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Thank you RG3

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There is no reason to be rude either. We should be better than that. He has not done anything to be treated poorly by this fan base. He does not have the skill set to be an NFL QB but that should not be reason to vilify him despite what the media does. Again, we should be better than that.


I wish him the very best and hope he finds a good home. He is a good kid with some extraordinary skills. It might be interesting to see how he does as a CB. With his speed and long arms, he could be a nightmare with his closing speed. Just spitballing.


No skill set to be a NFL QB, but let's see how he does at corner....uh.....You kidding me?  LOL. 


You see some of the QBs around the league that were on the field this year?  Ryan Lindley, Josh Freeman, Matt Cassel, etc. etc.


I'm sorry, but Griffin WILL have a job in this league without a question and will probably end up starting at some point next year. 


He goes to the beat of his own drum, but he's completely harmless.  I do wish him all the best going forward and hope he can get back to playing at a high level.  Unless he ends up in the NFCE LOL. 

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Thank you for everything Mr. griffin. You truly played your heart and body out for the redskins in 2012 and it was magical to watch. No matter what came after you were the heart and soul of a battered franchise for a brief glimpse of time. You will be remembered. Good luck to you and may you have a long career, I will cheer for you to make it when I see you on the field, unless your in the NFCE...In that case Ill apologize for what I may say when we play..may you shine brightly for many years to come

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No skill set to be a NFL QB, but let's see how he does at corner....uh.....You kidding me?  LOL. 


You see some of the QBs around the league that were on the field this year?  Ryan Lindley, Josh Freeman, Matt Cassel, etc. etc.


I'm sorry, but Griffin WILL have a job in this league without a question and will probably end up starting at some point next year. 


He goes to the beat of his own drum, but he's completely harmless.  I do wish him all the best going forward and hope he can get back to playing at a high level.  Unless he ends up in the NFCE LOL. 


I guess you missed the entire message from my comment. The point was that there was no need to vilify him or be ugly. I was one of his biggest supporters right up till Jay made the change.


And sorry, from what I saw he struggled after 2012 being an NFL QB. He has three primary problems that hurt him, two can probably be fixed, one I am not sure.


1. He has lost confidence when he is on the field and it's causing him to be overly cautious with the ball. He ends up taking way too many sacks. This can probably be fixed with coaching and experience.


2. He is just not as fast as he was and cannot rely on that speed to get out of trouble all the time. This can probably be coached, although that's a hard thing to change since he has relied on that speed his entire life. But with the right coach, who knows.


3. He has never learned how to take a glancing blow instead of a direct hit. This will catch up to him and I am not sure it can be coached into him. It's an instinct. I hate Russell Wilson but you have to admit that even with all the sacks he takes, it is very rare fro him to take a direct hit. It's either glancing blow or he gives himself up not taking a hit at all.


Having said that, if he finds success as a QB somewhere that would be great! I truly wish the very best for the young man. My only real point with the comment was that he was being trashed and it's just not right or necessary. Sorry that offended you.

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OLS, um. Your comment kind of spiraled out of control there.



Maybe I should have left out the skill set part. It reads more harsh than I meant it. My point really was just because he struggled at QB here is not reason to vilify him. He worked hard, was a great team mate and deserves better treatment.


The CB statement was just a wild thought. It was not meant to be harsh or negative at all. If taken that way that's whoever is reading it's problem.

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Maybe I should have left out the skill set part. It reads more harsh than I meant it. My point really was just because he struggled at QB here is not reason to vilify him. He worked hard, was a great team mate and deserves better treatment.


The CB statement was just a wild thought. It was not meant to be harsh or negative at all. If taken that way that's whoever is reading it's problem.

I get it, it was just funny to read.


I find myself getting harsher and harsher about him. I'm glad it's almost over.

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Per the thread and topic as far as mod staff position goes for those curious--when I made the RG3 OCD thread as a much-needed catch-all the premise was very simple:


When there was really NEW news of substantial and meaningful content, a new thread could be started and we'd see how it goes. Other than that, no new threads on RG3.


Since his benching to now, there has not been any news that fits that description. Nothing has changed.


To review: we closed the OCD thread only after the benching and Kirk being named starter. Hard on "ocd" posters on the topic, I know. But a chunk of the "Rg3 action" featuring familiar players on competing sides moved to the KC thread for the first couple months. Some folks worked at repeating that stuff as much as they were allowed. Then the team and Kirk (and Jay) did things on the field that changed matters again, not leaving some viewpoints much traction left at all. So there's been little or no "rg3 outlet" lately for those really "needing" or wanting one, pro or con. 


Back to now--people do enjoy the TMZ type stuff and some quickly fall into the same kind of mega-repeated white noise that we all slogged through for so long. You saw that taking a quick hold in the recent thread that got closed (about the note RG3 left) and you can sure see the media trying hard to get some action going again on the guy (logical timing) in a "one more time" manner, DC-wise. 


Now, my plan was to wait for the actual news of his departure (if/when) like TKs official team release and use that as the "official" goodbye thread. Logical enough. A staff discussion on putting up a sticky thread describing such a plan before another such thread appeared was begun, but was still "hanging" as of this morning (we have a lot going on).



However, at this point, afaic, we can let this one go and see how it goes. If someone else wants to close and do what I described, they will. 

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2012 was a ton of fun -- magical year.  And, I still think he can be a successful player in this league.  It's hard for me though to root for players once they leave here -- RG3 to me isn't different in that regard especially if he ends up in the NFC East.  Go to the AFC, the Texans? -- and if so I hope for the best for the dude!

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First, per the topic as far the mods position goes for those curious--when we made the RG3 OCD thread as a much-needed catch-all the premise was very simple:


When there was really NEW news of substantial and meaningful content, a new thread could be started and we'd see how it goes.

I was watching that movie The Purge the other day. Mods should reopen the RG3 OCD thread for just one night and tell people to have at it. No holds barred.

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I was watching that movie The Purge the other day. Mods should reopen the RG3 OCD thread for just one night and tell people to have at it. No holds barred.



 I have thought about that, and related thoughts, more than once. :D  


Mod staff discussion sometimes reminds me of triage in mental health facilities.  :P


I know all the mods are nuts.  B)

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Thank You for the 2012 season. Really wished you could've given us even more great years but it looks like it isn't meant to be. At least that one year was magical Robert and I hope if any team gets you it's the Texans. No fanbase should suffer with Hoyer as the starter.

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A bit premature, though it's inevitable so I understand it now. 2012 was the most magical year outside of my childhood. The Thanksgiving day game will live on in my memory for some time, as it's so unusual for us to be playing on that day and it was my first time watching a game with my whole family in a long time.

I was out of town at a Cabin down in southwestern VA for the Saints game and was going to wait till I was home to watch it on DVR. But as I got to the bottom of the mountain and started up the interstate my friend called me asking if I was listening to the game and told me to turn it on. I listened riveted the whole game thinking how amazed I was we were actually beating the Saints and that this kid was looking like the real deal.

I also sadly will not forget the collective exhale and holding of breath through all of FedEx field for the Baltimore game. That was my first live game I got to go to all year long...and sadly that was the moment that ultimately the magic began to die.


In terms of Griffin, his leaving, and the fans...I realized a funny thing the other day and it's played out a bit in this thread. It makes me think of couples breaking up.

Sometimes you're the one initiating the break up. You ended it. Perhaps in a "I just don't feel that way" fashion. Maybe in a "It's not you, it's me". Maybe in the "Look, I just found someone else" fashion. Either way it's a parting that you feel a bit in control of. As such, there's not a lot of bitterness there. Its easy to wish the girl the best, or say you hope she finds someone that can actually make her happy, or that you can still be friends. When your friends bring her up you don't have a bad word to really say about her, it just didn't work out and you're happy and moved on. You may have wished it worked better, or there may've been things that annoyed you, but you got out and thus its no sweat off your back and you tend to try and remember the positives.

Sometimes you're the one getting broken up with. You got dumped. Perhaps they cheated on you. Perhaps they got sick of you and blew you off. Perhaps you both just argued constantly. But the end came about without you having any real control of it. This leaves you understandably a bit better, a bit angry, a bit jaded. You want nothing to do with the person and will happily trash her when referenced in conversation. When you think about her, it's the bad times that come to mind not the good times, because that helps make the ending easier.

We've essentially gone through a long breakup. This town and the fans had a love affair with Robert Griffin III and it's now coming to a close. And different people are on different ends of the breakup-er/breakup-ee dynamic.

Neither is wrong. It's understandable why some people have this great bitterness and anger towards Robert. So much potential that was taken away in a seeming quick and yet length fashion, arguably by his own doing depending on what you buy into and believe. Such great cost, such great potential, and wasted. At the same time, there was a guy giving it his all for the team, providing some great memories, and seeming like a good kid depending on what you buy into and believe. Such a great story that was derailed in unfortunate and "freak" fashion that simply made it time to move on.

It largely boils down I think into peoples perception of who Robert is, what "leaks" you believe and what you don't, and how you value 2012 in the scope of everything.


For me, I'm probably more in the "It's not you, it's me" camp. The drama from the huge name quarterback, the patience needed from the franchise and the fanbase to allow for the "learning", the gamble on an injury derailing things again, the hope of building around an unconventional offense...these are just things I'm not interested in dealing with any longer. Especially with another option that may not be as "hot", but has a lot less baggage. I wish him the best of luck, I'll think of the happy times when I think back on things, and he'll forever be part of Redskins lore in my mind; but it's just time to go our separate ways.

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There is no reason to be mad at the player for all that the front office gave up to get him! Rookies have nothing to do with what teams are willing to give up to jockey for draft position! Having said all that, based on Cousins' year and his potential, we aren't as bad off as we could be with having made the trade for Griffin.


Personally, some of the most exciting memories I have as a Skins fan come from 2012. I'm 39 so I say the glory days, all the super bowl years, and I guess part of the reason could be that nothing was expected from the team in 2012. I can remember that preseason, the vanilla offense run (understandably so), but still seeing that 10 had potential to be something yet unseen in the NFL. That Saints game... dude, I cannot ever recall feeling that way. Remember, at that point the Saints were a force in the NFC, the Skins went into their house, with a rookie QB, and lit the dome up! The pass he had against the Giants in the loss where he scrambled left out the pocket, stepped back from the line of scrimmage, dodged the pass rush, then completed an unorthodox pass on 3rd down. Dude, the run against Minnesota... As far as Thanksgivings go, that has to be on my top 3 list due to what the Skins did to Dallas that day.


He is, and will be, one of the most exciting and electrifying players to don the Burgundy and Gold, that's not deniable, and I wish him well wherever he lands, be it Dallas, Philly, New York, the Mets, Duke Basketball, or any other team I despise because what we have in Cousins fits what we have in Gruden. Team over player, even though it was alot of fishy business going on with this situation... He is a polarizing figure locally and nationally. I just hope Cousins future success makes RG3's future obsolete in old DC

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It's been an odd 4 years. He came with great fanfare, as many high draft picks do. The guy surpassed so many expectations that first year.

It had been a long time since this team had a player who garnered praise and such a following not only locally but nationally like RG3 did. Not sure we've even had such a guy in this modern day of 24/7 sports media to do so.

Alas it was short lived. I don't blame the coaches nor RG3 himself. I'm way past blame. It is what it is. Unfortunately this team has a sad recent history of losing its brightest star to unforeseen events.

Lavar captured our hearts but before we knew it, he didn't live up to the hype after a brief tease of excellence. Took a few years till we got the next shining star, which turned out to be Sean Taylor. Sean was another guy who despite losing, the fans loved watching him play. Sadly he was taken at his prime, probably having his best year. Fast forward 4 years later and we draft RG3.

So much excitement from the city. Sure I expected a bust that first year, but when he took the league by storm I never would have expected in my wildest dreams that his star would fade so quickly. As a fan of this team, it's just disheartening.

Despite it all, I'll remember him as a guy who gave us an exciting year. One we haven't had since. That was a bad team, but during that second half I felt we could beat anyone if he was healthy. The guy was an ultimate x-factor his rookie year.

Something happened though. He went from being loved, to being despised almost. He was the teams savior one year and a couple years later, it got so bad that mentioning his name on this forum was like walking on field mines. I've never seen anything like it.

It would be easy to not care if he sucked as a person or teammate but the guy left everything on the field. He got injured because he gave 100% every play. Some criticized him for not sliding, calling into question his awareness and intellect yet we equally criticize DeSean for not going all out to secure that TD against the Packers.

He got hurt not from a lack of trying or pushing his body. I've even heard people criticize his selfishness for coming back too early. Makes it sad because just this season we've heard people criticize players who are taking too long to return from injury. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

His talent was superior during year 1, and dropped off considerably each year after that. Hopefully he goes on to have a great career, probably won't but I do hope he becomes a starter in this league. Have nothing but good wishes for him.

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For a moment I thought he'd been released already but then realized this is a thank you thread. Good idea. 


Robert deserves mad props for that awesome 2012 season. Man, that was so much fun. Rob did things that were never seen that year. And I truly believe those things will never be duplicated in this league. I'll never forget the 76 yard run on the Vikings or him throwing 9 TD in 5 days against the Eagles and Cowboys. 


Unfortunately injuries, egos, ownership, coaches, branding, family, fans, media, and yes Rob himself, led to his demise with this team. In fact one could also say that Robert reached a Tim Tebow-like media circus with our team and that's never healthy. 


I hope he can pull himself to together and be successful someplace else, it's going to take a lot of work but I know he can do it if he truly wants to. 


Thank you Robert, I wish you and your family nothing but the best. 



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I for one, am thankful for what he put on the line, and what he gave us in 2012. He couldn't recapture the magic, and most likely just doesn't have the "it" factor that is so hard to describe, but imperative for an NFL QB.


I wish him and his family well at their next stop.


Godspeed, Griffen!

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Thanks, Robert Griffin III.


You are still under contract, and you are still a member of the Washington Redskins.  Everybody has written you off.  Use that as motivation moving forward.


You can always look back, know that you gave it your all, and you led the Redskins to the Division title.  Your injury was devastating, and what transpired after that with the Washington Redskins was really horrible for you and many in the Washington Redskins community.  It was a mess, and that will linger.  You made mistakes, Shanahan made mistakes, Gruden made mistakes, the Redskins management made mistakes.  Relish the successes and learn from the failures.  Like Redskins Great Coach Vince Lombardi said, "It is not whether you get knocked down, it is whether you get up."   


You were selected to the Pro Bowl in a vote by the coaches, NFL players and fans.  It was a great year for many of us.  We will always remember it, and you.  


You joined a select group of Redskins Quarterbacks  who were voted to the Pro Bowl, including Sammy Baugh, Sonny Jurgensen, Billy Kilmer, Joe Theismann, Mark Rypien, Gus Frerotte, Brad Johnson, Harry Gilmore and Al Dorow.


Now, you can move on and maybe go to the Pro Bowl like some other former Redskins quarterbacks, including Norm Snead (2), Trent Green (2), Rich Gannon (4), and Jay Schroeder.


Or, maybe you will not make the Pro Bowl again, but maybe do what Stan Humphries did after the Redskins traded him to San Diego.


in 1992, Humphries had been demoted to 4th string on the Redskins, and was traded to San Diego.


As Humphries said then:  "I'm excited about getting an opportunity to play," Humphries said. "That's what I have been waiting for and I have to take advantage of it.  At least I'm going to have an opportunity to start; that's all I have asked. You get to the point where you are just tired of being in limbo."


Humphries led the Chargers to six playoff games in his time with them.  He led them to the Super Bowl.  He was elected to the Chargers 50th Anniversary Team and Hall of Fame, alongside greats like John Hadl and Dan Fouts,  and he was selected for the Breitbard Hall Of Fame, honoring San Diego's finest athletes on and off the field.  Humphries has been selected to the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame.  He hosts an annual golf tournament in his name for the benefit of Children's Hospital in San Diego.


If all goes fairly well, you will surely win one award, deservedly so:  the NFL Comeback Player of the Year.


We will be pulling for you, as you are a Redskin forever!  Good luck to you!          

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2012 was a great year, wasn't it?  Even when we were losing, we just KNEW that Robert could get us right back into the game (and he often did!).


I'm as heartbroken as anyone that things didn't ultimately work out, but I'm happy with the memories which will last me a lifetime.


One thing I'm also happy about is that all the drama surrounding the team and RGIII is what ultimately led Snyder to realize that he finally needed to hire a real football professional to run this team.  The circus that was the Redskins is what ultimately led to the hiring of Scot McCloughan

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