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The Supreme Court, and abortion.


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It's frustrating that even with a clear threat, leftists/Democrats/centrists in this country can't stop blaming each other. Susan Sarandon is trending on twitter, with people laying blame (deservedly) at her feet for some of this, and others defending her to the hilt and pointing out how elected Democrats failed to prevent this (also fair). I get it's an emotional time, but seriously. Figure out who is really at fault (the right wing/conservatives). Put your focus on them. Work on getting enough reasonable people elected to turn this around. The infighting is such a bad look, at a time when the left/center needs to figure out how to be unified.

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Asking people with a “choose adoption” sign if they chose to adopt.


"I have two of my own." 


Talk about a bunch of see you next Tuesdays. 




****es why you out here with the sign then? Clearly one of them knows adoption ain't that easy of a process and not everyone gets approved. 

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Adoption costs about 20 grand at least…. Probably part of the reason is you have to pay all the grifters running the adoption matching companies claiming to do the lords work saving babies from abortions...  most of them are affiliated with religious organizations.

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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There needs to be a crackdown on Christian fundamentalism in this country.  They pose an existential threat to American democracy and liberty through their vast conspiracy to infiltrate American government and destroy the judiciary.  Nobody poses a bigger threat than them, not the Russians, not immigrants, not terrorists.

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35 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

Adoption costs about 20 grand at least…. Probably part of the reason is you have to pay all the grifters running the adoption matching companies claiming to do the lords work saving babies from abortions...  most of them are affiliated with religious organizations.


Depends on the state, but foster care adoption in many states often cost almost nothing upfront and adoptive parents often end up getting back much more in financial assistance than the initial upfront fee.  


At the same time 20 grand is nothing compared to what it will cost to actually raise a child.


But I agree, private adoption in the US has a lot of unnecessary costs.  

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24 minutes ago, bearrock said:


Depends on the state, but foster care adoption in many states often cost almost nothing upfront and adoptive parents often end up getting back much more in financial assistance than the initial upfront fee.  


At the same time 20 grand is nothing compared to what it will cost to actually raise a child.


But I agree, private adoption in the US has a lot of unnecessary costs.  

Yeah, if you want to foster a child it is cheaper. But the birth mother may take them back and if not you can really only foster children that are 8 years old or older or have significant behavioral/mental issues. If you want to actually adopt a child under five without significant health issues, 20K is what it costs.  And yea it costs a lot to raise a kid but there is a huge difference between raising a kid as you go and spending 20K upfront for essentially nothing. Many people go the adoption route after ivf fails. Ivf cost 20k aswell… but before that you do iui and other fertility treatment.  By the time you get to adopt you probably spent 60K…



Swim had their adoption application rejected  because there last name sounded racist. For real.

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I know someone going through adoption process. 

yeah it’s lengthy and there’s a ton to it. 

which I think is appropriate. 

not everyone is suited to adopt a child. 

many people can’t correctly decide if they’re ready for a puppy. 

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Having gone the foster/care and adoption route 4 times, I can honestly say in MD, adoption only costs if you require a "healthy" infant who looks like you.  When you are willing to take a child who is not perfectly healthy or is not the same race/ethnicity as you or is not an infant the costs drop because society needs you to take care of them.  The biggest problems in my mind run in two categories which keep people from adopting:


1) People feel a psychological need for a biological connection.  There seems to be a sense from many people they just can't care for a child who didn't come from them the way they do or would care for a child of their loins.


2) Many people who do go into foster/adoptive care feel like they are doing good and should be recognized for it, especially by those for whom they care.  The simple truth is we are the least bad option for these kids, and we need to keep that perspective.  We can't expect them to come out of this with a normal familial attachment to us...as if we all have great attachments to our parents whether adopted or not.  The simple truth is biology does matter, and attachment issues are normal for these kids.  If you can't walk down the street listening to your little kids day dreaming about going to live with their birth parents who will never yell at them while loving them always while understanding why they say these things, then you don't deserve the love they give back (in whatever form or time period). I think one of the main problems is a sense of transactional love.  "I love you and took you home, so you should love me back in the way I expect."  This isn't a problem unique to foster care and adoption.  I just think the sense of being owed that love may be greater for some adoptive parents.         


I wish foster care and adoption were the norm for families, but until it is I am unsure what states wishing to do away with abortion, gay marriage and adoption, and birth control expect to have happen.  How does this end without greater numbers of kids in group homes?  I leave that horror story for another edition of gbear's ramblings. 


BTW, I say all this knowing nobody should foster or adopt who will not be fulfilled doing so.  The same reasons to abort/avoid having kids hold true for reasons not to adopt.   

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4 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

Fostering and adopting aren’t the same but you are grouping them together like they are. 

That’s because there’s a lot of overlap. 

and some people foster before adopting. 


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As someone who was adopted (closed) at birth, I find it repugnant and demeaning to think “just give them up for adoption” is somehow an acceptable form of birth control.  There are SO MANY deep rooted problems adoptees face that such a line of thinking overlooks and minimizes.  And I had what has to be *at least* a 95th percentile outcome for such a process.


I don’t know anything about my birth family.  No clue who they are or what they are like.  I came from the adoption stork.  I was given to evangelical Christian republicans who, despite being incredibly good people, I disagree with on literally every single thing in the universe.  We have absolutely nothing in common.  We maintain the strained relationship and I will continue to do so because of my gratitude but each meetup takes a tremendous amount of energy out of me.  Each time usually puts me on a bender for a few days. It’s how so cope.  I am smart, successful, have a career, make lots of money, have great wife and friends, but am also angry and depressed, and need to self medicate pretty much all the time.


Its ****ing outrageous to think this is their perfect solution.  And of course they do nothing to help post birth in any policy ever.  **** OFF.  I want less abortions too and more happy families but life isn’t that simple and it sure would help if everyone wasn’t broke and strained in a thousand  different ways.  Gather up that anti abortion energy and direct it in the form of help and understanding for the mothers facing those difficult decisions.  Do more policy wise to help people out of poverty and improve their home lives.  You want less abortions, DO THINGS THAT ACTUALLY REDUCE THE NEED FOR ABORTIONS.


**** out of here with this bull****.  

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3 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

I agree, out side of this case there are bigger concerns as to whether or not the Supreme Court is a respectable institution. We already lost respect for congress and the presidency. 

The garbage SCOTUS, respectable???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



3 hours ago, Dan T. said:

I am tired. After all the turmoil of the past 6 to 8 years, now we have the prospect of the all-out culture war brought on by this decision.  As if this country isn't split in two by warring factions already. 


Roe v Wade was a compromise that set a foundation between the two extremes of the abortion issue, and it held for decades. Now that foundation is being dynamited, and the fight will rage. Again.

It's not a culture war if one side continually rolls over like a house puppy.


As for the sidebar on adoption, I've often found that to be a sadly ironic part of the anti-abortion crowd. After all, many, maybe most of them are taking their position based on religious grounds and watching kids rot in foster care with no family when you have space and money is about as selfish and antithetical to the values they claim to have as one can get.

Having been through the process, it's not easy, but in our case, we adopted a teenager from foster care so we really didn't have to pay for much of anything. However, all the drama, therapy, and managing the bio-family connection - finding them was almost the first thing our daughter did after she got access to the interwebz, is a pretty major emotional and energy drain. There's certainly a lot of love, and it's probably the most rewarding thing I've ever done, but it's not at all easy. All that said, I find it funny that the religious right who are always talking about going to battle to take "their" country back, revolutions, insurrections, etc. are willing to literally die doing that stuff, but won't put forth the effort it takes to do something actually, you know, kind and good. "But it's a religion based on love."🙄 Yeah, sure it is.

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When I was pregnant the second time (first was aborted) with my daughter, I was going to put her up for adoption as I still wasn't sure I could raise a child. I told my social worker this and they got right to work finding a family. At 7 months, I decided that I could raise her because I didn't want someone finding me down the road or deal with someone who would be different values wise. My social worker tried really hard to talk me out of my decision, even trying to shame me for being unmarried, and the family they picked would be so disappointed. I didn't care then and I don't care now. 


I commend the families who can foster and adopt and give them all the credit. But to use adoption as a birth control method is scary, especially since outlawing birth control is next on the Dominionist list. 

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