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Muhammad Ali --The Greatest Has Passed (M.E.T.)


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Not to derail or take away from the focus of the thread but heavyweight boxing sure does suck nowadays.

Yeah, but it has some potential to be interesting these next couple years. Lots of young talented (but still fairly green) boxers out there.

Knew it was inevitable when I saw him at the Orange Bowl in 2005/2006 and he had to be assisted. Obviously wasn't around for his era, but my dad was. My dads family is fanatical about boxing. My grandfather would talk you to death about Ali, Frazier, Robinson, Lamotta, Louis, Marciano, etc. But he loved Ali to death. Said he was the most graceful yet deadly fighter he'd ever seen

Thought about both of them when the news hit. Really tough couple months for the entertainment world

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I was too young to really understand the impact he had socially and athletically. However, he had training facility about 25 minutes from where I grew up and there are many great stories being shared yesterday and today about encounters with him. 

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I see that they returned Ali to Kentucky on an "Eastern" Airlines flight. That's news in itself. Looked it up and found out that Eastern Airlines returned a little over a week ago.

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Cool story about the photo ... the guy was only in position to take it because a more senior photographer (seen between Ali's legs) pulled rank and forced the junior photographer to the other side of the ring






Didn't realize Leifer took that photo, but not surprised at all.  The frame before it is great, too.  A legend capturing a legend.  

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Fun fact: the character of Apollo Creed in the Rocky films was loosely based on Cassius Clay aka Ali. 


One of my favorite Muhamad Ali references in film:


(foul language) but the mest movie ever



"His mama name him, Clay, Imma call him Clay"

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Fun fact: the character of Apollo Creed in the Rocky films was loosely based on Cassius Clay aka Ali. 


One of my favorite Muhamad Ali references in film:


(foul language) but the mest movie ever



"His mama name him, Clay, Imma call him Clay"


I love that barbershop scene.


My brother and I often start conversations with "His mama call him Clay, imma call him Clay" 

"His mama name him, Clay, Imma call him Clay"

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Regarding the famous photo, I guess I don't get it

It's a good picture that shows a guy knocked out. But that's about the extent of it for me. The picture of that bat flying into the stands at Fenway was way better.

In all seriousness I can think of several sports photos that are far more interesting. Taking nothing away from Ali, I just don't understand the infatuation with that picture

I love that barbershop scene.

My brother and I often start conversations with "His mama call him Clay, imma call him Clay"

"His mama name him, Clay, Imma call him Clay"

My favorite that I use

"**** you, **** you, and **** you"

Also, "that's beautiful what is that velvet?"

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The thing I found amazing about Ali is that if you were a figure in his orbit, you were famous.


Angelo Dundee deserved fame, but most sports fans can name two three trainers and he is still one of them.


Ferdie Pacheco was a world famous fight analyst simply because he took Ali's blood pressure.


Howard Bingham is a world famous photographer because he had great access to Ali.


Bundini Brown had a weird ass career because he said nonsense while Ali talked.


Don King became Don King because of Ali.


Chuck Wepner is probably cutting the ribbon at a used car lot today, because he once tripped Ali in the ring.


Laila Ali was once able to save Hulk Hogan from suicide because she was Ali's daughter. (This is kind of a joke and is one of the more famous "Hulk Hogan tall tales.")

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Regarding the famous photo, I guess I don't get it

It's a good picture that shows a guy knocked out. But that's about the extent of it for me. The picture of that bat flying into the stands at Fenway was way better.

In all seriousness I can think of several sports photos that are far more interesting. Taking nothing away from Ali, I just don't understand the infatuation with that picture



Because it tells a story on a number of levels.  If you don't know who the people in the picture, you can surmise that one just knocked the other out and you can leave it at that.


But if you know it's Ali/Liston, you know that this is where Ali had started to solidify his legacy as Ali, not Cassius Clay.  All the while leading up to the fight Liston wouldn't use his new name and Ali made him pay for it.  The way he's standing over him, the way his muscles are flexed, the pose, he looks like Adonis.  He is, in this picture, everything he ever bragged to be....he's beautiful, he's solidified himself as the Greatest, his mouth is open and he's probably talking ****.  Even the chosen colors of their trunks, Ali in crisp white, pure and untarnished vs. Liston in black who was a shady character.  It sums him up so well on a number of different levels. 


The other thing I take from this picture is that he's still in a time where race is an issue and it's a bunch of white guys in the stands behind him trying to take his picture.  

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Rewatched the Ali/Foreman fight this morning. Geez, Ali did a number on the boy. Foreman's visage from about the 3rd round on tells the whole story. He was nothing but a big fish on a hook for Ali and he knew it.


You know, that fight always seemed like one where the story didn't match the facts. The story is Foreman rocked Ali, and Ali went to the rope-a-dope, took a pounding for 7 rounds, and then finally knocked out the exhausted and psyched out Foreman.


In watching that, it never really seemed to me that Foreman was remotely hurting Ali on the ropes. And he seemed like Ali would come off two or three times a round to dance to and hurt Foreman.


The part about Foreman being exhausted and psyched out is clearly true, but it seemed to happen a lot earlier than in the legend...and Ali was getting in big shots all fight.


The fight where the Legend is 100 percent accurate is the Thrilla in Manila. I've watched that fight a few times over the years, and it's almost painful to watch. Ali looks like a dead man in the face after the 8th or 9th round, but he continues to hit Frazier in the head with just ungodly shots. Even today, you don't understand how Ali is still standing, and you think that Frazier might actually die from blows to the head.

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Fun fact: the character of Apollo Creed in the Rocky films was loosely based on Cassius Clay aka Ali. 


One of my favorite Muhamad Ali references in film:


(foul language) but the mest movie ever



"His mama name him, Clay, Imma call him Clay"


Damn, is that Cuba Gooding, Jr. sitting in the barber's chair!?!

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