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Negative feedback concerning RG3 from other fans


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And I really don't know what caused Kevin Sheehan to become such a pessimistic whiny **** when it comes to RG3. I was on my break listening to 980, and he and some other dude basically gave it to him over the fan appreciation video that he did, with the other guy basically saying that he comes off as insecure/narcissistic.   


I've been emailing Sheehan about this for awhile and I think its finally starting to register with him, it didn't at first. I think the more of us pile on to him the better.  Here's why:  His comeback to me the first time on this subject, when I told him his show has become one of the most negative outlets on RG3 -- he basically responded with I was way off, and it just isn't true.  His rationale was that there are callers on his show who do not think he's negative enough on RG3.  So since I am complaining that he's too negative on him, he must be doing something right since he's getting hit on both sides.  And then in another exchange he basically said the negative sentiment on RG3 sums up what most of his listeners think at this point.  I responded citing this site saying there are only a handful out of thousands of us, who pile on RG3 .  


Now last week I heard him say on one of his shows that he wants RG3 to succeed despite what some of his listeners might think, citing some of the criticism he took.  So it sounds like others are contacting him about it.  When I first emailed him, he acted like I am the only guy who sees it as a problem and if anything the others are telling him he's not harsh enough.  But yeah I think it helps for you and others to let him know, its too much piling on RG3.  Because again his main comeback to me is that I am on an island on this and a straggler opinion.   If he hears from others the same stuff I think it would work.


I like Sheehan, he is arguably the most into the Redskins among the 980 guys along with Russell.   But the show has gone from the most upbeat shows about the team to a downer.   But again I think the dude can be turned around.  If I had to pick three reasons for the RG3 bashing on that show:  1. Sheehan and to a lesser degree Thom are big Shanny homers, so they took his side of the dispute with RG3.  2.  They get feedback from the RG3 haters much more so than us.  3.  He seems to think since he hears so much from RG3 haters that they are the ones that speak for the fanbase, so they are just echoing popular sentiment.


But I think it would help to stop that show from this trend and I think it can be done.  Heck even on draft day, Redskins at 1 turned into a bashfest of RG3.     Kevin loves citing Neil from Rockville's RG3 bashing tweets, and him and Thom giggle about it.  Having said that I can tell it bothers Sheehan when he hears from Redskins fans that he's too harsh on RG3. 


Personally I think few are harsher than Sheehan and I told him that considering not only does he bash his personality but also thinks its at 50-50 at whether he will be a successful QB.   Even guys like Bayless who has been all over RG3 the personality thinks he's the real deal as QB.  


And am cool with people having opinions all across the board, its America, but when Sheehan more or less tells me I am in the distinct minority because am backing and not bashing RG3 -- and I do believe him that its indeed the feedback he's getting -- then it hit me RG3's naysayers are better than we are at least in some corners at getting that message out.   

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Morris was no exception. He had a couple of games where he put the ball on the ground multiple times and cost the team games. Considering he hardly put the ball on the ground in his rookie year.... he was less reliable with the football last year.

2013 Washington Redskins 16 16 276 1,275 4.6 45T 7 9 78 8.7 17 0 5 4  


2012 Washington Redskins 16 16 335 1,613 4.8 39T 13 11 77 7.0 20 0 4 3



Last two columns are fumbles, and fumbles lost. 

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I've been emailing Sheehan about this for awhile and I think its finally starting to register with him, it didn't at first. I think the more of us pile on to him the better. Here's why: His comeback to me the first time on this subject, when I told him his show has become one of the most negative outlets on RG3 -- he basically responded with I was way off, and it just isn't true. His rationale was that there are callers on his show who do not think he's negative enough on RG3. So since I am complaining that he's too negative on him, he must be doing something right since he's getting hit on both sides. And then in another exchange he basically said the negative sentiment on RG3 sums up what most of his listeners think at this point. I responded citing this site saying there are only a handful out of thousands of us, who pile on RG3 .

Now last week I heard him say on one of his shows that he wants RG3 to succeed despite what some of his listeners might think, citing some of the criticism he took. So it sounds like others are contacting him about it. When I first emailed him, he acted like I am the only guy who sees it as a problem and if anything the others are telling him he's not harsh enough. But yeah I think it helps for you and others to let him know, its too much piling on RG3. Because again his main comeback to me is that I am on an island on this and a straggler opinion. If he hears from others the same stuff I think it would work.

I like Sheehan, he is arguably the most into the Redskins among the 980 guys along with Russell. But the show has gone from the most upbeat shows about the team to a downer. But again I think the dude can be turned around. If I had to pick three reasons for the RG3 bashing on that show: 1. Sheehan and to a lesser degree Thom are big Shanny homers, so they took his side of the dispute with RG3. 2. They get feedback from the RG3 haters much more so than us. 3. He seems to think since he hears so much from RG3 haters that they are the ones that speak for the fanbase, so they are just echoing popular sentiment........

Yeah...but that's the way of things. It's ALWAYS the ones with the negative angle who are most vocal, & belligerent about their position. Even at my work where we have a program installed to give positive, & negative feedback on other employees...The negative feedback far outweighs the positive despite many people having many good things to say about other employees.

I think it's because when things are good we tend to feel comfortable with our position, & feel less likely the need to explain or defend our position. It's like with music as well...you always hear from people how much they despise a song or artist. ..but rarely do we hear unsolicited praise or love for the same.

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And am cool with people having opinions all across the board, its America, but when Sheehan more or less tells me I am in the distinct minority because am backing and not bashing RG3 -- and I do believe him that its indeed the feedback he's getting -- then it hit me RG3's naysayers are better than we are at least in some corners at getting that message out....   


It's the loud minority. I agree about the Sports Fix though. Ever since the stuff last spring/summer, in regards to the Redskins, its basically become "Which RG3 tweet/audip clip can we exaggerate or completely take out of context this week?"


And its over petty ****. Last week was the final straw for me though

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Officially have gotten to "turn off or change channel immediately" status whenever Heath Evans is about to open his gaping doughboy trapper. Can't stand unprofessional analysis. ..it makes me angry, & then I have to come here & annoy you all about it. See how his actions are effecting you?


Whenever I see him it's like he doesn't have a neck

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It's the loud minority. I agree about the Sports Fix though. Ever since the stuff last spring/summer, in regards to the Redskins, its basically become "Which RG3 tweet/audip clip can we exaggerate or completely take out of context this week?"


And its over petty ****. Last week was the final straw for me though


Agree, but what gets me going is Sheehan who in the past I've found reasonable and I like his views outside of his Shanny worship which he seems to have still and the RG3 negativity -- seems to miss the point that the negative sentiment isn't the rule but more likely the exception.  Also as I pointed out to him, the questions he poses to his listeners about RG3 begs for the negativity -- when you start a question with does it "bother you" that RG3 did so and so (It's polling 101 that when you lead a question with a negative thought -- it skews the answers that way)


But anyway if anyone feels like sending Sheehan an email, I do think it might help.  It finally seems to be getting to him that people are sensing his negativity, first time I've heard him break a little on that point was last week.  And yeah I do sense it bothers him if people are bothered by the negativity. Like I said, his responses to me were more or less -- me negative, come on man, no way.  So the more people complain to him the better because yeah I do think it can influence his show -- he fancies himself as a big Redskins fan. 

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  There also was the comments from opponents regarding them knowing what was coming before the ball was snapped, which also was a big contributor in 2013's mess.


 An offense which runs out of creativity will run out of opportunities to win, especially if the line hasn't gained any continuity.

 But I wonder, if they get back to 2012 form,  is Gruden the type who will run the score up? Thought about starting a thread about this and the scenarios which could follow; would it be a good idea to run the score up, with the defense being in its current condition? It makes you think a little if the idea of doing this vs risking injury to Griffin.

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Heath Evans (perhaps not as an overall human being but as a commentator) is a piece of ****.

What is interesting to me is that he's getting the Ryan Leaf treatment even though he hasn't shown himself to be anything like that.  Even Cam has a past which made people look at him with suspicious eyes, but Griffin has none of that history in college, no connections to scandals, etc.  So what is it about him that gets him hate.  Even Brady got hate more recently because of the Spygate stuff, being a winner and having an attitude on the field some don't like.  But a young, optimistic guy who has already been to the playoffs, why the dislike?  And why spend so much time on the dislike?


I think there is, like it or not, a racial component to some of it. YOu can even tell in the comments some Indy Colts fans were making before either even played a down, and after RG3 led his team to a division title and deservedly received RotY honors.  Even on this board you see some posters who make statements that make you scratch your head.


not picking a fight! but disagree...sorta.


society has been conditioned - more so lately - to partition everyone into classes (economic, political, gender, race, etc). the mindset has been established that each of these partitions occurs at the expense of others. in short...we are frog boiled into viewing social reality as a threat environment that must be resisted (if not attacked). the psychology of tearing down PRECEDES the actual class assignment. hmmmm...I'm probably not being clear here. another way of putting it: suppose race were eliminated as an option....the same level of attack would be sustained, IMO, simply using a different category.  

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For those who haven't seen it yet, PFT has a poll up asking who is the worst starting QB in the NFC East.


Link: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/category/rumor-mill/


RG3 is in the lead with 36.67% of the 1088 votes (388 votes) followed by...


Romo at 25.52% (270 votes)

Eli at 24.2% (256 votes)

and Foles at 13.61% (144 votes).


That's right.  In a group that includes a 2-time Super Bowl MVP, a ROY who broke records for efficiency, and Romo, who holds most of the Cowboy records for passing (playoff success is another story), Nick Foles is the best QB in the NFC East.


As an aside, is there a better place to get quick NFL league-wide updates besides PFT?  I am getting fed up with every Redskins story coming with its own "change the name" slant.

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For those who haven't seen it yet, PFT has a poll up asking who is the worst starting QB in the NFC East.


Link: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/category/rumor-mill/


RG3 is in the lead with 36.67% of the 1088 votes (388 votes) followed by...


Romo at 25.52% (270 votes)

Eli at 24.2% (256 votes)

and Foles at 13.61% (144 votes).


That's right.  In a group that includes a 2-time Super Bowl MVP, a ROY who broke records for efficiency, and Romo, who holds most of the Cowboy records for passing (playoff success is another story), Nick Foles is the best QB in the NFC East.


As an aside, is there a better place to get quick NFL league-wide updates besides PFT?  I am getting fed up with every Redskins story coming with its own "change the name" slant.

But it's a poll of the general public.  All it shows is how stupid the majority of the general public is......and how stupid PFT is for posting it as "new".

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 I gotta agree; BUT, at least WE have the most knowl...knoe...kn...we know our **** ! :P


 Alot of fans have no knowledge of football, and there's things I do not know, but having a fanbase like ours does give alot of insight to things otherwise un-noticed. The situation with Griffin, Mike, etc, from the outside looks alot different than being in the midst of having a front row seat to actual facts.


 As long as Griffin can show he's ready, he will be alright. But the 'commercialization' of griffin will be a big distraction, as it has shown in the past to be. A little less publicity, pop rocks and tootsie pops, and less gullibility to be baited by the media will give him a mental edge to focus more on the team, but with society today 'needing to know', it will be a challenge.

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Soooo...I'm watching NFL network as they get into a segment on who needs to step up, & who will return to form. They get to the Redskins, & immediately Heath Evans gets that vomit face again. 

What a dunce.

Officially have gotten to "turn off or change channel immediately" status whenever Heath Evans is about to open his gaping doughboy trapper. Can't stand unprofessional analysis. ..it makes me angry, & then I have to come here & annoy you all about it. See how his actions are effecting you?


You're not alone in that sentiment. Google "Heath Evans is an idiot." Just about every fan base is represented on there.

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Anybody who has watched Heath Evans knows he has a real issue with the young Mobile QB's not named Russell Wilson. Hear him talk about Cam or Kaepernick and he says the same nonsense he says about RG3. All of those players had success early in thier careers and have already established themsleves more in the NFL's history than Evans ever did. Since Evans was a marginal ex role player he likes QB's that have that overly humble schtick like Wilson and Luck and play by the system. When he called the Redskins-Falcons game he made Kirk Cousins sound like the second coming of Joe Montana. Evans has a major insecurity complex that shows itself when talking about flashy and flamboyant players. He also doing Manziel the exact same way now.

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Anybody who has watched Heath Evans knows he has a real issue with the young Mobile QB's not named Russell Wilson. Hear him talk about Cam or Kaepernick and he says the same nonsense he says about RG3. All of those players had success early in thier careers and have already established themsleves more in the NFL's history than Evans ever did. Since Evans was a marginal ex role player he likes QB's that have that overly humble schtick like Wilson and Luck and play by the system. When he called the Redskins-Falcons game he made Kirk Cousins sound like the second coming of Joe Montana. Evans has a major insecurity complex that shows itself when talking about flashy and flamboyant players. He also doing Manziel the exact same way now.


Yeah I heard him rip Manziel this week.  Evans was down on RG3 even during his big rookie year. 

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All Redskins fans should be saying "Thank goodness for Johnny Manziel."  To the national media, he is like the shiny car keys you jingle in the face of a baby to distract and fascinate them.  I really think much of the focus among the NFL talking heads will be shifted this year to Football Johnny.  Let him feel the bright glare of the spotlight, and leave RGIII the **** alone.  He's old news. 

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Anyone else see that Aaron Rodgers came into OTA's 11 lbs lighter? Considering their frames were almost identical before he lost weight, does his now slighter frame garner similar criticism about his potential fragility?

Just curious to see how many who have been so vocal regarding Griffin's supposed "slightly" frame & how plainly it spells his impending doom in the NFL are so quick to make the same judgements about his white compatriot.

Just saying. ..

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Anyone else see that Aaron Rodgers came into OTA's 11 lbs lighter? Considering their frames were almost identical before he lost weight, does his now slighter frame garner similar criticism about his potential fragility?


Their frames weren't all that identical imo. Griffin is slightly taller, and more built in the upper body, with a thinner base than Rodgers is/was.


And Griffin's criticism stemmed from him taking unnecessary hits from the RO mostly, and cutting towards the middle of the field, and not sliding properly. Pretty much all of Rodgers scrambles that I've seen were towards the perimeter. So no, I don't see him getting similar criticism to RG3, because he's generally been smart when running the football.


If I would criticize Rodgers for anything, it would be holding the ball for a long as he typically does in the pocket.... But thats what makes him Aaron Rodgers, and though it will up his chances of getting crushed in the pocket, he's still theoretically safer than he would be if he was scrambling.

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Anyone else see that Aaron Rodgers came into OTA's 11 lbs lighter? Considering their frames were almost identical before he lost weight, does his now slighter frame garner similar criticism about his potential fragility?

Just curious to see how many who have been so vocal regarding Griffin's supposed "slightly" frame & how plainly it spells his impending doom in the NFL are so quick to make the same judgements about his who's white compatriot.

Just saying. ..

I highly doubt Rodgers still weighs what he weighed at the combine after so many years in the NFL. If anything, he's probably still heavier than RG3 even after losing 11 lbs.

And that's fine. It won't be an issue if RG3 doesn't take so many unnecessary hits. Unnecessary because he shouldn't take the hit or because the OL should have done better, it goes both ways. So don't think I'm putting it all on Griffin.

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Griffin was last listed at 217, & is said to have added possibly 14lbs, so ~ 231lbs? Rodgers is believed to be at or around 220 now after losing 11lbs.

I agree his legs are slighter in girth, but are much stronger, & toned. Of course, I would still argue that matters little as compared to say...flexibility. which is why I'm intrigued that Rodgers says he lost it doing Yoga.

I know Robert should have great flexibility though, because he trains like a sprinter, & to sprint. ..or do most anything on a track, you need to be flexible.

I think we're in agreement that he should do more to protect himself. ..but I am also hoping that the new offense, & the sum of its parts, do most of the yeoman's work in that regard.

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I think the spirit of this thread is not about debating RG3's skills so much going forward. Whether you are his biggest supporter or still a cautious optimistic, or even a skeptic, EVERYONE agrees he can improve his game in plenty of areas.

This thread is more about people who:


1) Flat out ignore how well he played in 2012 coupled with the fact that he was playing on weakened surgically repaired knee in 2013, plus other factors that led to a poor 2013. Add to that numerous coaches and analysts breaking down tape and pointing out specific things that indicate a lot of his inaccuracy in 2013 was because he was still not able to plant on that knee.  Direct correlation to his biggest issue, which was sailing throws and not having the same zip on passes.


2) The vitriol that has come from fans of other teams when it comes to them seeming to root for RG3 to get injured and have his career ended in order for them to somehow be validated. When RG3 was drafted his detractors immediately labeled him Mike Vick 2.0, but when he went out and performed better in 2012 then Vick ever has in a full season, it just made those same folks hate Robert even more and they couldn't wait to see him go out and perform poorly in 2013.

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