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NFL.com: Browns waive Manziel (and other Browns related stuff--MET)


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4 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Physical attraction doesn't matter as much as you think it does, and varies wildly between women.

Yeah, that's why I said he's personable and very giving. He's a good guy and that might be part of what makes him attractive to women. But damn, I'm no looker myself, but I've seen better heads on a mug of beer.

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24 minutes ago, pjfootballer said:

Yeah, that's why I said he's personable and very giving. He's a good guy and that might be part of what makes him attractive to women. But damn, I'm no looker myself, but I've seen better heads on a mug of beer.

But im saying that other women may also find him physically attractive. All very subjective.

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Well also you can imagine once they met at Baylor it was pretty much highs getting higher all the way until things crashed and burned with RG3 during and post-2013.   Maybe when his career took a turn for the worse, it affected the way he was in his personal life too.  

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2 hours ago, Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin said:

Hell, I didn't expect my 'advice conversation' post to be taken so seriously.  See that template for mottoes and other nonsense?

They learn so fast!


Advice conversation? I'm talking about her knowledge of football if she thinks RGIII is gearing up for a 2012 comeback 

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Whoa....  The marriage fails and even before the divorce is final he's got a tat on his arm with the new girlfriends name?  I thought he had a grounded personal life but it seems as wacky as his drama queen professional persona.   I wonder now if he is going to grow up or go full blown Dennis Rodman crazy?

 I think if he surprises me and lasts long enough in the league he could blossom into a Robman because Griffin craves attention like an addict jones for heroin.  He's got to have attention and will  get it with some passive aggressive play or another even if it means being stuck with a tattoo when the latest girl gets tired of the drama.  I hope things work out for this young man but I am glad his flakiness no longer affects the Redskins.

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21 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

TMZ has a new report out this morning saying that Griffin and Grete met through instagram when his daughter was 7 months old, started seeing each other, and his wife found out. 

That story makes him sound like a grade A a-hole, and not a good guy at all.

Personally, I've always been of the opinion that part of being a good dad is respecting the mother and the family unit.  It's bigger than adults doing adult things. Aside from the mom being an a-hole too, of course.

But anyway, tabloid family drama is something neither he, nor the Browns, need right as the season gets going.

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7 minutes ago, justice98 said:

That story makes him sound like a grade A a-hole, and not a good guy at all.

Personally, I've always been of the opinion that part of being a good dad is respecting the mother and the family unit.  It's bigger than adults doing adult things. Aside from the mom being an a-hole too, of course.

But anyway, tabloid family drama is something neither he, nor the Browns, need right as the season gets going.

I have a 7 month old right now. It's a really fun age where they are starting to get really interactive, inquisitive, and lovable. I cannot fathom doing anything to jeopardize what I have right now... 

So yeah, the immaturity and self-centered world view clearly transcend the football field for Griffin. 

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18 hours ago, RonArtest15 said:

Remember the rumors of him sexting some girl on his wedding day?

I just can't fathom how stupid he is.  Now there's a kid involved as well.  Dude should have just stayed single.  Paychecks gonna be going down the drain.  Idiot. 

I dont think it was just rumors.  Its so sad to see it go this way, and much like Cooley, Ive lost all respect for him that remained.  I can tell you this, this has been in the works for some time.  My wife is very good friends with a woman who spent a decent amount of time at functions with the team, and RG3 was always overly friendly.  But then he started texting her at odd times(this was a few years ago) and asking her if she wanted to come over and hang out and what not with just him, and she found that pretty weird, and of course kept turning him down.  But he did it enough times it clearly seemed to cross way beyond friendly boundaries.  At the time I just stuck my fingers in my ears and chalked it up to hopefully just his super friendly personality and just being bored, but clearly that wasnt the case.

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22 hours ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

I don't mind talking about this here but we should really have a "what the **** is wrong with Robert Griffin" thread at this point. Dude has some serious issues... Idk what happened to his marriage but you can't make it work at least for awhile longer while you have a little baby? 

Maybe his wife finally caught onto the fact that he's mentally ****ed. He bought into every bit of his own hype and thinks his **** don't stink. 

I'm so damn glad this clown is not in DC anymore and this is coming from a guy that held out support for him for way longer than a lot of people did. 

I would be shocked if he has an NFL job in two years. Equally surprised if he's still starting halfway through this season. His career is toast and he doesn't seem to even have his life in order anymore.

Edit:  Deleted post, I should read the entire thread instead of responding before more facts/rumors are posted lol.  

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4 hours ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

TMZ has a new report out this morning saying that Griffin and Grete met through instagram when his daughter was 7 months old, started seeing each other, and his wife found out. 

Gigantic fake ass hypocrite. All that crap we heard about him and his father was exactly that. Crap.


I hope we pound his ass when he comes back here.

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11 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Gigantic fake ass hypocrite. All that crap we heard about him and his father was exactly that. Crap.


I hope we pound his ass when he comes back here.

Same man. Hoping he's on his proverbial last leg when he faces us and we just end it. Multiple sacks, INTs, forced fumbles, etc and they yank him at halftime. 

Honestly, when (not if) he gets benched this year it might be the last time he ever plays in an NFL game. And if the Skins D could be the end of it for Griffin, well that would be one hell of a storybook ending to me.

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42 minutes ago, Boss_Hogg said:

He's also scrubbed all mention of his wife and daughter from his charity website


I was a member of one of those crazy, most of the time - delusional, Redskins fans groups on FB for a while and there were rumblings that the kid wasn't his and his wife had been sleeping around on him dating back to Baylor through their journey to DC.

Always passed it off as BS, but now it makes me wonder.

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