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Global Warming


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The world is getting hotter. Global warming.

If the world was getting colder, then it would be global cooling. It isn't, so it's not.

I can tell you what isn't happening and has never happened in the history of the world. The global temperature remaining stagnant.

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Are ya'll allergic to polls or something?  I'd lmfao if this was made public.


To your question, the climate of the planet is going to fluctuate no matter what we do (though we certianly aren't helping, and not taking responsibility doesn't negative the amount of pollution we are creating as well).  But if we keep wasting time about whether or not its our fault, not enough resources are going to go to accounting for the fact ocean levels are rising anyway.

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There's already a climate change thread where the debate is taking place.


I think it's pretty clear that the climate is warming, and at an alarming rate. The question is how much of it is due to human activity? I'd say the evidence is quite concerning.

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Evidence schmedivence.   What does Lord Monckton say?  I mean, he's an actual British Lord.   Not one of those "scientists" who claim to have "science" on their side.



If this is a serious question, pick an argument that you heard on Michael Savage or read in a fwd:fwd:fwd email from your Uncle Stu, and then go here to see it definitively refuted



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There's a lot I hate about politics, but one of the things I really hate is the politicalization of the environment. Like it's a bad idea to take care of the environment.

Leave it to Democrats and Republicans. They are the goddamn worst.

Hey now, you leave my party out of this. We are great!

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The idea that man can not influence environments for a long stretch of time is preposterous. It's absolutely stupid. We have created deserts from lush forests and jungles. We have made rivers and lakes uninhabitable. Have you seen Beijing? The idea that we don't or can't play a role is either an act of malice or absolute ignorance. You've seen it. You've felt it. You can look at the incidence in asthma, cancer, and other environmentally induced disease rates.


As for Global Climate Change. Read some actual science by people who have advanced beyond crayons and have to draw a smiley face in every sun. Don't listen to the dumbest among us to figure out what's going on. I know they have the "best" words and all, but there is a reason that God gave you a brain and free will. It was not to destroy his creation.

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the pollution acts as antifreeze

There are studies that indicate that some of the crap we've pumped into the atmosphere has actually acted as a shield. It temporarily deflects some of the sun's heat which should have caused even more rapid warming.

It's interesting stuff.

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Whenever I want to learn about a scientific issue, I obviously go to the off topic section of my favorite football teams message board to ask opinions.

Looking at what the scientists who work on it have to say and learning to read the data myself is too much work.

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