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Welcome to the Redskins Trent Murphy (OLB Stanford)


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I only remember that in connection to drafting Davis...we already had Cooley, fans were irritated that we drafted an unnecessary TE instead of Campbell. But as far as Thomas went, he had "1st round talent" and the majority here were over the moon that we got him by trading back into the 2nd round. Kelly?...Most were positive on him being drafted, with those who weren't questioning the health of his knees. But definitely BOTH had threads started on ES about how Moss and ARE were "expendable" now. I got into many debates back then about how stupid it was to assume anything about any of the four players (Moss, ARE, Kelly and Thomas). Then again, if you go by some ES pearls of wisdom, Rob Jackson was supposed to have made Orakpo expendable, Ladell Betts was supposed to have made Clinton Portis expendable, and Colt Brennan was supposed to have made half the roster experdable.


Course, one of my big memories here of that draft was the majority wanting Limas Sweed at WR.  How did that work out?


Personally, I'm one who wanted either Kelly or Jordy Nelson.  Personally, I loved Kelly's tape and though he was going to be the big body over-the-middle receiver we had missed for years.  Had his knees held up, maybe he could have been that guy.


As for Campbell, there were a lot of questions at the time if he could be a good pass rusher in the NFL.  Personally, I thought he was a better fit in a 3-4, and he went to a 3-4 team and thrived.

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I've heard the thought that Trent Murphy might be plugged in as an ILB (perhaps moving to MLB) because of his range, his intelligence (see all of the blocked passes and refusal to bit on the play action in the video) and ability to pursue the ball.  He could drop into coverage or rush the passer - has anyone else heard that?

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I've heard the thought that Trent Murphy might be plugged in as an ILB (perhaps moving to MLB) because of his range, his intelligence (see all of the blocked passes and refusal to bit on the play action in the video) and ability to pursue the ball.  He could drop into coverage or rush the passer - has anyone else heard that?


The only thing I've heard is that he might play inside on passing downs.  They seem to consider him an OLB purely.

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The only thing I've heard is that he might play inside on passing downs.  They seem to consider him an OLB purely.

That's an interesting thought - so he could potentially provide more push up the middle then?  Is that how you see him being used as ILB?

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All good with no bad doesn't tell a true story, I like videos like this one that breaks down what the players do and don't do well



One thing I noticed right away was how many moves this guy has in his arsenal, very polished in that regard. He is going to be a really good football player here

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It does seem like a good pick. It also seems that Murphy thinks highly of himself and is running his mouth before he's played a down on the NFL, I'm not a fan of that:


“But either way, you have to physically impose your will across that guy and whatever that takes, whatever that kind of intangible asset that takes to do that, I mean that’s probably my strongest asset,” he said. “So whether that’s toughness, or whether that’s willpower, or whatever that is, that’s something I’ve always had and I’m excited to test at the next level.”


I hope he can "walk the walk"...   but it would be better for him to STFU and let his play speak for itself once he gets on the field, if he does.

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It does seem like a good pick. It also seems that Murphy thinks highly of himself and is running his mouth before he's played a down on the NFL, I'm not a fan of that:


“But either way, you have to physically impose your will across that guy and whatever that takes, whatever that kind of intangible asset that takes to do that, I mean that’s probably my strongest asset,” he said. “So whether that’s toughness, or whether that’s willpower, or whatever that is, that’s something I’ve always had and I’m excited to test at the next level.”


I hope he can "walk the walk"...   but it would be better for him to STFU and let his play speak for itself once he gets on the field, if he does.


Ummm, what?  That's called confidence.  If you've ever played sports at a high level, you come to understand that it's confidence above all else that keeps you playing at that high level.

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It does seem like a good pick. It also seems that Murphy thinks highly of himself and is running his mouth before he's played a down on the NFL, I'm not a fan of that:


“But either way, you have to physically impose your will across that guy and whatever that takes, whatever that kind of intangible asset that takes to do that, I mean that’s probably my strongest asset,” he said. “So whether that’s toughness, or whether that’s willpower, or whatever that is, that’s something I’ve always had and I’m excited to test at the next level.”


I hope he can "walk the walk"...   but it would be better for him to STFU and let his play speak for itself once he gets on the field, if he does.


Uh, which part of "excited to test at the next level" do you have a problem with?

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Pertaining to some of the arguments I keep reading about "where we picked him", I wanted to say a few things.


This can't be stressed enough... we have no idea whether or not the team was targeting OLB because they simply identified it as a future need, or whether or not they were "targeting" one because they felt a bunch of good ones would be there at their pick. 


All we have is the reports from Keim and Russel stating that they are looking at that position early. The "why" on that is unknown, and as Robert has said we should "know our why". That was awful, sorry. :P


IF they forced the issue and picked that position no matter what, or weighed it heavier than any other position, I don't think anyone here will agree with that methodology. Of course that's wrong. I highly doubt that myself, but I can't force anyone to speculate otherwise. Now, what ISN'T speculation is that Bruce Allen stated plainly that they felt like they addressed their immediate needs in Free Agency and can draft BPA before the draft. I'm inclined to believe him here, and that's how I'm looking at the pick. It's hard to extrapolate out of that statement that they were weighing OLB more than anything else so that pick still ends up being BPA and he was still telling the truth.  


OLB may be a supposed "future need", but you can make that case for every position on the team outside of maybe QB, lol. I find it extremely difficult for myself to believe that they went all in on targeting OLB because of next year's likely need for it. I think the reports that came out were more about how the team thinks the draft is going to go than anything else. 

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Nemo no offense, but your posts are really starting to come across as douchey. What's your issue with people having their opinion on the FO's scouting/drafting history? Just because some people are ok with what they've done doesn't mean they're calling all the moves/decisions they've made perfect.

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Nemo no offense, but your posts are really starting to come across as douchey. What's your issue with people having their opinion on the FO's scouting/drafting history? Just because some people are ok with what they've done doesn't mean they're calling all the moves/decisions they've made perfect.

I'm usually referring to specific points others make, & a lot of what I'm countering is blind acceptance. My impression of the purpose of interwebs message boards is to have point/counter point discussion with other knowledgeable people who are also passionate about the same thing. I think my typically perfunctory comments come off as shrill on an Internet forum, but one really can't win for losing on the innernets.

I usually try to be descriptive about my points so that I am clear, but unless I start using excessive exclamation points, combined with ALL CAPS...then I mean nothing by any of it.

I figure that by keeping the discussion on topic, & attempting to direct inflammatory (see: EVERYBODY'S WHINING), & dismissive one liners into factual analasys, & thought provoking counter-point discussion, then either the debating party, or myself may actually learn something.

And trust me...9/10 I prod to see if there's anything I can learn from another who is so flippantly nonchalant about someone else's opinion that they couldn't be bothered to engage in proper debate. If you are so inconvenienced by the other person's "whining," then elaborate so that some of us may learn something.

It's funny that you interpret my writing style this way because one of the main reasons I do so is to make absolutely certain the words I am using are the exact description I wish to convey to the reader so that there can be no confusion or misinterpretation. Alas...it is truly unavoidable across the board, as you can never satisfy everyone.

Particularly with regards to this discussion though...my main point I keep driving is "why so dismissive? Why use inflammatory language to describe those who disagree? Why is there so much whining about whether or not people are whining too much."

Basically. ..There have been those of us on one side of an argument, & then some on the other side, as debates go. Only... on one side there has been continued use of derogatory language used to voice their annoyance with what I can only assume is for daring to not think exactly alike.

I have only then repeated my request in varying descriptive terms in order to find the correct angle with which I may wedge my point within. Yet, & still...Some trolls will troll.

The only thing I can figure is that some people just want everyone to agree, & not doing so makes you a "whiner." I simply cannot accept that, & so long as I frequent here, I will always prod a discussion towards remaining just that. If that makes me douchey...so be it.

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It does seem like a good pick. It also seems that Murphy thinks highly of himself and is running his mouth before he's played a down on the NFL, I'm not a fan of that:


“But either way, you have to physically impose your will across that guy and whatever that takes, whatever that kind of intangible asset that takes to do that, I mean that’s probably my strongest asset,” he said. “So whether that’s toughness, or whether that’s willpower, or whatever that is, that’s something I’ve always had and I’m excited to test at the next level.”


I hope he can "walk the walk"...   but it would be better for him to STFU and let his play speak for itself once he gets on the field, if he does.

Man, i don't see how you can say he's running his mouth, sounds straight up legit and confident.

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It does seem like a good pick. It also seems that Murphy thinks highly of himself and is running his mouth before he's played a down on the NFL, I'm not a fan of that:


“But either way, you have to physically impose your will across that guy and whatever that takes, whatever that kind of intangible asset that takes to do that, I mean that’s probably my strongest asset,” he said. “So whether that’s toughness, or whether that’s willpower, or whatever that is, that’s something I’ve always had and I’m excited to test at the next level.”


I hope he can "walk the walk"...   but it would be better for him to STFU and let his play speak for itself once he gets on the field, if he does.


You must not be a confident person. In the numerous posts you make, you seem to have a very hard time (to the point of taking offense) with people who express supreme confidence in themselves. 


Honestly, I think would be better if you stfu instead, for once. You really bring nothing to this forum but nonsense, time after time.


Nothing about that screams that he's running his mouth. He should be confident. I want confidence. I don't want some quiet, emotionless robot on my team. I want a guy that feels like "You know what, I'm going to get this **** done." Thats what everybody should want. Everybody except you at least.

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You must not be a confident person. In the numerous posts you make, you seem to have a very hard time (to the point of taking offense) with people who express supreme confidence in themselves. 


Honestly, I think would be better if you stfu instead, for once. You really bring nothing to this forum but nonsense, time after time.


Nothing about that screams that he's running his mouth. He should be confident. I want confidence. I don't want some quiet, emotionless robot on my team. I want a guy that feels like "You know what, I'm going to get this **** done." Thats what everybody should want. Everybody except you at least.

Take a deep breath Mr. S, then exhale.  :lol:

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It does seem like a good pick. It also seems that Murphy thinks highly of himself and is running his mouth before he's played a down on the NFL, I'm not a fan of that:


“But either way, you have to physically impose your will across that guy and whatever that takes, whatever that kind of intangible asset that takes to do that, I mean that’s probably my strongest asset,” he said. “So whether that’s toughness, or whether that’s willpower, or whatever that is, that’s something I’ve always had and I’m excited to test at the next level.”


I hope he can "walk the walk"...   but it would be better for him to STFU and let his play speak for itself once he gets on the field, if he does.


Do you want to also get on his case about his dad talking to the media too ... MAN I don't know with some people..


On another note...


One thing I do notice in his backgorund he seems to have been down the training regime of a guy aiming to achieve great physical strength (despite the combine numbers) . That is great and all but what excites me is once he gets involved in a very specific NFL training regime I can see his explosivness and speed improve (two things people seem down on him for) - What I love about him is he is a good football player and not an athelete trying to be a football player. There are certian things you can not improve at the NFL level, you cannot coach blazing speed (you are never going to make a 4-8 guy into a 4-3 guy - mostly because it is not necesary in the NFL, or develop strong football instincts - those things you have or you don't . What you can improve is conditing training agility quickness strength and toughness if the player is willing to put in the work.


I like the pick, adds another dimension to the defense and if he works out might become a featured starter down the road. My peference is to sign 98 to what is essentially a 3 year deal and develop Murphy behind him and develop the production line you see in Pittsburg and Baltimore .  But depth and development seem to be ugly words amongst the Redskins faithful..

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I don't know why, but I get the impression of Trent Murphy's family being like dude from Seinfeld


Trent posted some pics of his dad on Twitter. .. Dude was a body builder and he's jacked. If trent fills in in a similar fashion I wouldn't be concerned about his strength once he gets in a professional Program. At 50+ he still benches 275 10+ times and 225 25x

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Does anyone else get the feeling we could be moving to a 4-3 defense after this year? 


Haslett has supposedly stated that he prefers the 4-3 over the 3-4.  We drafted a guy in Murphy who many believe would be better used as a 4-3 end and Kerrigan played his college ball as a 4-3 end.  We didn't draft any D-linemen; maybe it was because it would be a waste to draft anymore DL that fit the 3-4 scheme and we might be waiting until next year to draft some 4-3 DTs.  Hatcher and Cofield both seem to perform well as 4-3 DT's; Hatcher had a career year as a 4-3 DT.  We really liked Shazier according to multiple reports, who projects much better as a 4-3 SLB than a 3-4 ILB (it seems the Steelers don't care).  We can protect Perry Riley's lack of speed more if we put him at 4-3 MLB, and we can enhance his strengths in that system.  When Hall is gone in a few years, we will have two really long corners who can get up and press, which is great in a 4-3 scheme.  Maybe we move Hall to NCB or FS until he retires.  Ryan Clark will probably be gone after this year, so we have no reason to stay with a 3-4 set to keep him familiar with the system.  Maybe we're willing to see how the 3-4 works out this year with Haslett's change in aggressiveness, but we're also just waiting until Orakpo leaves because we don't feel he's big enough to be a 4-3 DE.


It's a lot of coincidinces if you add everything up.  But maybe I'm just seeing things that aren't there :)

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