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I've been a fan for nearly 30 years. I've been through all the ups and downs (more downs than ups I might add). While I want to remain positive, while I will always remain a dedicated fan, I'm growing awfully tired and impatient with this stupid ****ing franchise. The ****ing circus never ends. Que the Benny Hill theme music....



I'm impatient with ridiculous fans who use every little excuse they can find to pile on to this team.


As several others have pointed out on this thread.... THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REDSKINS!!!!!!!


This is an independent doctor, working for the NFL, who first may have cleared Griffin for the game against the Ravens, but apparently he has seen something in examining Griffin that has giving him pause.


Nothing more, nothing less.


The NFL has had to pay out millions and millions of dollars in lawsuits from retired players who say they suffered head injuries that weren't properly evaluated. You can be damn sure the NFL is going to be very careful about ALL players who show even the hint of a concussion.


Including Griffin.


I feel no shame towards the Redskins today. I only feel a great deal of shame towards a large section of this board who are acting like tin-foil hat doofuses and selfish whiners.


Griffin's health should be paramount above all.

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every court case in america has "independent" experts on both sides.


So take the term independent for what its worth....which is nothing.  Someone was brought in to advance or advocate a position.



My understanding via media tweets is this, it was the same Dr. that reviewed as a part of normal protocol the findings with other specialist the information gathered, it was then determined that he indeed had suffered a concussion and that is was not getting better, nor worse. So they are airing on the side of caution.


I don't buy the we used this to bench Robert idea. If the Coach along with anyone else did this they would be in violation of the NFLPA agreements and if proven would never work in the NFL again. Robert is the one who knows his body, I would think if he doubted the Dr.s decision and recommendation, he would have sought his own independent opinion. 

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Sigh. I'm old enough to remember the good old days when being a Redskin fan all you had to worry about was who we were beating next week.



So am I.


The thing about the "good old days" is that we only remember the good. :)


The Redskins went to 4 Super Bowls and won 3 from 1982-1992. However, for those that really remember Gibbs 1.0, it was a chaotic time.


I still try to imagine what the pre-1991 Rypien tenure at QB would've been like if the internet was around then.


It wouldn't have been pretty. :)

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So am I.


The thing about the "good old days" is that we only remember the good. :)


The Redskins went to 4 Super Bowls and won 3 from 1982-1992. However, for those that really remember Gibbs 1.0, it was a chaotic time.


I still try to imagine what the pre-1991 Rypien tenure at QB would've been like if the internet was around then.


It wouldn't have been pretty. :)

Only one losing season Gibbs 1.0 and we won 7 games that season (IIRC) with a MASH unit. There was a lot of off field stuff (Riggins and Manley alone would keep ESPN going 24 hours a day) but no one cared because we won.

Your right by the way that Ryp would have been run out of town with pitch forks after his first couple of seasons.

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every court case in america has "independent" experts on both sides.


So take the term independent for what its worth....which is nothing.  Someone was brought in to advance or advocate a position.


those independent experts are hired by one side or the other.  They are independent only in the fact they do not regularly receive a paycheck from the side that hired them.  I'm fairly certain this guy will never receive a paycheck from the Washington Redskins

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every court case in america has "independent" experts on both sides.

So take the term independent for what its worth....which is nothing. Someone was brought in to advance or advocate a position.

You actually believe an NFL team would bribe a neurologist so they could bench their starting QB?

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I think the media and most of us fans owe the team and RGIII an apology for doubting the concussion excuse.  Its a players competitiveness gene that does not want to admit to a concussion or concussion symptoms...  many players play through concussions for decades now and some were silent about it when noticing symptoms internally.  RGIII knows his job is on the line and was not going to lay over and play dead if he wasn't forced to.  I could tell during his press conference yesterday that he seemed lethargic... he wasn't excited... very non-RGIII.

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You actually believe an NFL team would bribe a neurologist so they could bench their starting QB?

I don't know if it's that simple but something more is at play. No idea which conspiracy is correct but something reeks. After everything that's gone on here, I find it strange that anyone would find this completely normal.

Extremely vague details by everyone involved for a week.

Cleared to play.

Cooleys hinting at him not playing on Thursday.

Press release late Friday when the hit patrol is off duty that he's not playing and will be reassessed in 1 to 2 weeks.

Darlingtons tweets.

All that together seems more peculiar than it does standard operating procedure.

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*Clown Theme Song video*


Can we get this as a background theme music until further notice?  It made reading the thread much better for me.


We were mocking the Jets when Geno got his jaw broken. "At least we aren't the Jets" we said. "At least we've still got that."


Today, we lost that.


So you're saying it was Kirk that punched RG3's head back into a concussion?  We're not the Jets yet, but it's getting close.


I don't get it either... if they don't want him to play I dont see the need to go all crazy conspiracy and come up with some concussion excuse...

I don't understand why they cleared him, but then renigered it... it makes no sense....



They what?  Spelling or a poor choice of words? :P



I'm a little confused as to how they cleared him then said, "wait... Never mind."

Not necessarily a conspiracy. Could be. Or it could be gross incompetence from the medical team tasked with evaluating Griffin. Either way, it's strange to have clearance waived.

In order to be cleared all evidence needs to be reviewed and the doctors must be positive. If that didn't happen, or they cleared him based on "anticipation" then the medical team either didn't do their job the first time, there's something fishy, or Griffin took a blow to the head in practice.


See above, Kirk delivered the blow. :lol:



All jokes aside, I truly hope Griffin is OK as far as long term complications with concussions.  Junior Seau's situation reminds me that head injuries are no joke.  

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Only one losing season Gibbs 1.0 and we won 7 games that season (IIRC) with a MASH unit. There was a lot of off field stuff (Riggins and Manley alone would keep ESPN going 24 hours a day) but no one cared because we won.

Your right by the way that Ryp would have been run out of town with pitch forks after his first couple of seasons.


You forget the 1987 season too.


The benching of Jeff Bostic.


The constant shuffling between Schoreder and Doug Williams.


That "QB shuffle" alone would've melted this board. :)

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 I could tell during his press conference yesterday that he seemed lethargic... he wasn't excited... very non-RGIII.

THIS actually could have been a part of their decision.  I do think they review behaviors as a part of their protocol. The bottom line is better safe than sorry.  Whether Robert's lethargy was caused from the beatings by the press, or the Lions, is up for debate but he definitely was not "right".  I've never seen anyone as dissected, in ever facet of everything, as Robert.  I want him to succeed badly, but he may fair better away from the toxicity that is our Redskins.  I remember watching Kilmer against the Dolphins (was 9 and was HOOKED), the Gibbs glory years, and at this point....well I've never experienced the like of it. I feel so sorry for our fans that have not had that; it is beyond amazing.  We will get there with Scot, but this is no quick fix folks. Anyway, Amazing crazy stuff.  I think there is a thread titled "Are you not entertained?".  Well, like it or not, that's kind of where we are now. We entertain the masses because of our folly's.  We are the car wreck you have to see, the train-wreck....all of that.  Oh well, bottoms up. Hail  

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If this is indeed the beginning of the end for Griffin....  This is what has been spent on QB's in the draft since 1999:


Trade for Brad Johnson: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd round pick
Drafted Patrick Ramsey: 1st round pick
Trade for Mark Brunell: 3rd round pick
Drafted Jason Campbell: 1st, 3rd, and 4th round pick
Trade for Donovan McNabb: 2nd and 4th round pick
Trade up for Robert Griffin: 3 1st's and a 2nd round pick
Drafted Kirk Cousins: 4th round pick

Total Draft picks by round:

6 First Rounders
3 Second Rounders
3 Third Rounders
3 Fourth Rounders



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