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Negative feedback concerning RG3 from other fans


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I think there is, like it or not, a racial component to some of it. YOu can even tell in the comments some Indy Colts fans were making before either even played a down, and after RG3 led his team to a division title and deservedly received RotY honors.  Even on this board you see some posters who make statements that make you scratch your head.


Yea the comments about it on this board are sometimes concerning,

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That still doesn't make it racist. A lot of those same blowhards said the exact same thing about Tim Tebow; he doesn't look like a QB. And, if we take off the B&G homer glasses and are honest with ourselves, RGIII doesn't look like your typical QB. His frame is more like a WR than your typical QB, even the way he moves in the pocket isn't typical of a QB. Does it mean he can't play the position or excel there; hell no. There are lots of athletes in different sports whose bodies don't look like or make up the prototypical body type of the position they play. Pointing that out has absolutely NOTHING to do with race. The closest it could be to anything is stereotyping, which is very different.

Remember, racism isn't always the product of a person making racist comments, using slurs, etc. It is equally just as much the product of people who go looking to find racism where it never was to begin with.

See post 42.

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I prefer to be liked by other fans. I don't want them to make disparaging remarks about our players. I want high-performing, non-controversial players.

I feel you but think that after all of the media trashed the name recently that the teams on an island for popularity. The bridge to the mainland mainstream is winning. If they come out winning all of the hate becomes water under the bridge. I also want the Redskins liked by casual fans but since most of them are just bandwagoners the only way to attract them is to win

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If that's the case, Dan Marino wasn't half the QB that Eli Manning is....even Trent Dilfer was a better QB than several HoFs.

Not sure why Marino is even in this discussion, Griffin and Marino were both QBs, no one said that Superbowl wins were the only thing that mattered but for the record Marino went to a superbowl but didnt have the leagues production wise best RB for two seasons like Griffin has had with Morris nor did Marino ever lose 10 games in a season. Point is different teams, different times between those two.

As for the point the league and commercialism has been on the Griffin bandwagon since he joined the league and gotten more attention then Wilson and Luck which doesnt make much sense to the casual observer and thats the audience that we are talking about right? Joe public has a right to critize Griffin because of this. It eventually comes back to Griffin though and he can prove the doubters wrong by winning.

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So why don't Aaron Rodgers, Tony Romo, and Andy Dalton get criticized as not "looking like a QB"? All three of those guys are the same height and weight as RGIII.

First, RGIII is the lightest of all of those guys.  Sure, Dalton only has 4 - 7 lbs. on him (depending on which source you use, and when their data was collected), but he is lighter than those guys.


Second, we can't just go on weight and height.  Everybody carries their weight and stature differently.  Do you really think that Aaron Rodgers and RGIII carry their weight the same?  Rodgers weight is spread more in his upper body, where Griffen has it spread pretty evenly from his chest and arms through his legs.


Third, if you do want to get into comparing weight and height, let's look at Julio Jones (6'3" 220), Anquan Bolden (6'1" 220), and (for good measure and to not be labelled a racist) Jordy Nelson (6'3" 217).  All NFL WR's that are more comparable to Griffin (6'2" 217) than the three QB's you listed.


Again, I'm not saying that RGIII isn't or can't be or won't be a great QB in this league.  However, his frame is built more like what you see in a WR than in most QB's, and there is nothing wrong or racist about saying that.  The truth is the truth.

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First, RGIII is the lightest of all of those guys.  Sure, Dalton only has 4 - 7 lbs. on him (depending on which source you use, and when their data was collected), but he is lighter than those guys.


Second, we can't just go on weight and height.  Everybody carries their weight and stature differently.  Do you really think that Aaron Rodgers and RGIII carry their weight the same?  Rodgers weight is spread more in his upper body, where Griffen has it spread pretty evenly from his chest and arms through his legs.


Third, if you do want to get into comparing weight and height, let's look at Julio Jones (6'3" 220), Anquan Bolden (6'1" 220), and (for good measure and to not be labelled a racist) Jordy Nelson (6'3" 217).  All NFL WR's that are more comparable to Griffin (6'2" 217) than the three QB's you listed.


Again, I'm not saying that RGIII isn't or can't be or won't be a great QB in this league.  However, his frame is built more like what you see in a WR than in most QB's, and there is nothing wrong or racist about saying that.  The truth is the truth.


So just because RGIII is more physically fit and his muscles are better defined than most of the other QB's in the league, that makes him not look like a QB? 


That's basically what you're saying.

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So just because RGIII is more physically fit and his muscles are better defined than most of the other QB's in the league, that makes him not look like a QB? 


That's basically what you're saying.

Well, since you just said the bolded part above, I think you answered your own question.  Yes, he doesn't look like most of the QB's in the league.  He doesn't have your prototypical QB build.  Does that mean he isn't or can't be a great QB? Of course not. 


However, the root of this discussion/debate is that the poster I replied to said that saying that RGIII doesn't look like a QB is a veiled racist statement.  My whole point is that there isn't anything racist about that statement.  It has nothing to do with Skin color.  There are/have been many African American QB's that have had your prototypical QB build.  There have been plenty of white QB's that haven't.  It is not about race; it is about build, and ultimately about how one fan views it compared to another. 


I honestly don't care about what body type RGIII has or any other player for that matter, as long as he can play the position he is asked to play and win games for us doing it.  That's all that matters on that front.  Bringing race into an issue where it doesn't belong and wasn't there to begin with until someone else started throwing around accusations; that I do have a problem with.

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Well, since you just said the bolded part above, I think you answered your own question.  Yes, he doesn't look like most of the QB's in the league.  He doesn't have your prototypical QB build.  Does that mean he isn't or can't be a great QB? Of course not. 


However, the root of this discussion/debate is that the poster I replied to said that saying that RGIII doesn't look like a QB is a veiled racist statement.  My whole point is that there isn't anything racist about that statement.  It has nothing to do with Skin color.  There are/have been many African American QB's that have had your prototypical QB build.  There have been plenty of white QB's that haven't.  It is not about race; it is about build, and ultimately about how one fan views it compared to another. 


I honestly don't care about what body type RGIII has or any other player for that matter, as long as he can play the position he is asked to play and win games for us doing it.  That's all that matters on that front.  Bringing race into an issue where it doesn't belong and wasn't there to begin with until someone else started throwing around accusations; that I do have a problem with.

I think part of the issue is it is very easy to project racism onto or expect racism from the comments, because racism in general (and nearly every other form of intolerance) is common in comment sections, sports especially. You'll notice that on some race-related (and sexual preference-related) articles, NFL.com will disable the comments section, knowing that the article will spark hateful people to say hateful things. I think there's some truth to what you're both trying to say.


But all of this can be solved by following my earlier statement: Never read comment sections.

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I think part of the issue is it is very easy to project racism onto or expect racism from the comments, because racism in general (and nearly every other form of intolerance) is common in comment sections, sports especially. You'll notice that on some race-related (and sexual preference-related) articles, NFL.com will disable the comments section, knowing that the article will spark hateful people to say hateful things. I think there's some truth to what you're both trying to say.


But all of this can be solved by following my earlier statement: Never read comment sections.

But, where's the fun in that? :P


I understand where you're coming from, but if you take comments like the one in debate at face value, word-for-word, there is nothing racist at all about them.  Unless a person knows the commentor personally, and knows that they are in fact a racist, no one should read more into the words than what they truly are.  ANYTHING that is ever said or written can be manipulated by anyone trying to read into it something that's not there.  People see what they want to see, and try to blame the writer/commentor, when in truth, the issue lies with reader who chose to interrept it they way they did.  Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to rush to judgement in finding racism in things because they want to see it there; truth, facts, intent be damned.  You don't have to look much farther than the name of our favorite team at how some people read what they want to into something without looking at the true nature, context, origin, and meaning of a word or comment.

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I'll skip the racism red herring arguments and point out the real reason some fans don't like RG3:


From the Washington Post:


“As a quarterback, my identity is I am the leader of this team, I am the guy that everybody looks to when things are going bad … I am the guy that delivers. I am the guy that everyone on the team offense, defense, special teams — when it’s crunch time, they’re not looking at Trent Williams, they’re not looking at Alfred Morris. They’re looking at Robert Griffin III ....”



A little much, don't you think? 


I wonder how TW, Morris, Garcon and the defense feels about that?


I personally don't care if he runs his mouth, even though it's like listening to Baghdad Bob since he didn't deliver last year. But I understand the dislike of other fans around the league.


They think his mouth is writing checks his body can't cash. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hopefully he can "walk the walk" this year.

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Heath especially always talks about RGIII like he thinks our QB should be riding on the back of a short bus to and from games.

All the other people is annoying, the really ignorant, & indignantly so, comments are what gets me. Much of it is up in the air still about his future.

But above all else...what you said above really nails it for me. Heath Evans talks about RGIII like he stole his mother's life savings. I mean, there's a distinct look of acid reflux once RGIII gets mentioned. He's always quick, & venomous, & he rarely makes a point that could genuinely substantiate one's such degree of loathing. He speaks mostly on gut feelings, & miss-appropriation of context than he would bother to exemplify with factual information, & non-hegemonyous data.

I can take what a lot of the pundits have to say when they're admitting to openness, or when they display a broader scope of knowledge on the situation. It's stupid to write him off...just as equally stupid it is to say whether we know he'll truly be a consistent superstar.

What we do know is that he's had 1 good year, 1 woefully mediocre year..yes with reason, but without bothering to give a **** you wouldn't know all the finer details as we dedicated ESers should.

Now he gets to prove (I say "gets" because he should enjoy the experience...we should all enjoy the experience) whether his shirt, reading; "No Pressure, No Diamonds," is more than just a nifty slogan.

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A: I don't lose any sleep over what random internet knobs post in comments anywhere

B: Whatever explayer talking head knob the NFLN has on this week doesn't cost me any sleep either

C: If douchebaggery were an Olympic sport America would take home the gold every year for eternity

D: I chuckle at the hypocrisy inherent in a board that has savaged players from other teams for sport. I seem to recall a long running discussion vis-a-vis Tom Brady and fans' perceptions of him in spite of his success on the field.


In the end Robert will be just fine, he has a strong support structure around him of family and genuine friends, not just hangers on basking in his reflected glory. He seems a little more reserved in interviews this year, probably a good thing since an essential element in growing up is the realization that the world is really not a friendly place. Learn to say "F 'em!" but still smile for the camera.

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I never understood how fans can criticize RGIII for playing hurt? Hey he could always pull a Derrick Rose (Before the 2nd injury) if that would make you happy? I wonder how Redskin fans would feel if RGIII was "Cleared" yet he still chose to sit on the bench and collect a check.


Then those same posters who call him selfish for playing hurt would be bashing him for not playing hurt calling him selfish for not putting his body on the line. lmao

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I can live with the performance comments. The fact is he and we played horribly last year coming off a great run to get into the playoffs. He made it look so easy in 2012 that when he fell flat in 2013 people could not wait to gloat and land on him hard. That's just football and being a fan.


I can also live with the thinly veiled racist comments (not going to debate this, it is fact not supposition) because those people are just plain ignorant. No amount of common sense or reason is going to make any difference. They are just taking their opportunity to sit behind a computer and let their true hatred and ignorance show without any accountability. **** them! 


What I really don't get is the "diva" "self centered"" locker room disease" crap. The attacks on his character are off the charts. And he has done nothing wrong! He is partly a victim of today's instant media but the conclusions drawn by what I thought at one time were reasonable people is just insane.


For example, the whole symbol thing from Adidas. That release had been planned for months and months and the media knows this. They know exactly how it works. Yet the head lines were RGIII can't stand that DJax is getting more press than him so he and his people put this together and released it to bring the attention back to him!!


The problem is that the casual fan reads that sees the timing, doesn't understand how it works and believes that crap!! 


BTW: Loved the tweet from Ryan Clark. The 2014 Skins in one word - Fast!!!!!!!. This guy knows what a good team looks like.


In the end, winning cures everything! HTTR!!

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I'll skip the racism red herring arguments and point out the real reason some fans don't like RG3:


From the Washington Post:

“As a quarterback, my identity is I am the leader of this team, I am the guy that everybody looks to when things are going bad … I am the guy that delivers. I am the guy that everyone on the team offense, defense, special teams — when it’s crunch time, they’re not looking at Trent Williams, they’re not looking at Alfred Morris. They’re looking at Robert Griffin III ....”


A little much, don't you think?

I wonder how TW, Morris, Garcon and the defense feels about that?

I personally don't care if he runs his mouth, even though it's like listening to Baghdad Bob since he didn't deliver last year. But I understand the dislike of other fans around the league.

They think his mouth is writing checks his body can't cash. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hopefully he can "walk the walk" this year.


They agree with him.

Yes you do, it's hard to believe you're actually a Redskins fan.

I hope that isn't some sort of awful stab at humor, but your history makes me believe otherwise.

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I'll skip the racism red herring arguments and point out the real reason some fans don't like RG3:



From the Washington Post:


“As a quarterback, my identity is I am the leader of this team, I am the guy that everybody looks to when things are going bad … I am the guy that delivers. I am the guy that everyone on the team offense, defense, special teams — when it’s crunch time, they’re not looking at Trent Williams, they’re not looking at Alfred Morris. They’re looking at Robert Griffin III ....”



A little much, don't you think? 


I wonder how TW, Morris, Garcon and the defense feels about that?


I personally don't care if he runs his mouth, even though it's like listening to Baghdad Bob since he didn't deliver last year. But I understand the dislike of other fans around the league.


They think his mouth is writing checks his body can't cash. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hopefully he can "walk the walk" this year.


There's not a single thing wrong with what he said.  Your post makes me question your understanding of the game of football.


The quarterback is who people look to.  When it's fourth and goal with three seconds to play, are you looking at the left tackle?  No, you're not.


THAT is what he's saying.  I'm sorry that you've got such ridiculous and baseless vitriol towards our quarterback that you'll just make **** up to criticize him.


You don't get it, and that's fine.  Don't try to bring our quarterback down as collateral damage of your ignorance.

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I'll skip the racism red herring arguments and point out the real reason some fans don't like RG3:


From the Washington Post:

“As a quarterback, my identity is I am the leader of this team, I am the guy that everybody looks to when things are going bad … I am the guy that delivers. I am the guy that everyone on the team offense, defense, special teams — when it’s crunch time, they’re not looking at Trent Williams, they’re not looking at Alfred Morris. They’re looking at Robert Griffin III ....”


A little much, don't you think?

I wonder how TW, Morris, Garcon and the defense feels about that?

I personally don't care if he runs his mouth, even though it's like listening to Baghdad Bob since he didn't deliver last year. But I understand the dislike of other fans around the league.

They think his mouth is writing checks his body can't cash. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hopefully he can "walk the walk" this year.

You just don't get it do you? Everything he said is completely true. Not just for him but around the league.

Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, all of these guys are the ones who are looked to in crunch time. Period.

The QB position is the most important position on the field. The position that's puts it all together the one that makes it work.

Your ignorant hate for RGIII blinds you to these obvious facts. And comments like the one you spouted above only further the opinion that you are an incredibly football illiterate, blind RGIII hater.

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Started to write a post along the lines of what NewCliche21 and TheFranchisePlayer expounded so well on...and I agree with their thoughts in reply to the Gigantor post.


I really think there is a lot of unnecessary angst in the media, and via fans to include Redskin fans, about our QB.  What has Robert done that is so damning?  At worst, I would accept that he has an ego (and which NFL player does not), he verbally wants to be a/the leader of this team (and why is that a bad thing), he may make some statements that are questionable by fans/mediots....but apparently are not a big concern within the locker room based on comments by numerous Redskin players, and the fact that his WR's went with him to Arizona for voluntary practice last month....a move I would submit they would not have done if they would have questioned Robert's motivations.  I mean, sometimes I wince a little at some of his statements in the media.....but I have never thought that his comments were malicious or rancorous....rather maybe not well thought out as per a first or second year player who is in their young 20's.  I think that is why he continues to have the support of his teammates....to the point that he can spearhead recruiting of other playmakers to this team. 


Ok...he tried to return from a second ACL injury when maybe the body had healed, but other parts of his psyche had not.   I just wonder what the conversation would have been if AP would not have returned to shine in '12 after his ACL injury.  The fact is that Art Briles stated that Robert did not really return to his "normal" form until the second season after his first ACL repair.  ESPN and NFL mediots both thought Robert would struggle last season based on his lack of post season work due to the injury......thoughts that many of us (including me) did not heed.   And...as Gruden said recently....words to the effect of "after a 3-13 season, one would have to be asinine to place all blame on the QB position".   Sure we were all disappointed in Robert's performance in '13.....but we were basing that on his '12 outcome, and failing to fully account for the impact of his ACL repair/recovery. 


While I can understand some of the uncertainty with Robert......after a rookie season that was for the ages....and the fall off last season for various reasons mentioned on numerous threads on several Redskincentric forums....I just do not get all the angst from Redskin fans.  I could give a care less about what fans from other teams think about Robert.....or the Redskins for that matter. Just consider their perspective.   They do not want Robert to succeed.  But I swear to read some post's here and in other forums.....one would think that many Redskin fans do not want Robert to succeed either just so they can say "I told you so".  


We have a QB that actively wants to have the bullseye placed on his back.  He has the respect of teammates not because of what he says, but what they see WRT effort he puts in to improve his craft (i.e. time spent working out, studying tape, hiring a QB coach to work with off season, calling receivers to workout with him in the offseason).  He has all the gifts of smarts, athelicism, arm strength, playmaking ability, that any fan would drool over if he were their QB.  When he was healthy, he led us to the NFCE title.  Sure others played a part, but he was the key.....and regardless of what "gimmick" offense he ran, he still had to make the plays for us to win those games.  I think that Robert will dispell any question of his value to this franchise this season.....and in doing so will create more haters as they realize that their teams will have to "deal with it" in the future. 

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I think it is mostly jealousy from the fans of other teams. His rookie year was so spectacular that fans of the 31 other teams just wanted him to fail so bad in his second year and he did have a down year so that gave them more ammo.


I kind of root for Russell Wilson to fail because I dislike the Seahawks so much even though he seems to be a really good guy. On the other hand though I have always respected players like Peyton Manning, Brett Favre and Tom Brady even though I am pretty much indifferent about there teams. I guess a lot of people just hate the Redskins and since RGIII is the face of the team they jump all over him for no good reason.

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I'll skip the racism red herring arguments and point out the real reason some fans don't like RG3:



From the Washington Post:


“As a quarterback, my identity is I am the leader of this team, I am the guy that everybody looks to when things are going bad … I am the guy that delivers. I am the guy that everyone on the team offense, defense, special teams — when it’s crunch time, they’re not looking at Trent Williams, they’re not looking at Alfred Morris. They’re looking at Robert Griffin III ....”



A little much, don't you think? 


I wonder how TW, Morris, Garcon and the defense feels about that?


I personally don't care if he runs his mouth, even though it's like listening to Baghdad Bob since he didn't deliver last year. But I understand the dislike of other fans around the league.


They think his mouth is writing checks his body can't cash. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hopefully he can "walk the walk" this year.


Read more. Moron less

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[...] It is amazing to me how many of non-Skins fans, some even those I considered knowledgeable within the NFCE considering or think RGIII is done, he will never play the same and is basically a victim of injury. I mean without knowing anything solid about him, I have heard this from four different fans, and the consensus is that his career is over. 


This is from a Seattle, a Boys, a Giant and an Eagles fan. I also heard it from a few casual fans. The first four though were what I considered fans with at least some football and sports IQ. Now I don't know whether to rack it up to fear, hate or just ignorance, but it was surely strong and they argued as if they had knowledge,,,,like I didn't know my own team and what was happening. [...]


I noticed the same thing when I recently had a conversation about RG3 with my uncle, whom I consider to possess a relatively high football IQ.  "If the Redskins are smart, they'll get rid of that diva quarterback ASAP," he said to me.  I was dumbstruck, especially because I had recently explained to him that the "diva" stuff was mostly CYA nonsense fed to the press by a resentful and on-his-way-out-the-door Mike Shanahan.  But, hey, some dope on local sports-talk radio out here on the West Coast had been talking smack about RG3, so it must be true.  That's what annoys me.


However, as others on here have observed, if we start winning again, this kind of negativity becomes much more muted.  And if we don't, it will only get worse.

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I noticed the same thing when I recently had a conversation about RG3 with my uncle, whom I consider to possess a relatively high football IQ.  "If the Redskins are smart, they'll get rid of that diva quarterback ASAP," he said to me.  I was dumbstruck, especially because I had recently explained to him that the "diva" stuff was mostly CYA nonsense fed to the press by a resentful and on-his-way-out-the-door Mike Shanahan.  But, hey, some dope on local sports-talk radio out here on the West Coast had been talking smack about RG3, so it must be true.  That's what annoys me.


However, as others on here have observed, if we start winning again, this kind of negativity becomes much more muted.  And if we don't, it will only get worse.


NICE avatar.  Was your last one Rodimus, I'm forgetting...


And as you seem to be getting at, your uncle just operated on received wisdom, but confidently asserted something in the face of evidence rather than have the humility to ask probing questions or express a doubt when he can't possibly know for sure.

That's the big problem with the world.

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