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CONFIRMED: Scot McCloughan has accepted offer to become Redskins GM: Per Michael Robinson, Albert Breer and Ian Rapoport


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 I'm busting on you a bit here and in the other thread, but mean what I say both in terms of understanding your sentiment and genuinely being willing to boot you if it would help (you may not believe how often I have asked to ban a member by that member who wants to quit but "can't" on their own---btw, most come back).


Nah, I'm good and appreciate it.  If I truly am where I feel, I shouldn't need any extra help staying away.   There's only so much self inflicted pain a man can take before he wakes up and realizes he's been made a fool by his own insane actions.  

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Nah, I'm good and appreciate it.  If I truly am where I feel, I shouldn't need any extra help staying away.   There's only so much self inflicted pain a man can take before he wakes up and realizes he's been made a fool by his own insane actions.  

  Good enough, amigo.

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Maybe McCloughan relishes the challenge that turning around the Redskins would bring. 

With such low expectations, even having a team that goes .500 over a 5 year period would be a huge boost to his career


In my mind, which is a dark forest, I still think of certain programs as "established pillars" of football. Michigan is one of them. Though downtrodden before Harbaugh came back, it was a pillar. Like Alabama was, though rundown from the elite, before Saban.


I actually had a VHS of Bo Schembechler teaching offensive line, that I watched religiously as a kid. 


Anyway, the Raiders and Redskins are both still pillars of the established NFL, though destroyed, in ruins, and covered with moss (in my mind). The moss covers the Redskins, not my mind (not entirely).


I don't feel that way about the Jags, never will. So, yeah, a charity case -- I'll take it.

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Nah, I'm good and appreciate it.  If I truly am where I feel, I shouldn't need any extra help staying away.   There's only so much self inflicted pain a man can take before he wakes up and realizes he's been made a fool by his own insane actions.  



IF I only had a dollar for every Monday morning I said that and I just don't mean about the Redskins. I don't know your age but I can assure you being a Skins fan at my age really means I have learned a few things, I am dedicated or stupid and painful losses don't hurt when I laugh. It's just a damn game and there is more tragedy than joy. 

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I'm fine with guys being a 9.5 fed up. I was probably at an 8.5 before Haslett was shown the door. I understand, but to bombard threads with "it will never turn around," or "why bother, we'll just screw it up" posts, it gets tiresome.

Somewhere deep down, we all have some positives for this team in us. My meter will go down with every move I feel is in the best interest for the team, but as always, I won't be the least bit positive until I see wins on the field. And lots of wins.


I get it, I really do.  Sometimes people come here for that unbridled and innocent positivity, and sometimes people just can't stand it.  I know it goes the other way, too.


Don't confuse those who say "it'll never turn around" with those of us who say, "it'll never turn around UNLESS."  There's a world of difference there.


Well, it's clicks and the site is linked directly to the website.  I'd say I wouldn't spend another dime on the Skins and that is true but by coming here helping with Ad sells, I'm being a bit hypocritical.


I've loved this team very much, too much.  There comes a time when a man's simply had too much.   I don't want to be here crying about this team so I don't post much.  I do come here from time to time to see what the overall consensus of the team is and am a bit taken back by all the optimism that is still here.  I can't believe it.  Good on those that still believe.   I, unfortunately, no longer do.  I don't post a lot on this board so you won't see me spamming.   


Your clicks don't matter; your purchases do.  If you're out, then that's fine, just want to make sure that you aren't giving up.  I've not optimism right now, but I've been wrong before and would love to be wrong again.

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Not sure that anyone that matters in the organization reads these types of things, but a move like this (frankly, just building a front office the way winners do it) would get me to renew my season tickets. I'm very much on the fence right now given the experience in the stadium and a complete lack of hope for the future.


I'd bet I'm not the only one that feels this way, either.

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Okay, so this smoke is smelling good.  A few puffs of Wade, some wafts of Mac, some Bruce might be moving out of the personnel clouds floating around.


Sadly, when Snyder turns the fan on, we will be staring at AJ Smith, Raheem, and Bruce riding a piece of **** John Deere mower with a new paint job.  


Please, for all that is holy, do the right thing Danny Boy.

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Just hiring A.J. Smith isn't enough. He can find talent. Hiring Smith and McCloughan would be a really good combo. But Snyder has to listen.



I think that this sums it up perfectly.  Only thing that I'd add is that he has to listen, and he has to give it a minute or two.  That 49ers team wasn't very good while it was being built, and neither was Seattle (sorry, 7-9 division champs don't mean a thing to me).  Once all of the pieces were in place, though, it was like a switch was flipped and now they're both fantastic even in a fantastic division.  I'll take a down year after three straight trips to the NFC Championship and another couple of "power malfunctions" from a fifth Lombardi.

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I think that this sums it up perfectly.  Only thing that I'd add is that he has to listen, and he has to give it a minute or two.  That 49ers team wasn't very good while it was being built, and neither was Seattle (sorry, 7-9 division champs don't mean a thing to me).  Once all of the pieces were in place, though, it was like a switch was flipped and now they're both fantastic even in a fantastic division.  I'll take a down year after three straight trips to the NFC Championship and another couple of "power malfunctions" from a fifth Lombardi.


That's what crazy, the NFC West was and is considered probably the best division in football.  He built half of that division with his own two hands.  That's crazy.

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I'm gonna take this as good news for now. If they're truly looking to hire him that means, at the very least, they finally realize what their biggest problem has been for so long and understand they've got to allow a legitimate football guy to build the team.

However, this is the Redskins with one of the worst organizational hierarchies and structures you've ever seen in place. Will that change? What purpose does having a Doug Williams, AJ Smith, Alex Santos AND Mcloughan have with top titles that mix in responsibility? Will Allen retain the GM title?

Like I said, it's a positive for now. But let's see how they actually execute this. So often with this organization, the intention starts out wonderfully but the execution goes miserably. God willing that changes.

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I'm gonna take this as good news for now. If they're truly looking to hire him that means, at the very least, they finally realize what their biggest problem has been for so long and understand they've got to allow a legitimate football guy to build the team.

However, this is the Redskins with one of the worst organizational hierarchies and structures you've ever seen in place. Will that change? What purpose does having a Doug Williams, AJ Smith, AND Mcloughan have with top titles that mix in responsibility? Will Allen retain the GM title?

Like I said, it's a positive for now. But let's see how they actually execute this. So often with this organization, the intention starts out wonderfully but the execution goes miserably. God willing that changes.


Good post. It seems like they'd have to hire McCloughan and allow him to re-structure as needed. That might mean that we don't use AJ Smith anymore (or his insights are simply inputs for Scot to use if he wants to) and might mean that a new group of guys makes up our front office. I'm perfectly fine with that (not that anyone cares). 

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when i think about my thoughts when reading this thread, listening to the radio, and reading twitter i come to one conclusion:

i'm a sucker. i find a way to buy into it every season. where's my season ticket invoice!? (just kidding... kind of... i think)

that said, i wasn't nearly as outraged as many other fans were at the end of the 2014 season. so maybe it's not so bad?

no it's probably still bad...

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I'm going to need more information that just "reaching out". Heck we reached out to Jim Caldwell with the Ravens last year (now the Lions coach), and even reached out to Vic Fangio before hiring Gruden. I don't want to sound difficult but I've seen lipstick on a pig before and I'm not getting excited again. And I'm not going to try to be optimistic and defend Gruden/Allen/whoever the DC is either. If we get McClough it may solve the problems it may not. Heck, for all we know this could be a situation where another guy comes into the black hole of DC and is eaten alive, or where a guy comes here and is overpaid and suddenly loses his desire to fight because he's already been paid.

We'll see, but the first step is the first step and so far he is on the same level as the coaches that we interviewed before Gruden (when Gruden was the guy most thought we'd get). Right now the front runners are Smith for quasi-GM and Phillips for DC. Will that change?

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This would be bigger than any signing we've made since Dan got here. Especially if he's given a GM role or something. Maybe they'll quietly relinquish Brucey of his GM duties, and give it to either AJ or Scot. The combo of them two should be nice. Hopefully no heads clash, AND Dan has to listen.

Let Scot do the football stuff and Bruce can handle harvest fest. 






I agree though. Bruce can do the numbers and deal with the agents.

I'm not getting my hopes up though. We've been down this road before.

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His job is to build the roster, not to choose coaches. Yes they need to have similar views about players and get along but he doesn't have to be involved imo. That is not his job.


How the heck do you know what his job is? We don't know what anyone's current job is...

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This would be bigger than any signing we've made since Dan got here. Especially if he's given a GM role or something. Maybe they'll quietly relinquish Brucey of his GM duties, and give it to either AJ or Scot. The combo of them two should be nice. Hopefully no heads clash, AND Dan has to listen.


Nah, I think the combo is a Snyder move. It would have the front office into another "everybody has a voice" situation which means that Snyder has a voice, which means that AJ/Scot have a smaller voice. Even if Snyder isn't involved. I want one voice making these decisions. I want what Allen said in his press conference, "one voice, one vision". Problem is he was talking about GM not overriding the coach. But when we have a FO of Santos/Campbell/Allen/Smith/McCloughan all with about equal roles and different opinions on what we should do, then what you've created is multiple visions, even if Allen becomes the rubber stamp to say "this is our choice". And these aren't just arbitrary scouts. What do you do when there's a disagreement and your choice is wrong? Do you just say "we'll go with the other guy next time", or "best 3 out of 5"?


One Voice, One Vision, One (Good) GM.

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I'm gonna take this as good news for now. If they're truly looking to hire him that means, at the very least, they finally realize what their biggest problem has been for so long and understand they've got to allow a legitimate football guy to build the team.

However, this is the Redskins with one of the worst organizational hierarchies and structures you've ever seen in place. Will that change? What purpose does having a Doug Williams, AJ Smith, Alex Santos AND Mcloughan have with top titles that mix in responsibility? Will Allen retain the GM title?

Like I said, it's a positive for now. But let's see how they actually execute this. So often with this organization, the intention starts out wonderfully but the execution goes miserably. God willing that changes.


If JLC is correct and Mcloughan is in that hot demand -- Bruce and Dan will have no choice but to give him control to land here because why would he take being 2nd or 3rd banana when everyone else is offering you the top job.  


To me this is by a mile a better situation than AJ Smith. AJ is 65 and already pals with the Grudens and Allen and close to retirement age, I read an article about him where the reporter talked about AJ's dreams to be island hopping in retirement.   AJ probably is cool with Bruce having a big say.    And AJ when he left wasn't considered at the top of his game.


Getting a guy who recently built arguably the two most talented rosters in the NFL, isn't old, and gets full control -- that's what I want.  Now does Bruce and Danny really want that, got my doubts, who knows, will see. 

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