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Florida State QB DeAndre Johnson hits Woman VIDEO


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FWIW I had my wife watch the video and didn't really tell her anything about it other than they were both drinking in a bar and the guy was the FSU QB.  I told her to watch it a couple times including in slow motion.  Her response was "**** deserved it."  She went on to say that especially once she watched it a few times and in slow motion that it looked to her like the girl started it and the guy was justified.  She also said he probably didn't need to hit her THAT hard but she completely understood how in a quick moving situation like that how he could have not taken the time to think about it and just reacted.  So there is one women's perspective.

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Like the people equating a woman with the handicapped....children....elderly? My point is simple. You see it. And you fail to address it head on.

Why is it wrong to hit a woman in retaliation?


It is wrong to hit anybody in retaliation.  Revenge/retaliation is wrong.  An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


It isn't wrong to hit somebody in self-defense, but it was clear even from the way she raised her fist that she wasn't a threat to much of anybody, He clearly was able to grab her arm and control her hand indicating that she didn't have the power, speed, or experience to be a real threat to  him and there was nothing in her punch to suggest she was a threat.


I'm not even sure she actually hit him.  It looks like it might have been a complete swing and miss.


He was wrong because he punched somebody in the face that realistically wasn't a threat to him and so there is no real claim of self-defense and that's why you've seen people equating it to kids and the elderly.


Punching people that are significantly weaker than you and aren't a threat to you is wrong no matter what they did first.

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All I've gotten out of this thread is that there a ton of dudes who are really bitter about women demanding equality. It's also cute how they won't actually hit the girl in the video but totally understand why she got her dose of #manjustice. Yeah yall are real gentleman (PS: no one believes you won't hit her)

Not really sure if this correlates with age. I would probably say sexual frustration and socioeconomic backgrounds are major contributors.

Broken hearts and broken wallets


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Want to act like a **** and get surprised when you get treated like one. This wasn't some stand up lady or woman here.

She beat him to that spot barely but she did, he then ask he girl right next to her is she finished or if he can take her spot and she moves right out the way! He's not even looking at loud mouth. There's enough to space for 2 people but she still wants to fight for her spot.

I feel sorry for the young man for losing his temper and losing his 100 thousand dollar scholarship and facing charges. All because some crazy woman decides she wants to go around picking fights she clearly can't win, knowing there's no way he would hit back because he's a man, SURPISE.

And here we go again with the enabling of women beating. You feel sorry for him lol.

Does somebody that is physically superior have no responsibility in a physical confrontation? There is no high road, no sense of right or wrong, no thought process of "ok maybe this person could potentially want to fight but seriously, I would crush them, this isn't a fair fight so I will not pound their face in with ease" nope, any excuse we can to punch somebody, we better take it. We are men after all. Let me stick my chest out and flex while I'm at it. Love being a ****ing man!

Also, what is your cutoff for when you can punch somebody that "wants to act like a man"? You said teenager in another post so what's the high end of the spectrum?

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I'm gonna tell a story from my college years, involving me and my wife's roommate.  


My wife's roommate was dating my roommate (actually his ex-wife now).  Wife was at work, I was over at her apartment with them to watch a movie.  I had left a VCR tape over there with a few movies I had recorded off HBO on it a couple of weeks prior.  Her roommate was nuts, which is being kind at best.  


Long story short, she claimed that it was her VCR tape, not mine and started yelling at me out of the blue about how I am wrong and never admit it, etc. (for the record - I had taken the tape over to watch another movie on it with my wife and she was there that afternoon and watched it with us).


I retreated to my wifes bedroom and got on her computer and started to play some games, just to get away from her.  She ejects the tape says something like, you will never see this tape again.  In which I replied, "I'll take the ****ing tape anytime I want it.  But keep it, its just a VCR tape with some recorded movies on it."


She then comes at me swinging it at my face and head while screaming at me.  Did I punch her?  No.  Was she presenting an obvious threat to do me bodily harm?  Absolutely.  I kept pushing her back and dodging her attempts.  I then told my roommate to calm his **** down.  


Funny story now, stupid college ****, immature back then, but none the less, I didn't have to resort to knocking her ass out even though she was coming at me swinging for my head.  Why?  Because I was a lot bigger than her and there wasn't any need.  Even if she had connected, I'd have most likely taken it from her and broke it in half and left their apartment.   

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It is wrong to hit anybody in retaliation. Revenge/retaliation is wrong. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

It isn't wrong to hit somebody in self-defense, but it was clear even from the way she raised her fist that she wasn't a thread to much of anybody, He clearly was able to grab her arm and control her hand indicating that she didn't have the power, speed, or experience to be a real threat to him and there was nothing in her punch to suggest she was a thread.

I'm not even sure she actually hit him.

He was wrong because he punched somebody in the face that realistically wasn't a threat to him and so there is no real claim of self-defense and that's why you've seen people equating it to kids and the elderly.

Punching people that are significantly weaker than you and aren't a threat to you is wrong no matter what they did first.

Awesome post, agree completely.

He would be wrong in any case to me, even if it were a guy, for escalating it to that level the way he did when he punched her.

The fact that he is doing so to somebody that is so much physically weaker than him and a non threat only makes it worse

I'm gonna tell a story from my college years, involving me and my wife's roommate.

Come on Taze, didn't you know that if she wanted to "act like a man" you should have knocked her ass out cold.

Some man you are

FWIW I had my wife watch the video and didn't really tell her anything about it other than they were both drinking in a bar and the guy was the FSU QB. I told her to watch it a couple times including in slow motion. Her response was "**** deserved it." She went on to say that especially once she watched it a few times and in slow motion that it looked to her like the girl started it and the guy was justified. She also said he probably didn't need to hit her THAT hard but she completely understood how in a quick moving situation like that how he could have not taken the time to think about it and just reacted. So there is one women's perspective.

Well I guess it's good for you to know that you can punch your wife in the face as long as she starts it or it's justified. I'm assuming your wife will determine if it's justified once she regains consciousness.

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Well I guess it's good for you to know that you can punch your wife in the face as long as she starts it or it's justified. I'm assuming your wife will determine if it's justified once she regains consciousness.



Now that TheGreatBuzzs wife has weighed in, I've changed my mind

I just thought it was interesting to hear a women's perspective.  I'd actually like to hear some other women's perspectives and talk about it.  It would seem to me that men have a lot more of a "don't hit women, they aren't equal in that sense" mentality than the women I interact with.  That could just be because most women I interact with other than my wife are military also.  Who knows?


Or you can just make snarky comments and act like a d-bag. 

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Punching people that are significantly weaker than you and aren't a threat to you is wrong no matter what they did first.


Thank you. This is a consistent argument that makes sense.


If your issue is about threat and physicality, and that applies whether it's man or woman, that makes tons of sense.


If your issue is about  gender and thus only applies with a woman, that makes sense too (and is frankly the mentality I hope has been, and will continue, to be most common in this country).


If you CLAIM your issue is about threat and physicality, but only apply that to situations with a woman and wouldn't react similarly with it being about a man, then you're just putting up BS excuses so that you can avoid being honest and saying "It's because a man shouldn't hit a woman, end of story".


I'd applaud any man in a situation like DTMB not responding with physicality. That's the way I'd hope a guy would react. That's the way I've reacted in similar situations. That's the way I hope people are teaching their kids to react. THAT reaction is commendable.


No where did I say this kids actions were commendable, or good, or what "should" have happened.


What I have said is that I can understand why he reacted that way and that the situation and context of it make it much less of a deal to me than what many are making it out to be. Just like if DTMB's story did result in him ultimately responding physically, I would understand why he did it and wouldn't act like he just sucker punched and pummeled a helpless unsuspecting completely innocent fragile porcelain doll.


While some of you can have whatever opinion on the sincerity or the legitimacy of such a dichotomy, that's my general take. It's possible for something to both be understandable and wrong. Some of you may disagree with my opinions; I assure you, I care roughly as much about your opinions on mine as you likely care do about mine.

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I just thought it was interesting to hear a women's perspective. I'd actually like to hear some other women's perspectives and talk about it. It would seem to me that men have a lot more of a "don't hit women, they aren't equal in that sense" mentality than the women I interact with. That could just be because most women I interact with other than my wife are military also. Who knows?

Or you can just make snarky comments and act like a d-bag.

Can I just make snarky comments? Or do I have to be a dbag too?

Does making snarky comments automatically qualify one as a dbag? If so, is that part of your sentence redundant? If not, give me an example of how I can be snarky and non-dbag

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All I've gotten out of this thread is that there a ton of dudes who are really bitter about women demanding equality. It's also cute how they won't actually hit the girl in the video but totally understand why she got her dose of #manjustice. Yeah yall are real gentleman (PS: no one believes you won't hit her)

Not really sure if this correlates with age. I would probably say sexual frustration and socioeconomic backgrounds are major contributors.

Great argument. Clearly anyone who believes in equal treatment for men and women is bitter about women demanding equality. Oh and sexually frustrated, too, because why not? Grow up.
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Can I just make snarky comments? Or do I have to be a dbag too?

Does making snarky comments automatically qualify one as a dbag? If so, is that part of your sentence redundant? If not, give me an example of how I can be snarky and non-dbag

I would say it is possible to be one without the other but you show a keen ability to multitask.


No one does not automatically qualify for the other so no that part of my sentence is not redundant. 


An example would be me pointing out that I said "act like a d-bag", not that you were being a dbag.  Obviously that is just being sharply critical (one definition of snarky) and has no bearing on your actual point.  Though I would say it doesn't rise to the level of dbag because I could have been using it in a manner to defend myself from accusations of name calling.  After all, there is a difference between acting like something occasionally and totally embodying  a certain personality.  One would be name calling and one would be pointing out a temporary character trait.


I'm surprised you needed me to break this down for you since we see so much of both here.


Anything else you need me to break down for you?

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I would say it is possible to be one without the other but you show a keen ability to multitask.

No one does not automatically qualify for the other so no that part of my sentence is not redundant.

An example would be me pointing out that I said "act like a d-bag", not that you were being a dbag. Obviously that is just being sharply critical (one definition of snarky) and has no bearing on your actual point. Though I would say it doesn't rise to the level of dbag because I could have been using it in a manner to defend myself from accusations of name calling. After all, there is a difference between acting like something occasionally and totally embodying a certain personality. One would be name calling and one would be pointing out a temporary character trait.

I'm surprised you needed me to break this down for you since we see so much of both here.

Anything else you need me to break down for you?

I'm not sure you've convinced me. Can you get your wife to weigh in?

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I'm not sure you've convinced me. Can you get your wife to weigh in?

Possibly.  How big are you?


I only ask because she would probably want to slap you for being so overly obtuse and I want to know if she could take a #justicepunch from you.  Nevermind, it's never okay to hit a women.

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So you're married to someone who figures it's appropriate to slap someone when they're being overtly obtuse?


How are you not in a hospital all the time?










(i said it before---i can't hep mesef---ya can't just lay those out there--I don't even remember if you're actually obtuse very often as a poster and if it fits or not  :lol:)

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Great argument. Clearly anyone who believes in equal treatment for men and women is bitter about women demanding equality. Oh and sexually frustrated, too, because why not? Grow up.


Only the most obtuse amongst us confuse women's demands for equality after millennia of second class treatment as women wanting men to forget the physical differences between the sexes.


I'm just saying it for what it is. This stupid argument is fairly common in "Men's Rights" advocacy group who bemoan feminists or anyone who works on gender issues. It's not surprising to me that you are also citing Erin Pizzey, the same lady who has made brilliant claims like "women can't work in STEM because their brains are different than men" or that "feminists who work on rape related issues really just have rape fantasies of their own". She's pretty popular on r/Mensrights or whatever that idiotic subreddit is because she feeds into their "men are the real victims" narrative.


Mens Rights advocacy groups are almost always chalk full of sexually frustrated dudes who have had their heart brokens posting misogynistic nonsense. It is what it is. Sometimes under a real scenario of physical threat, violence is justified against women. It's blatantly obvious in this case that it wasn't. And some of you want to justify this asshole D-1 athletes actions under the guise of "Equality" when really, the intentions of coming to his defense are quite obvious to anyone with common sense.

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Only the most obtuse amongst us confuse women's demands for equality after millennia of second class treatment as women wanting men to forget the physical differences between the sexes.

I make no such confusion. I demand women's equality. Complete equality. I have always been on the side of equality.

I'm just saying it for what it is. This stupid argument is fairly common in "Men's Rights" advocacy group who bemoan feminists or anyone who works on gender issues. It's not surprising to me that you are also citing Erin Pizzey, the same lady who has made brilliant claims like "women can't work in STEM because their brains are different than men" or that "feminists who work on rape related issues really just have rape fantasies of their own". She's pretty popular on r/Mensrights or whatever that idiotic subreddit is.

I am not aware of such comments from Pizzey. As mentioned, I had only just become aware of her, and she came with quite a position of authority on the subject being the person who started the first women's shelter. She's seen a lot of things being involved in both womens and mens advocacy. If you have some links that prove her to be a kook, I'll gladly read them.

Mens Rights advocacy groups are almost always chalk full of sexually frustrated dudes who have had their heart brokens posting misogynistic nonsense.

You paint with a broad brush. One could make similar comments about feminists being sexually frustrated and then turn around and use that as an insult to any woman promoting a women's issue as you've done with me, but that's immature.

It is what it is. Sometimes under a real scenario of physical threat, violence is justified against women. It's blatantly obvious in this case that it wasn't.

I still have not said anything good about Johnson. What goes around comes around. She sent a fist and another one came around. No sympathy. Don't hit people.
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