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Nate Burleson on the NFL network said it best: time for an exit strategy. Either RGIII making plans to request a trade or release or just start working to figure out the next stop. Or the team figuring out what to do with him and when. Either way the phrase of the day is exit strategy.

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Or you could go with a complete opposite conspiracy theory which would work well on ES.  Danny insisted RG3 practice this week because he wants RG3 to start even though Gruden wanted to sit him and wait for doctors to clear him.  After all, Danny would do anything to force Gruden to play Robert, even through a concussion eval.



Oooh, didn't think of this angle to add to my conspiracy theory.  


OK, Dan wants RG3 to play week 1.  He's heard all of the fans and radio shows and even Joe Theisman saying that this is the most important game of RG3's career.  So, Dan gets a little squeamish and doesn't want to risk RG3 playing against the Ravens.  He also doesn't want to risk Kirk getting a full week of practice as the starter, so he has RG3 practice all week, pass the first visit with the neurologist and then tells him to bomb the second follow up visit with the neurologist.  BAM, Kirk didn't get any practice this week, RG3 is spared the rest of the preseason AND still gets to start week 1.  

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Nate Burleson on the NFL network said it best: time for an exit strategy. Either RGIII making plans to request a trade or release or just start working to figure out the next stop. Or the team figuring out what to do with him and when. Either way the phrase of the day is exit strategy.



Honestly, it's a terrible environment not conducive at all for making the improvements he needs to make.  The best thing for him would be to go to a team with an entrenched veteran and sit behind him for 2 years or so.  

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Lake Lewis Jr @LakeLewis

This whole thing now has a bad stench to it. Now #RG3 can't play but practiced all week? It's obvious what's going on.

Short. Simple. To the point. Gotta love some LLJr


Actually, this doesn't make a bit of sense. If this is what "they" "wanted", wouldn't RG3 have sat all week with "concussion symptoms" allowing Cousins to get the 1st team reps leading up to the game?

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Victim? Don't give me any victim ****. I hate that word. I rose out of hell to become successful. Sheer determination, hard work and a few blessings. It is up to the man to make the best out of life that he can. Victim is a cop out. You choose your own path and make your own way. Victim is a statement for losers and quitters. **** you victim.

And he was not concussed on that last play either. Earlier? I dont know. But not the final play. His head was not hit on the final play.

And I hate all of these conspiracy theories based on hype, exaggeration and conjecture.

And Hail all of you my burgundy and gold brethren! :)

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Oooh, didn't think of this angle to add to my conspiracy theory.  


OK, Dan wants RG3 to play week 1.  He's heard all of the fans and radio shows and even Joe Theisman saying that this is the most important game of RG3's career.  So, Dan gets a little squeamish and doesn't want to risk RG3 playing against the Ravens.  He also doesn't want to risk Kirk getting a full week of practice as the starter, so he has RG3 practice all week, pass the first visit with the neurologist and then tells him to bomb the second follow up visit with the neurologist.  BAM, Kirk didn't get any practice this week, RG3 is spared the rest of the preseason AND still gets to start week 1.  


That window is for looking through, not licking.

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The III era HAS to end. It just can't go on any longer. My statement has nothing to do with the latest debacle, but we can suck without the drama that follows III.

This is kinda my feeling as well.  I can deal with the suckage (have been for years now).  But the drama and black cloud hovering over this organization is just too much. Damn, I hope Cousins comes in and just plays lights out at this point. Give us SOMETHING to cheer for.  I don't give a damn that its preseason. 

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I think it is very plausable that one or the other was influenced or preasured. I could be wrong, but if you are getting a second opinion, why does he practice all week?

The statement talks about not being cleared for game play. I assume since practice is non contact he has already been cleared for that. Seems strange - with a concussion I would have thought you either cleared or not and if your not even practice would be out.

This is a mess. But it's the doctors mess not the Redskins. On things like this the team has to default to whatever the Doctors say - looks like the first Doctor missed something in the scan and they are erring on the side of caution.

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You know what I think . I think the 'redskins' fans making fun of this need to look at themselves hard in a mirror. The NFL is walking a tightrope right now in regards to its very existance due to concussions same with rugby and other physical contact sports . The science of neuroscience is not exact and the research into concussion is bringing new things to the table all the time. 


This could be very serious for Robert - life changing serious . It could be he never plays not only for the Redskins but football in general . Something he has dedicated his life to - and y'all are laughing and joking about it. 


Think about it for a minute here before jumping off into conclusions. If the Redskins wanted to move on from Robert they could have done so already. When they named him starter back in February they made it clear it was his job to loose. Had he been outplayed in the offseason I think we would have heard about it .


Preseason is more window dressing preparation for the fans and situational planning than actual fixing your roster, or at least your starters. You are not going to dramatically change your plans based on a handful of plays compared to months and months of offseason work which is why we as fans are sometimes shocked when player x who has shinned on a given night is given the boot over player y who has done it all offseason .


There was no downside to playing Robert for a couple of series and then if he did perform badly yank him early and play cousins with the starters in the Ravens game - a game which i need to remind everyone means nothing.   


If there were concerns about Roberts play then the concussion earlier in the week would have been the ideal 'cover' to put Kirk out there with the no.1s. no eyelid would have been batted. 


No I am concerned.


1-2 week recheck sounds like they have found something underlying that is serious or potentially is serious - it might be nothing but it might be a career ender - I hate to break it to you but a concussion is not a 'headache' as someone recently posted, and if it is something serious then I hope Robert makes the smart decision and calls it a day - somethings you can come back from and Robert has proven he is a driven individual who wants to excel - but other things, no matter how much you want, just wont go away. 


I hope it is nothing.


But my respect for a lot of Redskins fans has gone down the toilet today. I always remember when Irving was lying on the old concrete Lincon Field with a suspected broken neck and the Eagles fans were cheering the injury - our fan cheer for injuries to our own. 


I hope you are as jovial when life throws something as potentially life changing as this your way.



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I dunno man....i can get along with any player, at any position, or any coach running the show, as long as good football is being played. Even in spurts.

What i am finding extremely difficult, nay...impossible to deal with, is the fans. I think about having to deal with gloating fans over a 3rd rate QB competition, or the constant ridicule for years to come over one of our franchise hopefuls. I think of the irony...the stupidly embarrassing duality that seems only ever unique to this fan base beyond any other. I cringe at the constant short-bus water cooler conversations with clown shoe wearing pseudo-fans of various other franchises for the rest of my days.

I find our fan base a near insurmountable weight upon my shoulders that draws me evermore conditioned to loathing, & regret, & self pity than if i just watched games by myself, in my man-cave, & never left.

But that's no way to watch any sport at all, & i find myself conflicted. It is laborious to be passionate, & proud of this franchise, & yet, wind up forced to defend, or apologize for this franchise, & ESPECIALLY it's fans, ad nauseam. It just...this fan base brings me down man....but if i can't enjoy the tram with the fans, then how lame is that?

When i have no less than Raiders & 9ers fans walking by me at work, shaking their heads, saying: "your fans SUUUUUUUCK"...i just can't anymore.

I just dunno man...the fans have become infinitely more insufferable than whatever circus this may, or may not, have become.

Wearing my gear in public makes me feel bad....like i got the dunce cap, & i just can't.

I dunno what to do...& maybe this is a cry for help, or maybe it's a prelude to a goodbye...but i feel that even if KC blows up, & we go 16-0 (/obvious hyperbole), that i still may very well have too much residual damage from this fan base to truly enjoy it.

Watching people gloat over this, & then pull a Ricky Bobby by saying: "i said with all due respect man...it's in the Geneva Conventions," is just low. & thisbis the tip of the iceberg.

Am i butt-hurt by this nonsense? Maybe....but this being a Redskins fan businesses just isn't fun anymore.

I'm may take some time off for a while....i just don't know.

What's worse is how many posters will see fit to make light of this post...completely oblivious to the utter irony in my proving.

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I think Shanahan paid the doctor to reconsider.  He's been so mad since they chased him out of town that he hasn't been able to get his face back to it's normal hue.  He's beet red all the time now and that humiliation combined with a deeply diminished hall of fame resume has him out for vengeance.  He's locked in a secret room beneath his wine cellar right now watching this all unfold on his many video screens while slowly petting his evil cat. 

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I think Shanahan paid the doctor to reconsider. He's been so mad since they chased him out of town that he hasn't been able to get his face back to it's normal hue. He's beet red all the time now and that humiliation combined with a deeply diminished hall of fame resume has him out for vengeance. He's locked in a secret room beneath his wine cellar right now watching this all unfold on his many video screens while slowly petting his evil cat.

This is a fair assessment of the situation.

You should start a mega-thread about it.

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I'm a little confused as to how they cleared him then said, "wait... Never mind."

Not necessarily a conspiracy. Could be. Or it could be gross incompetence from the medical team tasked with evaluating Griffin. Either way, it's strange to have clearance waived.

In order to be cleared all evidence needs to be reviewed and the doctors must be positive. If that didn't happen, or they cleared him based on "anticipation" then the medical team either didn't do their job the first time, there's something fishy, or Griffin took a blow to the head in practice.

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You know what I think  <Edit>

I couldn't agree more.


The lack of concern shown here for an injured Redskin player is disappointing. I understand that a few posters are just having a bit of fun with the conspiracy angle. But no one has ever had a setback with an injury before, right?


I was hoping that Griffin would be the guy to lead The Redskins during this new McC era. So far, he hasn't shown the progress I was expecting and I would have fully supported his benching this week (due to poor play) in favour of Cousins.


Unless an NFL doctor is lying, the decision has now been made for us on medical grounds and until/unless things change, I hope that Cousins can now lead us during this new McC era.


Get well soon Robert, I hope it's not too serious. 

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