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Negative feedback concerning RG3 from other fans


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Yeah, Ghost, my profile pic was Rodimus previously.  (Actually, I think Galvatron's pic was sandwiched in between those of Rodimus and Optimus.)  I've been on a Transformers kick lately since I discovered the old reruns on The Hub.


However, getting back on topic, yeah, that's what made me most irritated: the idea that some loudmouth on local sports-talk radio -- in between chats on, say, California ice hockey and Arizona college football -- is any kind of expert on the inner workings of the Washington Redskins' locker room, and that my uncle took to heart what said loudmouth claimed about RG3.


Some of this is also driven by something that others have mentioned in this thread: the concept that RG3 hasn't "earned" his endorsement deals yet, thus it is "unnecessary" to see him generating such publicity.  If the internet had existed back in the 1980s, I'm sure the same things would've been said about Michael Jordan.  "Why am I seeing him in all these Nike and McDonalds ads?  What has he done?  Where are his rings?  Why isn't Madison Avenue giving more love to Magic and Bird?"  The truth is that Jordan had that certain indefinable trait -- chalk it up to je ne sais quoi or "the camera loves his face" or whatever -- that made him a star, regardless of his team's W-L record.  And once the wins -- including the big wins -- starting piling up for Jordan, he became an even bigger star.


RG3 has a similar "star quality."  (Which drives fans of Andrew Luck crazy, for example, because he simply does not.)  If RG3 starts to rack up the victories, there will still be some haters -- but many will quit complaining about all of his commercials and give him his due.  And if the victories don't appreciably pile up, well, at least we Redskin fans got to enjoy having on our roster the first legit franchise QB since Sonny Jurgensen.

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If RG3 played for Cleveland, we'd all be hating on the guy,  just like a lot of people here say crap about Wilson. Had Wilson been drafted by the Redskins, instead of RG3, and he was the QB of a Super Bowl winning team, everyone here would defend Wilson to the end. That's just how fans are.

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I'm an RG3 fan and want him to do well. I just don't think it was a good trade but I still root for the guy. I think when he started taking all of those endorsements that it was not all that smart. I understand that you make a lot of money off on being a sponsor, but it was just too much too soon. He hadn't really accomplished anything and all of a sudden he's the face of the NFL. Someone in his camp probably told him to chillax with all the media as all that can backfire if you don't play well, and that's exactly what happened.

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If RG3 played for Cleveland, we'd all be hating on the guy,  just like a lot of people here say crap about Wilson. Had Wilson been drafted by the Redskins, instead of RG3, and he was the QB of a Super Bowl winning team, everyone here would defend Wilson to the end. That's just how fans are.

People have praised Newton, Foles, Wilson, Kaep, Pryor etc. on this site. Bubble has a god damn love fest thread for Andrew Luck for crying out loud. Most of us don't go around trashing other teams players and when it does happen there's normally a good reason. Stop making excuses for the fact that you don't like the guy and just admit it.

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People have praised Newton, Foles, Wilson, Kaep, Pryor etc. on this site. Bubble has a god damn love fest thread for Andrew Luck for crying out loud. Most of us don't go around trashing other teams players and when it does happen there's normally a good reason. Stop making excuses for the fact that you don't like the guy and just admit it.

Oh the irony with that last line. You're the EXACT same way with Luck that you're accusing this guy of being with RG3 lol. Hypocrite, much?

If RG3 played for Cleveland, we'd all be hating on the guy, just like a lot of people here say crap about Wilson. Had Wilson been drafted by the Redskins, instead of RG3, and he was the QB of a Super Bowl winning team, everyone here would defend Wilson to the end. That's just how fans are.


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Clowney = Diva.

Right here in my area. I live in fort mill and I used to live in Rock hill. Was in Rock hill about a month ago to meet friends and family for dinner. He was at the Red Bowl eating. The waitress was so giddy. She asked if I was a football fan (my wife said she was flirting with me) because "Jadaveon Clowney" is sitting right behind us. I'm like, ....OK?

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People have praised Newton, Foles, Wilson, Kaep, Pryor etc. on this site. Bubble has a god damn love fest thread for Andrew Luck for crying out loud. Most of us don't go around trashing other teams players and when it does happen there's normally a good reason. Stop making excuses for the fact that you don't like the guy and just admit it.

Actually you could not be more wrong. Just because I'm not a fan of the trade, and a few more small things, doesn't mean I don't like the guy. I actually do like RG3, I'm just not a fan boy and tell it like I see it.

People here have w/out question trashed Wilson.

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If RG3 has about 75% of the production he had in 2012, this team will be in the playoffs and he will be odds on favorite to win comeback player of the year.


He'll have it locked up by Wk 5. No doubt in my mind. As long as he has time to throw, he is going to get **** done.

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There will always be negative things said about him no matter if he does good or bad. Happens to guys like Brady, Manning, everyone...

If RG3 has about 75% of the production he had in 2012, this team will be in the playoffs and he will be odds on favorite to win comeback player of the year.


Comeback from what? His 2013 season wasn't THAT bad statistically. It wasn't anywhere close to his 2012 season, but far better than guys like Eli Manning.

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It's hard to tell what you've got until you have a line that can provide a pocket and not allow so many instant disruptions of your plays.  Wilson, Kaep, etc. have benefited from more opportunity to develop behind solid OL.  RG doesn't seem to have the instinctual feel of the timing/evasion of the rush and pocket however, so that's a factor too I realize.  Hopefully Moses and Long can add something, and Lich can be a solid center. 

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I think RG3 has much to prove. First year he ran to win games. Second year, he got hurt. Imo, he has yet to "prove" himself as a bonafide Quarterback. 

Right. 3,200 yards passing, 65.6% completion, 8.1 YPA, 20 TD, 5 INT, 102.4 QB rating had nothing to do with winning. It was just the running.


Dumb post is dumb.

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RG doesn't seem to have the instinctual feel of the timing/evasion of the rush and pocket however, so that's a factor too I realize. Hopefully Moses and Long can add something, and Lich can be a solid center.

I disagree. He had a pretty good Spidey sense in 2012. It disappeared seemingly last year. The answer to that is he may have been conditioned to expect his legs to get him out of it, he may have been distracted by the leg, or maybe he was pressing too hard. Mind you, coaching, line play, and play calling also play a role.

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