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Thank you RG3

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I don't think there was a player i was more hyped up than RG3 in his senior year to get him to play for the skins. I was interviewed by Fox 5 at the draft day party.  I went to the opening game in New Orleans and it was the best experience of my life to see that in person.  I went to 12 games that season along with multiple road trips around the country to see this kid play.  the 7 game win streak was the best thing i saw as a fan in my years watching this team

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I don't think there was a player i was more hyped up than RG3 in his senior year to get him to play for the skins. I was interviewed by Fox 5 at the draft day party.  I went to the opening game in New Orleans and it was the best experience of my life to see that in person.  I went to 12 games that season along with multiple road trips around the country to see this kid play.  the 7 game win streak was the best thing i saw as a fan in my years watching this team

I can only imagine. I spent most of that NO game in tears with no voice. (I saw all 3 SBs, & thought I was dreaming a likeness of a 4th)...Bless you for all that travel. He was everything, and the only official Elite jersey I own...you can count on it being my favorite.

He risked everything, I can only hope for a small "HAIL" from the fanbase for the happiness he gave us all.

(Think of the word "happiness"...WE WERE ALL DAT...and more).


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I can only imagine. I spent most of that NO game in tears with no voice. (I saw all 3 SBs, & thought I was dreaming a likeness of a 4th)...Bless you for all that travel. He was everything, and the only official Elite jersey I own...you can count on it being my favorite.

He risked everything, I can only hope for a small "HAIL" from the fanbase for the happiness he gave us all.

(Think of the word "happiness"...WE WERE ALL DAT...and more).



He is the only real jersey i have.  All my other jerseys are China ones lol

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I also think RG3 deserves thanks for how professionally he handled his situation this year. He could have been a distraction to the team but instead he stepped aside and let Cousins take ownership.


He was a total professional and handled himself better than most would in his position.





Yeah, Griffin handled himself very well this year, and wasn't a distraction.


However, keep in mind, Griffin probably mostly did that for himself and not the team. He wants to be a starter somewhere next season. By behaving himself, he shows himself a loyal and good teammate, and it keeps his options wide open (provided the Redskins don't trade him).


If he had acted like a jerk on twitter or in the media, or had been a cancer in the locker room, many teams might have shied away from him this offseason, not wanting that trouble or circus on their team.


So while I, too, applaud his actions this season, they are probably more self-serving than for the Redskins. :)

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No idea why people think Houston when it's clear that KC under Andy Reid backing up Alex Smith for a year or 2 would easily be his best bet.

Remember, Andy Reid made McNugget, as inaccurate as he was, into a top 5 franchise QB for a decade.


 I dunno. Houston desperately needs a QB, their running game was nil this year, partially due to a lack of Foster, but outside of him, they don't have any weapons except for Hopkins, so getting a player to draw defenses away from the secondary would be a help for them. It isn't a long-term thing, but if they did, most likely they would implement the RO to buy time until they see if they can get more help at WR and TE positions.


He also played his college ball in Texas, so he would be a draw for fans of his here, AND, there's the Luck vs Griffin battle twice a year which should draw more fans to their games.

Bottom line is, Houston HAS to make a splash somehow; no QB in the draft will do them any good, they need a veteran, because if they start off crappy the first couple of games with the losers they have now at QB, their attendance will bottom out to a few hundred per game. I've had some co-workers who are Texans fans asking me about him, so I'm sure Houston's FO is seriously considering getting him.

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At the time, nothing but excitement. But now, knowing what I know, I see a lot of things in this video from just this one game that were indicative of his entire time as starting QB.


After witnessing RGIII for multiple seasons, I now look for different things in a quarterback. 


1. Get rid of the ball quick - negates all pass rush. Means you have to read the defense quickly. 

2. Film - See No. 1. This is how you make that happen. I think RGIII is a hard worker, but I'm not sure if he is a hard worker in the right way. 


I thought he was the future for us. That didn't work out. He's a fascinating player and it will be interesting to see how his career turns out.

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Houston's offense is quite possibly the worst fit for Robert. I give it a 0% chance.


 I'm not sure there's an offense in the league that would be a fit for him if you really look at it from that angle.

Dallas, they just don't seem like the type of team he'd fit into; Jones had a woody for him after the Thanksgiving game, but I just can't see them pulling the trigger.

At least with Houston there's a running game, well, maybe, but they are in dire need for a QB, and with no offensive weapons outside of Hopkins, he might open up opportunities in the passing game.

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IMHO, RGIII will get another shot but it won't work out like he wants it. After the 2012 season in which he was hurt, he said he didn't want to run the "Read Option" because he wanted to be a pocket passer. His success was a "Read Option" QB and not as a pocket passer. It has been said that he couldn't comprehend the playbook and that they didn't have a playbook or a very limited playbook at Baylor. Also why wasn't RGIII ever on the Gruden Camp prior to the Draft like Luck or any of the other QB's coming out that year? RGIII may turn out to be a good Pocket passer but from what I saw from his time here his best bet is to be open to some "Read Option" because he will be more successful that way otherwise he will be out of the league in two years or less.

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Also why wasn't RGIII ever on the Gruden Camp prior to the Draft like Luck or any of the other QB's coming out that year?.

He was. Only episode I ever watched. Jon asked him to diagram Spider Y2 Banana and Robert drew a picture of a spider standing in between two bananas with a thought bubble saying, "Why?". By the end, he was asking him questions like "What is the sound a doggy makes?" And "Cah you name a color that ends in urple?"

Robert's answers to those two questions were "moo" and "light urple" if I remember correctly. Looking back, that should have been a red flag.

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He was. Only episode I ever watched. Jon asked him to diagram Spider Y2 Banana and Robert drew a picture of a spider standing in between two bananas with a thought bubble saying, "Why?". By the end, he was asking him questions like "What is the sound a doggy makes?" And "Cah you name a color that ends in urple?"

Robert's answers to those two questions were "moo" and "light urple" if I remember correctly. Looking back, that should have been a red flag.


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Completely agree, I hope he has a good relationship with DC years down the road. 2012 I'll never forget it. It just didn't work out in the long run.. If we can give warm welcome to Shuler, RG3 should be a Monk type ovation if an when he return to DC years down the road.

Look, I give the kid all the good luck (outside of the division) in the world and he doesn't seem like a bad guy. I could see being a friend of his, but just because he flashed our pan for the better part of a season, is no reason to be passing praise like that on to him.


Very few ex Redskins (like ones who played an entire career, except a final season or two) will ever get a Monk like reception.


Monk is one of the greatest Redskins of all time. RG3 played most of the games in one good season. 


You better go check how many records Monk still owns and how many he handed to Jerry Rice.

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