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Thank you RG3

Red Cloud

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I am slightly surprised to see no goodbye to RG3 thread here (were they all banned?!).


I guess there's not much to talk about, but I for one am sad to see him go.


The guy had a bucket of talent, and brought a ray of sunshine for one season of believing that all our quarterback woes were over and a new era had begun.


I loved watching him play the read option, I can't count how many times the TV footage would follow Morris 10 yards downfield before realizing that RG3 had the ball and was heading down the other side of the pitch.


And then, just when you figured you knew to watch which one was doing the running he'd unleash a beautiful ball deep downfield. He had a fine arm on him to compliment his running ability.


It's a shame it didn't work out, I feel sorry for him, all that talent and so far it ended when he was sent back in to play while still broken.


Arguably being broken was his own fault (or inevitable given all that running and his lack of ability/desire to slide), but with Cousins there as the backup he should never have been put back in for that final game vs the Seahawks. It may turn out to have ended his career.

Having watched Theismann go down with a broken leg it was one of those sickening moments of Deja Vu.

I hope he gets another shot elsewhere, but I hope he doesn't go to another team within our division...

So long & thanks for the memories.

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I am slightly surprised to see no goodbye to RG3 thread here




I guess there's not much to talk about


I mean, you kind of answered yourself here. Until it happens there's not much to say, I'm sure when it happens we'll all watch 2012 highlights and then move forward.

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2012 was a fun year. That first Saints game was such a blast. My friends and I partied the whole day. It was like a dark cloud over the franchise had lifted. And it did, for a season.

Good luck kid. Learn to slide and get rid of the ball and you could have a future.

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pooh good, a good bye topic. I wrotes this for him.

Ode To Him


and out

and out of our town.

You ran sideways and jumped

like a slinky falling down stairs

before crashing into the turf like a smart

car head first into a big rig.

When you threw, it's true

those balls went very far,

but as for accuracy,

it seems you took out my car.


and you

and your Twitter

I used to follow you

before being drowned

by subtweets and self pity,

and awkward comments by daddy.

You ate fresh with a pedo,

and went all in for diamonds,

but when it came to the playing field

twas only Redskin's fans souls were killed

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Even though he cleaned out his locker and his departure appears inevitable, I'm sure the discussion will be in full force the day RG3 is officially released.


Fair point, perhaps I have jumped the gun, but I thought the sad sight of him cleaning out his locker was a fairly sure indication of his departure, and nothing that has happened this year has indicated he has any chances of staying.

I presume his agent would think he'd get more money with another team than he would staying on as a backup, and given McCoy was brought in to finish off the Cowboys game it says RG3 isn't even a backup at Washington. 

I am sure him and his agent believe he can be a backup or starter elsewhere.

Let's just hope we sign Cousins before it's confirmed we let RG3 go...or we might find ourselves down from 3 QB's to one!

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After the first game of the 2011 College football season, I told all of my friends that this young kid out of Baylor would win the Heisman and that the Redskins would do whatever it takes to draft him.  


When my bold statements came to fruition a year later,  my crew quickly dubbed me "God of Gridiron", "Jockstrap Jesus", and "The Nostradamus of the Neutral Zone."


So thank you, RG3.  Because of you, I will forever live in American Folklore.  My legend; may in fact, outlast yours.  I wish you the best going forward, and only hope that the Bronze statue of my brain will be placed someplace close to your cleats in Canton.

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Later Dude, thanks for the great year and the enormous franchise crippling cost for it.


I wish him all the luck in the world and am excited to move on.


Really the symbol of the turning point for our franchise. The gossip, the drama, the losing. Not saying it was or wasn't any fault of his, but he hits the bench, we start winning, the leaks stop and the entire team (locker room) rallies around Kirk and fights as a team.

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I feel for the guy and hope he can better himself into a quality NFL caliber QB, but it was a damn circus here while he was behind center.

Yea, even his first year, 2012, wasn't all roses and puppies, MS and Kyle had to adjust the offense to suit his qualities and strengths, but those were not prototypical QB qualities, so it was a constant struggle. We were all hoping he would be able to absorb the offseason injury and come back a different player, one who COULD operate the offense behind center, but it just didn't happen.  Media didn't do any good for him or the team either, as this team was the pun of jokes for the next 3 years.


as LaronDontLikeugly , I was on the same path, but it was cousins I was looking at.  He was a back-up who never got the chance because of Griffin's tenure and the owner wanting him to play, but once he was given the nod he took the ball and passed with it [ you like what I did there ] and brought back a sign of the old days where the Redskins were a feared team throughout the league.


Its all about opportunity, and Griffin had his here, but his style of play wasn't in cue with NFL standards, so something had to be done. Its all about winning, and Griffin is a winner; he's a class guy who was sucked into the media and coaches were made out to be the bad guy, which is not totally accurate. mike shanahan has been a coach for a long time, he knows how to coach, but the drama was too much for anyone to deal with; that's the price paid for such a high profile player.


So, i'll just say thanks for the memories, and good luck in your future, and stay healthy and keep your head up. If you decide to learn the QB position, you might become a very good or great QB, who knows, but it won't be in DC. 

Griffin slid out of the locker room, so maybe he HAS begun to learn something...

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oh, dude. no reason to be classy about this. He's moving on, so am I, with three cheers.

awe man, it sucks rg3 is leaving he was the best redskin there never was.



There is no reason to be rude either. We should be better than that. He has not done anything to be treated poorly by this fan base. He does not have the skill set to be an NFL QB but that should not be reason to vilify him despite what the media does. Again, we should be better than that.


I wish him the very best and hope he finds a good home. He is a good kid with some extraordinary skills. It might be interesting to see how he does as a CB. With his speed and long arms, he could be a nightmare with his closing speed. Just spitballing.

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2012 was the most fun I have had since the glory years. That was magical. RGIII wins a place in Redskins lore for that. His superhuman efforts to come back from injury showed a lot of guts, courage, and desire. I admire that. He never became the QB I hoped for (a rich man's Steve Young) but from what I can tell he gave what he could and was a great team mate this year despite what must have been a really tough hit to his ego.

Thanks for being part of the 'skins! Thanks for the memories and your effort.

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Keep you mouth shut - see Eli


Out work everyone - see Aaron


Stay humble, be patient, keep your edge  - see Kirk


Don't try to be something you are not as a QB - see Redskins vs. Saints, 09-09-2012 


Thanks for that run against Minny, thanks for that Thanksgiving game in Dallas (see avatar), thanks for the great memories.  THANKS



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