents to commit adultery.  


I clearly objected to the Religious Right embracing him ,especially with better options.

I've certainly said many times that those icky liberals kept calling for them not to be so judgmental....and then **** when they are not. :ols:

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

Also where is TWAs sanctimonious ass during this discussion? 

He's a lot of things but sanctimonious ain't one of them.

8 minutes ago, twa said:

I've certainly said many times that those icky liberals kept calling for them not to be so judgmental....and then **** when they are not. :ols:

Yeah, well when people are pretty clearly full of ****, I have a bad habit of whipping out my proverbial schlong of truth and slapping them across the face with it... You know what I'm talking about. You've felt the sting before.

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17 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

It's actually really hard to think of a circumstance in which Trump's support from his cult wold actually deteriorate.  I think it would need to come to light that he definitely had a tryst with a man.  Maybe if he got caught on tape talking about how dumb and gullible his voters are.


I honestly believe the he could do pretty much ANYTHING and a decent portion of his base would still support him, mostly because of their capacity to delude themselves. If something (else) came out that should be completely unpalatable to them and is the antithesis of everything they stood for they would simply say it is "fake news" and a conspiracy by the elite and the liberal media and dismiss it out of hand. He could probably give the earth up to alien invaders and they would keep saying it is BS while little green men were on a TV in the background thanking us for allowing them to take over.


Remember, they don't care about his actual policies or what he actually does or says. It isn't a political or ideological movement. It is a cult of personality. Whatever he says is the truth and everyone else is lying and anything they say can be immediately dismissed and never thought about again.

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12 minutes ago, mistertim said:


I honestly believe the he could do pretty much ANYTHING and a decent portion of his base would still support him, mostly because of their capacity to delude themselves. If something (else) came out that should be completely unpalatable to them and is the antithesis of everything they stood for they would simply say it is "fake news" and a conspiracy by the elite and the liberal media and dismiss it out of hand. He could probably give the earth up to alien invaders and they would keep saying it is BS while little green men were on a TV in the background thanking us for allowing them to take over.


Remember, they don't care about his actual policies or what he actually does or says. It isn't a political or ideological movement. It is a cult of personality. Whatever he says is the truth and everyone else is lying and anything they say can be immediately dismissed and never thought about again.


Yea, that's why I underlined the word definitely.  It would need to be incontrovertible evidence that his supporters couldn't blow off easily as fake news.  

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17 minutes ago, Llevron said:

There would pretty much have to be video of him taking back shots before they believed he was gay. 

Even then they’d all start saying, “See how much he values personal liberty?!”

55 minutes ago, twa said:


I clearly objected to the Religious Right embracing him ,especially with better options.

I've certainly said many times that those icky liberals kept calling for them not to be so judgmental....and then **** when they are not. :ols:

And yet the Religious Right presents itself as the moral compass for the whole world, so if they can’t even stand on their own divinely inspired principles then that ain’t much of a compass.

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1 hour ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Except for the fact that it exposes you to blackmail. Which is why so many White House advisors can’t get security clearance above that of the guy who cleans the toilets at the White House.

I am not saying "cheat on your wife/husband, its okay!"


I am saying if they do, I don't care. If a politician was caught cheating and just said, "yeah, i did it. I am sorry to my wife/husband and family," then whatever.


Also, blackmail only happens when you try to cover it up, not if you are open and honest. That's why I said Americans are immature about sex.  

1 hour ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

It's not the sex, it's that he's the type of guy who is so concerned about his false image (hair, tan, wealth, etc) that he is susceptible to blackmail. Stormy Daniels is shaking him down. She probably underestimated the value of her story thinking he would lose the election.


Now imagine what Putin has and is getting.



I am making a very nuanced argument that isnt really pertaining to Trump because he will lie and cover up and mess up things to keep away from the truth.

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2 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

,blackmail only happens when you try to cover it up, not if you are open and honest.


I agree, and it is important to me to be out in my life. In moving to Texas is intimidating because I want to be my true self and not go back in the closet after being out for so long except at work. 


I am certainly not going to advertise it.

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1 hour ago, twa said:


I clearly objected to the Religious Right embracing him ,especially with better options.

I've certainly said many times that those icky liberals kept calling for them not to be so judgmental....and then **** when they are not. :ols:


Yes, I'm well aware that if you go back to when Trump wasn't the nominee, you supported other Republicans more.  


Until he became the nominee.  Then you began loudly announcing that you didn't vote for him (which was untrue).  And pushing every sound bite in the playbook of his defenders.  


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