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Florida State QB DeAndre Johnson hits Woman VIDEO


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Only the most obtuse amongst us confuse women's demands for equality after millennia of second class treatment as women wanting men to forget the physical differences between the sexes.


I'm just saying it for what it is. This stupid argument is fairly common in "Men's Rights" advocacy group who bemoan feminists or anyone who works on gender issues. It's not surprising to me that you are also citing Erin Pizzey, the same lady who has made brilliant claims like "women can't work in STEM because their brains are different than men" or that "feminists who work on rape related issues really just have rape fantasies of their own". She's pretty popular on r/Mensrights or whatever that idiotic subreddit is because she feeds into their "men are the real victims" narrative.


Mens Rights advocacy groups are almost always chalk full of sexually frustrated dudes who have had their heart brokens posting misogynistic nonsense. It is what it is. Sometimes under a real scenario of physical threat, violence is justified against women. It's blatantly obvious in this case that it wasn't. And some of you want to justify this asshole D-1 athletes actions under the guise of "Equality" when really, the intentions of coming to his defense are quite obvious to anyone with common sense.


Hey I can make generalized comments to! The amount of white knighting in this thread is hilarious. Its a bunch of guys who feel that if they defend any actions of a woman then perhaps they will give him a little play.





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I still have not said anything good about Johnson. What goes around comes around. She sent a fist and another one came around. No sympathy. Don't hit people.


But your opinion must be turned into a defense for Johnson, else we wouldn't get insights into how sexually frustrated you are.

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I don't know about equating feminists to male rights advocates because I've yet to actually see a male rights advocacy group. I've worked with advocacy groups, charities, and other non profits for a long time, I know them when I see them. I've yet to see a group that fits the "men's rights advocacy" description that is actually up and running. I've seen a bunch of idiots and some scary weirdos though.

As for feminism, they stand for equality as much as republicans stand for liberty. Unlike whatever passes for MRAs they are organized and very effective. Got to give them credit.

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Hey I can make generalized comments to! The amount of white knighting in this thread is hilarious. Its a bunch of guys who feel that if they defend any actions of a woman then perhaps they will give him a little play.

Except nobody has defended her. She was in the wrong. However, wrong as she may be, she didn't deserve to get punched in the face.

That's the distinction. Yes, they both are wrong. It doesn't justify his actions or the the "goes around comes around" defense of his actions.

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I make no such confusion. I demand women's equality. Complete equality. I have always been on the side of equality.

I am not aware of such comments from Pizzey. As mentioned, I had only just become aware of her, and she came with quite a position of authority on the subject being the person who started the first women's shelter. She's seen a lot of things being involved in both womens and mens advocacy. If you have some links that prove her to be a kook, I'll gladly read them.

You paint with a broad brush. One could make similar comments about feminists being sexually frustrated and then turn around and use that as an insult to any woman promoting a women's issue as you've done with me, but that's immature.

I still have not said anything good about Johnson. What goes around comes around. She sent a fist and another one came around. No sympathy. Don't hit people.


I'm not painting you in any way. You've done a fantastic job yourself.


And feel free to google Pizzey. She's done some good work in her life but she holds a myriad of unbelievably ridiculous opinions and has made statements that in no way, shape or form make her a credible human being.

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Grow up.


Yeah No Excuses, grow up!! If a woman throws a punch, no matter how soft, she is entitled to get punched in the face really, really hard.


So any of you ladies out there thinking of playing the punch buggy game with a guy, just be ready have your teeth punched in because in this day of equality, don't throw a punch if you aren't ready to get your *** kicked.


Oh, I'm totally against a man hitting a woman, but I do understand when it happens. Though that isn't defending the guy...just understanding him...even though it's wrong....but understandable.

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So any of you ladies out there thinking of playing the punch buggy game with a guy, just be ready have your teeth punched in because in this day of equality, don't throw a punch if you aren't ready to get your *** kicked.


So remember ladies, grab yourself a baseball bat and start wailing on guys, because if they do anything to stop you they're a giant woman beating asshole and anyone that even mildly thinks it's not the worst thing ever is clearly a misogynist jerk who never gets laid and hates women with the fury of a thousand burning suns.


You know, because we're apparently acting ridiculous obtuse and ignorant in regards to what peoples arguments are when we're attempting to summarize them....



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So remember ladies, grab yourself a baseball bat and start wailing on guys, because if they do anything to stop you they're a giant woman beating asshole and anyone that even mildly thinks it's not the worst thing ever is clearly a misogynist jerk who never gets laid and hates women with the fury of a thousand burning suns.


You know, because we're apparently acting ridiculous obtuse and ignorant in regards to what peoples arguments are when we're attempting to summarize them....




ah yes of course.   


or wait... I missed the bat.. in THIS ****ING SCENARIO THAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT?  

and in any case, that isn't fun enough.  since you are gonna to make up ****, give her a samurai sword and nunchucks.  or?? how about a big iron skillet???  or maaybe a gattling gun??? THAT would be cool.



but yeah.. it is good that you added the bat to the scenario.   because it appears to indicate that you clearly  recognize that a dude that punches a woman in the face WITHOUT her having a **bat** is a misogynist jerk   


i call this progress!




** "bat" in this scenario is expanded to include sword/nunchucks/frying pan/big ass gun-- and is also expanded to include some other heretofore un-named scenarios including but not limited to a woman that is about to blow up a school bus, or is a zombie or has an nail gun pressed against your testicles or is Xena warrior princess _____space left blank to include future unlikely hypothetical schenarios ______

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But what is a gentleman to do if a woman attacks him with a bat McSluggo?  You can't just ignore it.  I suggest drawing your sword and giving her what for.  If she wants to act like a barbarian than surely she can't rely on the rules of polite society to save her.  

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What if you are at a softball game and one these broads gets a little too close to you when she's taking a few warm up swings?


What's a fella to do then?


By the way, you ****ers get in a lot of fights. Who fights this much in 2015. It can't go well. You're either going to end up shot or on the Youtubes and Youtube comments are the worst.

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But what is a gentleman to do if a woman attacks him with a bat McSluggo? You can't just ignore it. I suggest drawing your sword and giving her what for. If she wants to act like a barbarian than surely she can't rely on the rules of polite society to save her.

Use a lance. Keeps them farther away and renders the bat useless. Of course sneaking the horse into the bar can be difficult.

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Its a bunch of guys who feel that if they defend any actions of a woman then perhaps they will give him a little play.

Well DAMN!!!  I never thought anyone would notice what me (and all other females) couldn't resist doing for all these white knights the past several hours I've been absent from this thread!  #NailedIt 

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By the way, you ****ers get in a lot of fights. Who fights this much in 2015. It can't go well. You're either going to end up shot or on the Youtubes and Youtube comments are the worst.


Bruh.  Youtube?  Even Kristaps Porzingis knows about Worldstar.

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I actually read this whole thread. I'm not really surprised by any of the responses. IMO, gender aside, they both were acting like immature dumb asses. I get that they were both probably drunk off their ass, but that doesn't excuse either's behavior.

Also, i do understand how he could have gotten really heated over that situation. When he was still behind her trying to make his way to the bar, it looks like she turned around and said something nasty to him when he bumped into her. If your adult enough to get plastered in a bar, you should be adult enough to know bars get crowded, and people are gonna bump into you and invade your personal space. That "bumping" didn't call for her to run her mouth to him. Nor did it mean she had to hog the whole space at the bar, when from what I saw, there was room for him too beside her.

The fact that these 2 idiots behaved like this just tells me neither of them are very mature individuals, and neither can handle their alcohol well enough to drink in public.

Having said all this, NEITHER of them were in the right. It's a bunch of "but he or she hit me first" elementary school bull****. It's also ****ed up that he couldn't restrain himself knowing he probably has 80 pounds on the girl who doesn't stand a chance going up against him physically. If the girl was 300 pounds and looked like Big Bertha, I'd totally get him hitting her if she swung on him. But that wasn't the case.

Anyway, they both should have to deal with consequences, legal or otherwise, because regardless of who started what, they both acted like drunken, out of control douchebags. It just sucks that a kid with a pretty bright future let something so inconsequential, in the grand scheme of things, ruin his life. That's why it's so important to have self control- a lesson I had to learn recently.

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Use a lance. Keeps them farther away and renders the bat useless. Of course sneaking the horse into the bar can be difficult.


Not at all, the commoners will simply see it as a symbol of rank and wealth.  Kind of like a large shiny watch but less desperate and hungry.    

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Well DAMN!!!  I never thought anyone would notice what me (and all other females) couldn't resist doing for all these white knights the past several hours I've been absent from this thread!  #NailedIt 


See the second picture. White knighting never results in relations. LOL


Bruh.  Youtube?  Even Kristaps Porzingis knows about Worldstar.


Worldstar is a cesspool that thrives off the worst of humanity and encourages horrible behavior. Frankly its embarrassing.

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I'm gonna tell a story from my college years, involving me

She then comes at me swinging it at my face and head while screaming at me. Did I punch her? No. Was she presenting an obvious threat to do me bodily harm? Absolutely. I kept pushing her back and dodging her attempts. I then told my roommate to calm his **** down

Good job in maintaining your cool, but what if she wasn't your friends friend. Knowing you may have respect for him and his girl, had this been some random dumb chick mouthing off and also calling you racial slurs could have things been different?

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Well DAMN!!!  I never thought anyone would notice what me (and all other females) couldn't resist doing for all these white knights the past several hours I've been absent from this thread!  #NailedIt 

the joke was that it didn't work

ah yes of course.   




i call this progress!





You realize he was mocking you, and others, for the way you've responded to what others have been trying to say?


as oppose to what you think they're trying to say?





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Good job in maintaining your cool, but what if she wasn't your friends friend. Knowing you may have respect for him and his girl, had this been some random dumb chick mouthing off and also calling you racial slurs could have things been different?


Completely different situations, but still, one can control their emotions if they want to.  I can honestly say, this happened 18 years ago when I was a lot younger, dumber and had a **** you attitude towards everything with a very bad temper and short fuse.  


Outside of getting verbally pissed off at her, I didn't think about dropping her ass for coming at me.  She wasn't a threat, in my eyes, given the size/strength advantage I had over her.  Maybe subconsciously her being a best friends girlfriend came into play.  I can honestly say, in the heat of the moment when she was swinging at me and chasing me around the apartment, I was not thinking about that at all.


I was focused on avoiding getting hit and distancing myself from her and letting the incident diffuse.  When she finally gave up, is when I told him to get his **** in check.  Which prompted an argument between us, but that's another story for another day.


After watching this video, I can 100% guarantee that my buddy's GF was more of a threat to me than that drunk girl at the bar was to the FSU player.

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Good job in maintaining your cool, but what if she wasn't your friends friend. Knowing you may have respect for him and his girl, had this been some random dumb chick mouthing off and also calling you racial slurs could have things been different?

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but you call me a name and it's over. You're dead! I'm going to kill you! You dare disrespect me! You say one thing to me... you need to be bowing to me. You're lucky just to get a beating. 

Golden rule! Christian behavior! Turning the other cheek! Civilization!


I'm a man! **** you! You can't say nothing to me! You looking at me funny... huh!  What? WHAT! Oh, it's on now!!!



(If she did use racist language I can understand his response better and even sympathize with it. Mind you, I don't know that he did. If she did, I'd almost expect him not to have restrained her, but be the one talking louder and maybe even be the one to shove first. He didn't. Instead, they jaw at each other and he grabs her to control/restrain her which provokes her to try to break free. Did she say racist crap? Did he think that claiming she did would be his "get out of jail free" card? I don't know.

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So remember ladies, grab yourself a baseball bat and start wailing on guys, because if they do anything to stop you they're a giant woman beating asshole and anyone that even mildly thinks it's not the worst thing ever is clearly a misogynist jerk who never gets laid and hates women with the fury of a thousand burning suns.


You know, because we're apparently acting ridiculous obtuse and ignorant in regards to what peoples arguments are when we're attempting to summarize them....




Yes, cause these are the things I said. Reading, it's funda-something.

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