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10 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Ok it had a bottom. And he should have been smeared all across it when he landed 


Greed and poor planning is not a good excuse it justification for bringing him back. We know they’re stupid. They couldn’t figure out people would like him and thought they’d love Jar Jar. Now they’re just doubling down by making another poor decision to try to retcon a poor decision they made 20 years ago 


haha. I know you have seen T2. Technology was much more advanced there and then, than it is here and now. 

Besides that dude has horns, could be the devil himself, or maybe one of Bebe's kids.


Maul was a missed opportunity that they will do their best to fix. Anakin was a terrible character in comparrison to what Vader eventually became. Vader was the bad guy you loved to hate, Anakin was just lame and justifiably hated. Maul will sell movies. The prequels were the story of Vader so that ship has sailed. Maul can still sell movies. I am actually more interested in a story about Gn. Grievous, than Boba Fett... I know enough about his character and it isn't really that interesting. 

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I have mixed feelings. Solo was better than I thought it would be, but I also see this movie as the beginning of the over-saturation, The movie was decent and *spoiler mc-spoil* at the end was neat as far as setting up more canon, however I don't really look at this movie as being a necessary part of the franchise the way I do with something like Rogue One. The "Star Wars" brand makes a lot of money so I am sure we are going to get tons of "random character has an adventure" movies when all is said & done, but I think I prefer the more self-contained saga format which keeps the franchise special.

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I agree. Rogue one was awesome because it connected so well to the main saga. Solo and Kenobi and Fett movies and who knows what other random movies nobody is asking for that they will come out with will bring apathy and exhaustion to the franchise 


honestly tho, I know a lot of people weren’t happy with TLJ. But they can’t really fix it even if they wanted to. They only had one chance to tell the stories of Luke, Han and Leia. Once 9 is concluded, they can continue the franchise with main installments that aren’t beholden to past characters and then we can all move forward together. 


Tho I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought Luke back in 9 somehow.

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Funny how everyone is talking about Star Wars being oversaturated, and yet NO ONE is saying the same thing about Marvel. 

In ten years time, I almost guarantee the younger generation then, the one studios will be after, will associate Marvel with the millenial

generation and HATE Marvel, just as today's millenials associate Star Wars with the Gen X generation. What comes around goes around. 

Edited by Mournblade
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1 minute ago, Mournblade said:

Funny how everyone is talking about Star Wars being oversaturated, and yet NO ONE is saying the same thing about Marvel. 

In ten years time, I almost guarantee the younger generation then, the one studios are after, will associate Marvel with the millenial

generation and HATE Marvel, just as today's millenials associate Star Wars with the Gen X generation. What comes around goes around. 


The oversaturation conversation with Marvel absolutely is happening, but so many of them are better then most of the Star Wars movies that is not a fair comparison.  B-Level heroes like Dr. Strange are having movies that are better then all the prequels.  There will be a slow down, there aren't any scheduled releases after 2022.

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Just now, Renegade7 said:


The oversaturation conversation with Marvel absolutely is happening, but so many of them are better then most of the Star Wars movies that is not a fair comparison.  B-Level heroes like Dr. Strange are having movies that are better then all the prequels.  There will be a slow down, there aren't any scheduled releases after 2022.


Not that I dislike Marvel, you understand, I like a lot of their movies and clearly recognize they are the front-runners at the moment. I just don't understand the millennial generations knee-jerk reaction to the Star Wars franchise -- "Well the Prequels and the Last Jedi sucked, so obviously any future Star Wars movies are also doomed to suck, doesn't matter who the director, writers and cast are."

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12 minutes ago, Mournblade said:


Not that I dislike Marvel, you understand, I like a lot of their movies and clearly recognize they are the front-runners at the moment. I just don't understand the millennial generations knee-jerk reaction to the Star Wars franchise -- "Well the Prequels and the Last Jedi sucked, so obviously any future Star Wars movies are also doomed to suck, doesn't matter who the director, writers and cast are."


Not sure if its just a millennials thing, I mean, Star Wars movies are close to .500 in regards to their movies all together.  I'm not going to watch the cartoons, and now I've been explained that I need to forget about the books as well because of the direction of TLJ.  


To me, it's math, and they have to prove us wrong.  TLJ hasn't grown on me like I hoped it would, but Rouge One is neck and neck for me with ESB (I don't have the guts to say Rouge One is my favorite), so I won't sit in the "hopeless" camp.  I think the convo with Star Wars oversaturation is that the conversation is being had about Marvel, but I don't want to see another Solo type movie that really doesn't need to be told, it's a filler movie.  I feel asleep on it on Kodi, I'll finish the rest after Game 2.  


Marvel has an incredible amount of source material to work from, Star Wars needs to be careful if they plan to make stuff up on the fly.

Edited by Renegade7
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25 minutes ago, Kosher Ham said:

@Renegade7 , Are you saying that they should do a reboot...but in the future ? 


To me that would destroy the box office. 


Oh, and the cartoons... I tried... not the same. 


I'm open to it. 


I do believe the way Hollywood works is they look at what works out of fear of blowing it on an untested idea.  In the future I believe there will be another MCCU with new actors, like it will start over with a different vision of these characters and interpretations of the stories that made them.  That may take longer if Marvel gets X-Men before 2022, but the rebooted MCCU will be much different if Marvel does have X-Men and Fantastic 4 going into it. 


As for Star Wars, I do believe they should revisit the prequels prior to "A New Hope".  A reboot, yes, a remake, nah, I don't want them to remake episodes 1-3, I want them to try telling that story again with someone who isn't obsessed with CGI and weak acting.  If we're going to have a Solo movie, we should have a Vader movie (something that condenses all three episodes I'd be fine with).  If the franchise can negate the books and cartoons can fix issues with the prequels, they've already made clear they'll overwrite out parts of the cannon to tell a story that makes more sense and can make them more money.

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I don't really go to comic book movies anymore.  I checked out right around Iron Man 2 as it seemed even back then too many were  being made and since I wasn't an avid comic book reader (outside of horror comics) growing up, I didn't really care about all these adaptions being made or franchises being developed.  


I really enjoyed LOGAN, but that felt much more "real-world" grounded than a standard comic book movie, and it felt a lot edgier and rough as well.


I am also looking forward to The New Mutants because it is supposed to be horror-y as well.


Star Wars becoming Disney/Marvel is what I fear the most.  I don't want Star Wars to become "just another thing"

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2 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I will defend Jurassic World forever. 


Nothing is Jurassic Park. It was absolute perfect movie magic but JW was good. I have no expectations for JW 2


Except the ending after the big dinosaur fight. Otherwise, yes, it was a good movie. 

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5 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I will defend Jurassic World forever. 


Nothing is Jurassic Park. It was absolute perfect movie magic but JW was good. I have no expectations for JW 2


I think it’s gonna be sleeper good...


... or absolutely awful.



Anyhow, I’m just gonna skip Solo and watch it on video.  Haven’t really heard anything remarkable about it.  Star Wars is starting to fade on me.  TLJ just really, really left a bad taste in my mouth about it.  Disney really ****ed that one up.

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On 5/30/2018 at 7:00 PM, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I agree. Rogue one was awesome because it connected so well to the main saga. Solo and Kenobi and Fett movies and who knows what other random movies nobody is asking for that they will come out with will bring apathy and exhaustion to the franchise 


honestly tho, I know a lot of people weren’t happy with TLJ. But they can’t really fix it even if they wanted to. They only had one chance to tell the stories of Luke, Han and Leia. Once 9 is concluded, they can continue the franchise with main installments that aren’t beholden to past characters and then we can all move forward together. 


Tho I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought Luke back in 9 somehow.

I assumed Luke was going to be a force ghost in 9.

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9 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I have no expectations for JW 2


They finally got off the damn island, Lost World was a taste of that, if they stayed on the island, I'd of boycotted every JP/JW movie until they didn't.  Having said that, not sure how I feel about the execution of that yet,  I've seen at least 3 different ways that little girl shoulda been lunch meat and next trailer she's running down the hallway... very Leia using the force in spacy.


Image result for scrunching up face gif  

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10 hours ago, NoCalMike said:


Star Wars becoming Disney/Marvel is what I fear the most.  I don't want Star Wars to become "just another thing"


Thats precisely what its becoming. Solo has been a bomb at the Box Office, and Disney is in for a rude awakening for Episode 9.

Hopefully at that point Kennedy will be fired, which will the be the first step towards righting the ship.

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4 hours ago, RansomthePasserby said:

What Trump is to the Presidency, Disney is to Star Wars.







It sounds melodramatic but Disney is destroying my childhood memories Lol.


Lucas should've just made these movies himself.


From what I've read, Lucas' vision was similar to the EU (Expanded Universe).



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My problem with the new Star Wars is it hasn't introduced new characters that are all that likable and has ruined the old ones. I actually like The Force Awakens and Rogue One but really didn't like The Last Jedi and skipped Solo. Han is a better character with a little mystery around his back story which is all ruined now. Lando, whom talks badly about mining colonies and has implied sex with L3-37 goes on to run a mining colony and has an entire room full of scrapped droids. Luke Skywalker, galaxies greatest optimist turns into a grumpy old man who questions why anyone would come looking for him when he leaves a map to where he is in case something happens.  He also doesn't have a showcase light saber battle before he goes out. Why? How did these things happen?


Does anyone even care about episode 9? All of our previous heroes are gone and the new characters... who really cares what happens to them. Why in the galaxy far away does it seem like it has the exact same social issues as Earth? I had no problems with them wrapping up the Skywalker Saga at the start, but now wish they had left it alone. These off shoot movies should be with new characters and new stories. Show us the old Republic. 


People had legit criticism about The Last Jedi explaining why they thought it was bad storytelling and bad character development. KK, Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams responded to that criticism by calling people bigots, racists and that it doesn't matter if we don't like it they are making the Star Wars they would enjoy. Fine then, don't complain when Solo breaks even at 500 million. Also, I'm afraid the boycott will be fully operational when episode 9 arrives. These should be easy slam dunk 2 billion gross movies apiece and somehow they have managed to completely screw it up. Congratulations.

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