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Rex Tomb

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About Rex Tomb

  • Birthday 10/24/1981

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Chris Cooley
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  1. No better place to be, apparently. Where is that located? Followed by a Taylor Jacobs Day... no one could practice like that manimal.
  2. Probably not a whole lot to report on anyways. Most of the stuff the rookies are doing at this stage in camp is review and mental reps, probably going over film and plays on the whiteboard.
  3. I'd be happy with a 7-10 finish, as long as we look respectable and lose some close games. We'll still have a pick in the top half of the draft and will have shown we are closer to righting the ship rather than continuing to take on water. I think we'll likely use next year's top pick on a LT and move Coleman inside to guard unless he's a real stud.
  4. My limited understanding is he is not going to be rushed back and may even start the season on the PUP list. That was the last I had heard about him a few weeks ago.
  5. Here come the forum police: Public health crisis be damned!
  6. You "hat" to be the grammar police? 😂
  7. Thank you for the variety of offerings. Beats the heck out of listening to Sirius NFL Radio and only hearing anything Washington-related once a month.
  8. The worst thing Daboll did was making Danny Dimes look serviceable in that first year. Forced ownership to reup on ole Danny, and voila, they are stuck with him and tied Daboll to a terrible QB thanks to his "potential". Couldn't happen to a better franchise. **** Wellington and the whole Mara clan!
  9. I’ll always remember the Thanksgiving beat down RG3 gave Dallas that year. What a show! https://youtu.be/V2NN8Oc1uDc?si=ndt-mnXA3PIid_de Best part was a very good family friend of ours is a huge Cowboys fan, called us right before the game, and asked if we were ready to get our asses kicked. We called him back at the end of the game. He didn't pick up so we sang Hail to the Redskins to his answering machine.
  10. Thom is probably just a little bit bitter that GMAP didn’t sell the farm to bring Aiyuk here and give the beat writers something to gush over for the next month until training camp. I have to imagine it’s tough sledding for beat reporters this time of year.
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