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Thank you RG3

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I also think RG3 deserves thanks for how professionally he handled his situation this year. He could have been a distraction to the team but instead he stepped aside and let Cousins take ownership.


He was a total professional and handled himself better than most would in his position.


I tip my hat to RG3, thank him for leaving it all on the field and sacrificing his body to make the Skins a winner, and hope that he is able to find a second act to his NFL career.

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I loved watching him do amazing things in 2012 but once it was clear it will take years for him to become a polished pocket passer that was enough for me.  Robert is a smart guy and he will be just fine regardless of what happens in his NFL career.


I wish him the best of luck and hopefully this experience humbles him so he can learn from it going forward. 

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Thanks for 2012 I guess...but I guess I'm the only person on the planet that literally does not care at all what RG3 does post Redskins career and isn't rooting for him one way or another at all. If you're not a Redskin I don't care about you having success. Guess I'm just cold like that.

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Thank you RGIII

I wish you nothing but the absolute best wherever you may end up!


I'm sure by now most of us (well, those of us who choose not to ignore) have seen the genuine tears you shed as you said goodbye to us fans. Unfortunately and perplexingly however, some have chosen to turn the confluence of unfortunate events that led the Skins being unsuccessful post 2012, to actual hate toward you. I don't get and I'm sure you don't either. I'm sure you can sneeze and they'll blame you for being self-centered by polluting the atmosphere. This reached embarrising new heights this week as a longstanding inspirational quote that could not in any way possibly be misconstrued as anything but inspirational, was labled as passive-aggressive and other nonsense by those blinded by unnecessary rage. Those with no agenda or bias, we saw that was not the only thing you left on your locker. The other was another quote, from the Bible "I can do all things." Yes. Yes you can. That includes being successful once again. So again, thank you for giving us fans of the most exciting and memorable years in recent history and may success follow you (you know, except when you play us - and if you happen to end up with any other team in the NFC East  :) ) 

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Just think he was kind of his worst own enemy. Hopefully he has learned from his mistakes and can get his career together. He'll need the right offense, coach and maybe will need to put some of his ego in check. He'll also need to somehow try and stay healthy if he gets back on the field as a starter. Wish the guy well.

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Yes, thank you RG3!  Now for the next 20+ years we will see "2012 Redskins trade 3 1st rounders to grab RG3 at No. 2" in those NFL's top 10 draft busts shows.

That blame goes on Bruce Allen and Dan Snyder. You can blame Griffin for many things but that is not one of them.

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stay classy bro...woooowwww. he's still on the team for the time being...cant people be respectful?

Agreed. RG3 has never done anything to deserve our disrespect. He gave us 2012, he rushed himself back too quickly from a busted knee and played hurt for us. He might not be perfect, and the last 2 seasons he started may have sucked but it's not like the guy pulled a Fat Albert and just straight up stopped trying. He's had a rough ride over the last 18months and has been nothing but dignified. I for one, am sad to see him go. Not because of his contribution to the football team moving forward, but for what might have been and just generally the fact he is a decent guy. 

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I have the best wishes for RG3. I truly hope he wins a Super Bowl.


I feel he is socially awkward and this worked against him. I honestly believe he is not inherently 'dramatic'. He does have a good heart. 


In the age of truly despicable athlete/humans, RG3 seems to still hold true to values outside of just sports. Good luck man. I know he can reinvent himself. I hope he goes to Houston, feel that will be best. The knee injury definitely slowed him and he will never be the same, so what- adjust and overcome.


Thanks RG- that 30 for 30 is gonna be sad, what coulda been.

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Seeing as how you interpreted that post, I'm willing to bet everything that your mind is smaller than mine...


Please enlighten me how I should interpret "Can't wait to see the fireworks"


I have no issue apologizing if I am incorrect and it wasn't gloating on your part at the failure and departure of RGIII

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Please enlighten me how I should interpret "Can't wait to see the fireworks"

I have no issue apologizing if I am incorrect and it wasn't gloating on your part at the failure and departure of RGIII

Actually, I personally would like to know how you should interpret that, considering this isn't the 4th of July. Id like to hear how you arrived at "Mean spirited and small minded"

You are clearly convinced to high heaven that I've somehow said something truly damning.

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Actually, I personally would like to know how you should interpret that, considering this isn't the 4th of July. Id like to hear how you arrived at "Mean spirited and small minded"

You are clearly convinced to high heaven that I've somehow said something truly damning.


I apologize - I interpreted your 'fireworks' comment as celebratory, but looking back at the thread I now understand you meant it in the sense of other posters' indulging in an orgy of 'I was right/wrong' when they do finally release RGIII


Again - apologies on my part.

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