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Negative feedback concerning RG3 from other fans


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Actually you could not be more wrong. Just because I'm not a fan of the trade, and a few more small things, doesn't mean I don't like the guy. I actually do like RG3, I'm just not a fan boy and tell it like I see it.

People here have w/out question trashed Wilson.

So when people call it like they see it on Wilson, it's trashing him but when you call it like you see it on RGIII, it's cause you're not a fanboy?

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Here we go with vague generalizations of thought discrimination.

Are we talking about "trashing" as in:

d. To subject to scathing criticism or abuse; attack verbally: "The ... professor trashes conservative ... proposals as well as liberal nostrums" (Michael Marien).

Or are we really talking about people making fair, football intelligent assessments of players not on the Redskins roster, & sharing disdain for the overreaction to some underwhelming properties?


Are we simply lumping them all together, & simply drawing lines in the sand whereby any criticism of a QB not on our roster is "trashing," or "hating."

This over use of generalization on this board needs to stop. It's becoming impossible to take anyone seriously.

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I think RG3 has much to prove. First year he ran to win games. Second year, he got hurt. Imo, he has yet to "prove" himself as a bonafide Quarterback. 

Your first and last sentences are your opinions.  No problem here.  Everything else you say is wrong.

1) "I think RG3 has much to prove."  - I agree with your opinion.

1) "First year he ran to win games" - He had like a 4 - 1 TD to INT ratio and also lead the lead in yards per passing attempt.

2) "Second year, he got hurt" - He was hurt is first year and missed 1 full game only.  He was recovering during his 2nd year.

3) "IMO, he has yet to 'prove' himself as a bonafide Quarterback" - Robert was the Rookie of the Year, a top QB for the year and had arguable the best rookie year of any QB EVER in the history of the NFL.  He has more to prove, but he has already proved he is a bonafide NFL QB.

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I haven't posted anything regarding RG3 since the season ended....I think the criticism of him both on the field and off the field is completely idiotic.


this notion that he had an awful year and is a question mark going forward is so foolish; that it's sad....it lacks sophistication and is being spewed for talk radio and media purposes.


If I hear one more time how he needs to read defenses better, I'm going to puke.


Here is the bottom line...when he had Jordan Reed healthy and a big part of the offense, go take a look at how RG3 played.

add DJax and Roberts and this offense will be lethal....led by RG3.

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The comments I read are mostly legitimate points. The guy has played two seasons and has had one excellent season and one awful season, with an asterisk by the second season because of the injury. Now that he appears to be fully healthy and coming into his 3rd season, we should get a good gauge this year of what kind of QB Griffin is or isn't going to be for us in the future. While we're all obviously hoping he is going to turn out to be a sure fire franchise QB that is going to lead the Skins for the next 10-12 years, the truth of the matter is the verdict is still clearly out on him and he is coming into a crucial season for his career in 2014.

To use awful as a description for last year is a bit harsh asterisk or not. I do though agree this year is important but important he builds a quick repor with his receivers and confidence his knee is good. The QB coach who helped him prior to his rookie season will go on record and say he's looking good means a lot. I don't feel the jury is still out on him. There was clearly talent within him based on his rookie season AND a few of the high points from last year. How it translate with a new coach and scheme remains the question.

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The reality is fans were foaming at the mouth, waiting for him to have a disappointing year so they could say "I told you so". Just read any article on any football related website with a comment section "RGME, IRGIII, RG3-13". His rookie year made so many fans bitter and they couldn't wait for him to get hurt or play poorly but this is the culture we live in now. If somebody is better than you, just hate them rather than push yourself to work harder.

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I think RG3 is a little bit of a diva but I don't care, I want him to kick everyone's ass this year. 


I haven't seen him do anything that would indicate he's a bad person, he just does a few things that draws attention to himself.  It's not a big deal.  Although it if played for Dallas, we'd hate his guts.

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I honestly have no idea where the "Diva" label comes from. That's not really an accurate description of his character at all.


Here are some sports figures (mainly NFL players) who I would easily describe as Divas:


Joe Namath=The Original Diva

Floyd Mayweather=Queen Diva

Terrell Owens=Diva

Tiger Woods=Diva

Richard Sherman=Diva

Alex Rodriguez=Diva

Kobe Bryant=Diva

DeAngelo Hall=Diva

Chad Johnson=Diva

Desean Jackson=Diva


Do fans really lump RG3 into that category in their minds? I just don't see it.


Also, if you guys have noticed, RG3 only seems to be in one national commercial nowadays and that is for Gatorade where you see a 2-second glimpse of him dropping back in training.

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The reality is fans were foaming at the mouth, waiting for him to have a disappointing year so they could say "I told you so". Just read any article on any football related website with a comment section "RGME, IRGIII, RG3-13". His rookie year made so many fans bitter and they couldn't wait for him to get hurt or play poorly but this is the culture we live in now. If somebody is better than you, just hate them rather than push yourself to work harder.


Yep. That and media outlets put forth sensationalist headlines to stir up animosity and get get a reaction (from morons).


And I really don't know what caused Kevin Sheehan to become such a pessimistic whiny **** when it comes to RG3. I was on my break listening to 980, and he and some other dude basically gave it to him over the fan appreciation video that he did, with the other guy basically saying that he comes off as insecure/narcissistic.


Personally, I'd just tell people to **** off, but I at least appreciated the fact that he REALIZES that things kind of got out of hand last year, and that he is trying to mend fences (which is a losing battle in this town). And then the other dude (who sounded like a raging asshole) brought up the tired lines about the social media stuff, the documentary, and "The Movement", saying that "You don't see Luck, Newton, etc doing this", and basically telling him to stfu and "Just be the QB of the Washington Redskins"...... You know, so the same people can say that he is a selfish primadonna out of touch with the fanbase that "Pays his salary", and that "Guys like Luck, Russel Wilson, etc do this. Why can't he?"


DC sports media is such a cluster****.

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Really hope it all comes together Robert. He has the talent and mindset, just needs some luck now.


As long as we can protect him, I think he's going to be just fine, now without the brace and getting back to basics as far as passing is concerned. That Shanahan line just was not meant to come from behind and be put in traditional drop back situations, and he just did not trust his leg with that braced, and it affected his mechanics.

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RGIII was over exposed as a rookie.   You couldn't take a crap in the woods without running into some promo/commercial/interview/mention of him... then he wasn't as good the 2nd year.  The negative blowback was as inevitable as peeking down into a donsjohn after you dropped in a cherry bomb.... 



if he is good again this year AND the media spotlight has found some new shiney object to put into its naval and stare at... then he will be golden again. 




(plus.... his coach seemed to be TRYING to sabotage the public perception of him last year)

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As long as we can protect him, I think he's going to be just fine, now without the brace and getting back to basics as far as passing is concerned. That Shanahan line just was not meant to come from behind and be put in traditional drop back situations, and he just did not trust his leg with that braced, and it affected his mechanics.

Yeah i know, but sometimes great people catch bad breaks. See Ngota trucking his knee which was a freak accident. Like i said Robert has the talent, mindset, work ethic and charisma to be a great player.... but at the elite level you also need some luck here and there. For example, his rookie year when he fumbled against the giants right into i think Josh Morgan's hands who ran it in for a touchdown. Or having a great coach and scheme that maximizes his talents instead of forcing him to do things he isn't as good at. Stuff like that.

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Yeah i know, but sometimes great people catch bad breaks. See Ngota trucking his knee which was a freak accident. Like i said Robert has the talent, mindset, work ethic and charisma to be a great player.... but at the elite level you also need some luck here and there. For example, his rookie year when he fumbled against the giants right into i think Josh Morgan's hands who ran it in for a touchdown. Or having a great coach and scheme that maximizes his talents instead of forcing him to do things he isn't as good at. Stuff like that.


 Griffin learning and actually sliding will do him and the team alot of good in the long run.

 Not to pick any type of arguement, but would you agree or disagree that;

1. The o-line isn't as bad as some people believe it is?

    Griffin's injuries happened far away from the LOS, and one could say that due to the o-line breaking down he had to scramble, but thats a tit-for-tat personal viewpoint where neither would be wrong. But he was a rookie, hopefully he has learned his lesson and will play a little smarter.


2. Was 2012 all because of Griffin?

    IMO, no.  Morris was as steady and dependable as one could ask a RB to be, a very surprising gem, who surely played a big role in 2012 as well as Griffin did.  Yes, Griffin had some humongous big-time plays during the year, but there were some that were solely due to the athleticism of the receiver, mostly Garcon. 


Again, not trying to downplay Griffin or hate on him, just trying to point out the eye test results. I will be ready to pat the guy on the back and cheer him on, but I am not going to look elsewhere for blame when its on his shoulders.


Thats where most of the hate comes from, well, also the gazillion commercials, jealousy does affect people in strange ways, and I will be the first to admit Griffin played a huge part in the 2012 success, but it would be a lie to say that it was only because of him, and thats where the disconnect comes from with others who see him as being in the media so much; it is part of the position, especially in DC.



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"Again, not trying to downplay Griffin" lmao sure you aren't....

So it's the fault of Griffin when things go wrong but it's not due solely to him when we're winning? And yes the OL was that bad. Chester and Montgomery were pushed back into the QB almost immediately. Analysts could see it, sports talk radio guys could see it, other fans could see it. This idea that Griffin somehow made the OL worse is laughable considering he made them look like all-pros the season before.

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"Again, not trying to downplay Griffin" lmao sure you aren't....

So it's the fault of Griffin when things go wrong but it's not due solely to him when we're winning? And yes the OL was that bad. Chester and Montgomery were pushed back into the QB almost immediately. Analysts could see it, sports talk radio guys could see it, other fans could see it. This idea that Griffin somehow made the OL worse is laughable considering he made them look like all-pros the season before.


 I don't recall putting all blame on Griffin for anything; sure, every aspect of this team last year blew chunks.

But, if we must, it was pointed out numerous times that he held the ball way too long, and in cases like that even the best o-lines break down.  That happens for a number of reasons; receivers not getting separation, o-line breaking down, blitzes, and yes, even the QB holding the ball to make a big play when a 1st down would do.


Griffin getting hurt wasn't a direct result of the oline, it was an indirect; there is a difference.

Absolutely, Griffin was a huge part of 2012 success, but not the only reason; if you think otherwise, well, I just don't know what to tell you.

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Hard to get rid of the ball if you can only trust 2 of your receiving options to get separation. It's not really holding the ball that bothered me about Griffin's game last year. It was the plays where he rolled out, kept pushing to the sideline, then threw it straight to double and triple coverage when he could have thrown it out of bounds. He did that 4-5 times last year and it drove me crazy. Those are just idiotic plays.

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 True, god forbid Trent goes down it'll be a madhouse at the LOS. The entire team was in a funk last year, no single person could be blamed, every single person on the team outside of Morris should be held accountable, including Griffin; but when someone begins to assess blame on others, saying that is what led to Griffin's performance, it almost looks as if they have that 12 year old Britney Spears infactuation, and its not fair to the rest of the team to take his blame upon themselves.


 I think the team will be a surprise this year; I say this because it couldn't get much worse. I hate to even bring it up, but the offense cannot carry the defense anymore; Haslett's excuses have been bought way too long and the time to put up or pack up is long overdue.

 Lets see how Griffin, Morris, Garcon, Reed, and Jackson fair; if played right, it really could be unstoppable.


 Trying to figure out a cool nickname for this group; MEGGARAJ...JAGGMAR...MAGG...hell I need a drink !

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Soooo...I'm watching NFL network as they get into a segment on who needs to step up, & who will return to form. They get to the Redskins, & immediately Heath Evans gets that vomit face again. They then ask if the Redskins will have a chance to win the division if RGIII returns to his 2012 form. He then makes a completely asinine statement suggesting that he needs to be a lot better than that if the Redskins are to compete in their division. Then he goes on about teams catching up to how he plays, & the RO, & how he hasn't shown that he can perform in anything other than a point-shoot offense.

Now...I'm not a guy who gets paid to analyze such things, but I can tell you that semantically. ..or linguistically that his answer suggests that either: 1) he's an idiot who didn't comprehend the question, or 2) he bypassed the question in order to continue being vocally belligerent about whatever hate agenda he continues to harbor.

He went on to say how he hopes he "starts to get it like some of the other guys in the league who were drafted in his class" spouting incessantly about regurgitated sentiments regarding his assumed lack of focus or work ethic.

The question was about form. Literally that is intended to mean whether he will return to that level of production, & ability to be spectacular on a regular basis as he was in 2012. Not whether he will get back to reading 2 step route progressions or running the RO at a 40+% clip.

What a dunce.

Officially have gotten to "turn off or change channel immediately" status whenever Heath Evans is about to open his gaping doughboy trapper. Can't stand unprofessional analysis. ..it makes me angry, & then I have to come here & annoy you all about it. See how his actions are effecting you?

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The entire team was in a funk last year, no single person could be blamed, every single person on the team outside of Morris should be held accountable, including Griffin;


Morris was no exception. He had a couple of games where he put the ball on the ground multiple times and cost the team games. Considering he hardly put the ball on the ground in his rookie year.... he was less reliable with the football last year.

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To answer your question Skins Island, yes I think the O-Line wasn't very good. The read option, running game, Griffins unpredictability and elusiveness helped the line tremendously in 2012 because it gave the O-line the advantage and first step off the snap because the d line had to hesitate. Take away Griffins mobility in 2013 and the d could play like normal and the line, especially the interior, got exposed. I think this also helped out Morris. That being said its a team game and they all made mistakes which contributed to an inconsistent 2013. The best thing that could happen week 1 of this year is for Griffin to show he can run, but do it smart so the d lines play on their heels opening up everything for everyone.

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