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Gunman Opens Fire at Pulse Gay Nightclub in Orlando


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He was looked at because his name came up while investigating other suspected terrorist types.

He claimed he was doing it as an act of Islamic terrorism.

Isis is taking credit.

I don't know why people are still not wanting to accept it.


1) Claim of terror. I agree, although it sounds like he was never very religious and just mentally disturbed. ISIS preys on this type


2) Taking credit after the fact. I have issues with this being ISIS ordered or connected to ISIS central. ISIS "inspired" (whatever the hell that means) is where I go with it


To add. Dude clearly was a homophobic wife beating nut job who has the perfect rationale to commit such a heinous act. Along with the ease of getting a gun, I am thankful this doesn't happen far more often 

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Wow, FBI special agent Ronald Hopper is saying the FBI interviewed Mateen twice. They became aware of him in 2013, he made some inflammatory comments to coworker about alleged possible terrorist ties.  Then again in 2014 he had some alleged ties to a suicide bomber.  They determined contact was, "minimal," and let him go. 


At what point are they allowed to detain someone because they feel they are a threat?  I don't care about liberties.

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He has made a statement. Whether it was "worthwhile" is up to whomever reads or listens to it is prepared to believe.  



I guess I meant was it just a "our hearts go out to them" or was there talk of doing something (executive order for gun control, etc)?  Again, I'm at work so I can't watch it.

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He was looked at because his name came up while investigating other suspected terrorist types.

He claimed he was doing it as an act of Islamic terrorism.

Isis is taking credit.

I don't know why people are still not wanting to accept it.

There is a reluctance (on the left, I think, in particular) for some to accept that ideology can influence behavior. Or that people actually believe what they say they believe.

If we look back at Charlie Hebdo, some bent over backwards to blame everyone and everything else, ignoring the killers own words.

The heavens gate cult is an example of people believing an ideology to such an extent, they were willing to bet their lives on it.

Difficult to grasp, but it happened.

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On an FBI watch list, but was still able to obtain an AR-15. 


Makes. No. Sense. 

I think this was brought up before in regards to the No-Fly list.  I wonder what criteria is set to be on an FBI watch list.  I'm fine with not allowing gun purchases for people on a government watch list if that list is an actual good system.  But when you hear about 6 month old children on the no-fly list and the hoops people have to jump through to get off those lists, I hesitate to ban gun sales to everyone on those lists. 

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There's going to be more attacks like this between now and the election.  Whether it be a lone wolf nut job or a full scaled planned attack; expect more of this.


The jihadists want Donald Trump as President. Banning Muslims from the U.S, and throwing out the ones already here; plays perfectly into the goals of every terrorists organization.



This attack was both.  An act of terror and a hate crime, as Obama said it was.  Since it was a gay nightclub, it seems that was the main trigger for this nut Omar.

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On an FBI watch list, but was still able to obtain an AR-15.....

Didn't the FBI say that he was not under active surveillance?

Here is my issue

this Scum says BS at work

He is interviewed TWICE by the FBI for connections to ISIS (inconclusive)....so NOT actively tracked

So who IS being tracked?......and how much MORE evidence is there vs them?

If the FBI cant track this guy...damn

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Orlando shooter guns purchased legally. He also worked for G4S worlds biggest private security company
3:39 PM




Sr us official told me orlando attack will likely revive calls for more gun controls. "Assault rifles have to go," he said
3:38 PM
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Banning guns won't do anything about this,, but being able to flag people the FBI believe may be terrorist sympathizers..   THAT would make sense, and may have actually helped prevent this.


do we know when and how he got his gun? To me, this is very important.



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In the US, I do not understand someone growing up here then justifying attacking the country.


Overseas, I can hear where some are coming from saying "ok, you don't want us to be terrorists, what's the alternative?".  It reminds me of comments during the Afghanistan war were some villages agreed to stop helping with the opium trade and waited for legit jobs to show up.  The legit jobs never came, and in an attempt to feed their family, guess what they went back to doing?


On a macro level this still very much feels like a socio-economic issue.  I don't typically see the comparison to gangs here in the US (but I do) because their violence is typically targeted towards each other (gang vs gang) with civilians as occasional collateral damage, where islamic extremism is typically the opposite (they don't typically fight each other, and instead focus on attacking civilians).


We do have some work to do to prevent attacks like this. When it comes to not throwing our hands up on this one, I can understand it being difficult with how to come at something where in many ways this attack is a symptom of something going on outside our borders and range of laws.


This is a global issue, so fixing our laws alone won't stop terrorist attacks influenced by Islamic Extremism.

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Banning guns won't do anything about this,, but being able to flag people the FBI believe may be terrorist sympathizers.. THAT would make sense, and may have actually helped prevent this.

do we know when and how he got his gun? To me, this is very important.


There are a lot of people who are probably on the FBI watch list. This likely includes a huge number of right wing extremists, like the morons who took over the bird sanctuary in Oregon.

No way the right wing politicians allow any measure that prevents people like that from obtaining guns.

There is going to be zero meaningful gun control legislation until:

1. The CDC continues to have zero funding for researching gun violence.

2. The NRA maintains its grip on right wing politicians.

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There's going to be more attacks like this between now and the election. Whether it be a lone wolf nut job or a full scaled planned attack; expect more of this.

The jihadists want Donald Trump as President. Banning Muslims from the U.S, and throwing out the ones already here; plays perfectly into the goals of every terrorists organization.

I cringe just thinking how Trump is gonna approach this.

Hillary already has this card in her deck and played it. She'll probably replay it.

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There are a lot of people who are probably on the FBI watch list. This likely includes a huge number of right wing extremists, like the morons who took over the bird sanctuary in Oregon.

No way the right wing politicians allow any measure that prevents people like that from obtaining guns.

There is going to be zero meaningful gun control legislation until:

1. The CDC continues to have zero funding for researching gun violence.

2. The NRA maintains its grip on right wing politicians.

Therein lies the main problem. Even gun proponents shouldnt want a lobby, any lobby, to have that much power over elected officials. It cant be condoned, IMO.

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Gun control is a necessary conversation, and one that needs to move towards action, there is no denying it. It's not going to stop terrorists though, and the evidence of that is abundant. These two issues are not the same, solving one will not solve the other.

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