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Gunman Opens Fire at Pulse Gay Nightclub in Orlando


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What's cowardly?

I can't remember the last time we went out to dinner...been at least 6 months. I'm the coward...because I don't want to have to carry my gun everywhere.

So I go nowhere.

I consider myself the coward. The fear of my Congress-critters to take action has made me more fearful.

I'm assuming you're from some city in NOVA, right? I doubt anything like this would happen at a restaurant on a Friday night, or any other night of the week for that matter.

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Tension over LGBT angle to Orlando massacre


As lawmakers from both parties rushed to condemn the mass shooting that left 50 dead in Orlando, Republicans appeared to shy away from noting the LGBT connection, while Democrats explicitly brought it up.


Officials say the shooting, the deadliest such attack in U.S. history, occurred at a gay-themed nightclub and is being investigated as a possible act of domestic terrorism. The suspected shooter is a U.S. citizen of Afghan descent, leading to fears of an Islamist extremist connection, though his motive has not yet been established.


The attack saw a collision of a number of sensitive issues in U.S. politics — gay rights, terrorism, Islam and gun control -- that have often put Democrats and Republicans at odds.


(Republican statements Sunday also avoided discussing gun control.) That the attack occurred in June, the LGBT community’s pride month, which sees celebrations held around the world, added to the sensitivities.

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I really hate to say it, but this is going to be a typical thing that is going to happen every few months for the foreseeable future. There is no way around it.

Mass shootings, welcome to America. Radical Islamic attacks, welcome to America. It's sick and depressing, and I don't think it will ever change.

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I think the father of the shooter said his son (the shooter) was angered by seeing men kissing recently.

I assume this was something that came to mind when trying to understand what his son did and why he might have done it.

Oh ok, somebody posted something like "it's more traumatizing for the son to have to see two guys kissing, than his dad shooting up a club and dying?" So I assumed the shooter had a son. Still, very horrible

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I think the father of the shooter said his son (the shooter) was angered by seeing men kissing recently.

I assume this was something that came to mind when trying to understand what his son did and why he might have done it.


I'm sure his oath to Isis had nothing to do with it.

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Going to be interesting to see how/which arguments/blame exercises play out. Without knowing anything yet, I will say that classic Islamic terrorism is the most comforting branch for people to reach for in this.


isn't killing gays classic Islamic terrorism?

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BREAKING: Orlando gunman called 911 and swore allegiance to the Islamic State - NBC citing sources

1:13 PM



BREAKING: Man arrested in Santa Monica with possible explosives and assault rifles, said he was going to L.A. Gay Pride festival - LA Times
1:11 PM
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I was up early for a fishing trip about 4 a.m. and this was on---sadness, and then the anger. For me, the anger wants to immediately feed biases of mine, but I see it, call it for what it is, and stand down. Doing that, my anger is not targeted on gun proliferation/culture or Islam or gay-haters or someone properly diagnosed as mentally ill.


I'm not a slave to the desire to blame or scapegoat or have a "righteous" target for my anger. My anger goes to the actual terrorists, as we now call these guys, be it foreign or domestic, singular or plural. I feel anger and frustration for the violence that permeates our entire society, for certain kinds of thinking common in human nature and well-preserved and passed on in global history by many, many people of every major culture throughout history. The biggest change in all this is arguably the vastly increased technological efficiency of killing and it's ease of access, and how the internet and various groups and individuals enable such people with previously unavailable levels of support and encouragement to do such things. 



Outside the tragic nature, the standout to me so far has been all the stories of courageous acts to help other victims by patrons.

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I really hate to say it, but this is going to be a typical thing that is going to happen every few months for the foreseeable future. There is no way around it.

Mass shootings, welcome to America. Radical Islamic attacks, welcome to America. It's sick and depressing, and I don't think it will ever change.

Not to get into a pessimism battle but it's the change that might come from those things, in us, that really scares me.  Eventually people will get fed up.  There's all kinds of historical examples of similar bad trends and really strong reactions that do infact make sure they stop - but at a terrific price.  

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Orlando nightclub shooting



Obama is supposed to be speaking soon.





Man with weapons and possible explosives arrested, was going to L.A. gay pride parade, sources say


Authorities in Santa Monica found possible explosives as well as assault rifles and ammunition Sunday in the car of a man who told them he was in town for the L.A. Pride festival in West Hollywood, a law enforcement source said.


Early Sunday,  Santa Monica police received a call of a suspected prowler near Olympic Boulevard and 11th Street. Patrol officers responded and encountered an individual who told officers he was waiting for a friend. That led officers to inspect the car and find several weapons and a lot of ammunition as well as tannerite, an ingredient that could be used to create a pipe bomb.


The car had Indiana plates. The man made comments that he was in town for the Pride event in West Hollywood this weekend. The source said authorities did not know of any connection between the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., early Sunday morning and the Santa Monica incident. The investigation has been taken over by the FBI. The source said the man appeared to be white.


A city official in West Hollywood also confirmed the arrest and stressed that officials were beefing up security at the gay pride event.


"They found him with weapons that were very disconcerting," said the source, adding officials are "taking the appropriate safety precautions."

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isn't killing gays classic Islamic terrorism?

Maybe, depending on the time frame. The only difference between Islamic and other religious extremism is that in the west, secular rational human thought has toned a lot of that nonsense down via legislated rights. In fact this is exactly the reasoning that some Islamic jurists use for saying that democracy is against Islam and the Sharia. That is, it's a system that allows man to make laws contrary to those of God's law. No matter the religion, most of them have had periods of extremism, violence, and even genocide. The challenge for us and a secular state is to come up with laws that limit this kind of foolishness without limiting the free practice of religion. The challenge for the religious, especially Christians is to get over their persecution complex that laws that are designed to protect those that don't believe as they do are somehow threatening to their faith.
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This doesn't feel like ISIS jihad no matter what the attacker wanted everyone to think

Feels like someone who hated gays and wanted to kill as many as possible

I agree.

Also, I'll add that it's very easy for someone to claim some sort of motive at the last minute that generally alienates a large number of people (Muslims in this case, Christians in others, etc). This makes it very easy for the pundits to conveniently paint their narrative in whatever slant they may.

Using this for political talking points helps nobody.

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