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Muhammad Ali --The Greatest Has Passed (M.E.T.)


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The children of the sporting icon have rushed to be at his bedside as doctors treating the former heavyweight champ have told them they fear he “is near the end”




Muhammad Ali dies at age 74 after long battle with Parkinson's disease.







Lots of good pics here-



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Really sorry to hear that.

And, near as I can tell, one of the very few athletes to not have been smeared, with something. Certainly seems to have been both outstanding at his sport, and a really good person.

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That is a real shame.   I will always remember him as one of the brightest stars of my youth.   A man who transcended sports and politics like no other sports superstar of my lifetime.     He was always controversial and growing up folks either loved him or hated him.    I always was sad his Parkinson's took him from the world stage at such an early time.   The few times I've seen him since my youth,  I've always stopped whatever I was doing and paid attention to him..  be it lighting the olympic torch, appearing at his daughters boxing match,  or his occasional appearances on magic shows which he dabbled in...


This is just the end of a long goodbye to one of the very few transformational personalities of the 20th century.    Someone who's incredible sports achievements were ultimately overshadowed by his even larger soul.

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I posted this in the twitter thread..

All of my favorites are passing away...

One of the highlights of all my travels was a chance to meet him. I was in the Cincinnati airport waiting for a connecting flight, sitting in a restaurant eating a hot dog & drinking a beer. I looked out the window and I see his wife going by on the moving walkway, followed 2 minutes later by Ali. I gulp down my beer & hot dog and make a beeline in the same direction. I start looking around but didn't need to look too long as he was seated & surrounded by old guys like me. Since my connection was soon, I kind of pushed my way through, extended my hand and said "Nice to meet you, Champ." He looked up while extending his hand, pointed to his head and quietly said to me "Pretty boy". I smiled and said "No, Champ, that's you." He got the biggest grin on his face as he grasped my hand. Biggest damn meat hook I've ever seen. My hand was like a little kids in his massive palm. And with that, I was off to catch my connection...

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Really sorry to hear that.

And, near as I can tell, one of the very few athletes to not have been smeared, with something. Certainly seems to have been both outstanding at his sport, and a really good person.


I wouldn't say smeared but refusing the draft was a big deal at the time.  Also a known womanizer.  But everyone has their faults and it's hard to hide them when the spotlight is always on.  I believe at his core he is a really good person, too.


That said, I agree.  Other than probably Jordan, Arnold Palmer there's not an athlete out there still alive today who's as revered as he is.  Probably will never see another like him....from an athletic standpoint and a social standpoint.  Came along at a really interesting point in our country's history, the stars don't align that often for anyone. 

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When I was a kid in Alexandria in the mid 70's, my friend next doors dad was one of the only really racist people (blatantly so) I had ever been exposed to.  Yeah, yeah middle class suburban pollyanna that I was.  He hated Ali with a passion, was beside himself every time Ali won and the showmanship just drove him absolutely out of his mind.  I always thought that Ali would've loved it if he knew how much he got to that crusty old redneck.

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I'm trying to figure out what exactly his legacy is other than his athletic prowess.

I think it comes down to him refusing to fight in the Vietnam War - if I am understanding it correctly.

I know he was a brash man who talked the talk. He was the first athlete to actually talk boldly and say whatever he wanted.

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First fight that I can remember was Ali/Holmes. That fight probably made me a boxing fan.

I didn't agree with everything he said. His attacks on Frazier was disgraceful. But the good far outweighed the bad.

RIP to The Greatest.

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So many errors in that post.

Perhaps it was worded wrong.

If you are referring to me then yes I guess so. I didn't mean anything negative, it was more just me reflecting on what exactly he meant. I honestly don't know much about him. I'm watching Sportscenter right now trying to absorb it all.

He expressed himself powerfully and didn't hold back on his political views. Christian turned Muslim. Lots of stuff.

Lol this Ali and Howard Cosell relationship was great.

I'm looking at his record - damn who is Ken Norton? I've heard of him before, but he's the only boxer to beat Ali in his prime other than Frazier.

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