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RG3 staying out of the limelight


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I have never seen so much hatred directed at one player in my 30 years. Comments sections under any RGIII related articles are always full of bitter, ignorant, off the wall hate. People are wishing for this kid to fail.

I have all the confidence in the world in RGIII. I can't wait for him to shut these idiots up. Non fans and fans alike.


Just wait - once he gets back to form this season and is in discussions for MVP - much like he was in 2012 - people will be gushing over him once again.  But I really do get sick of the "fans" who think they can go crazy every time RG3 does anything that remotely draws attention to himself.  Grow the hell up and stop being such a chicken little.  Our offense just got insanely good with the addition of DJax. 


This thread, with all of its negative nancies, will be fun to bump mid-season.

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Just gonna harper on what Bang said, the media and a lot of pure NFL Fans hate RG3, because no matter how much they lie and call him a diva, RG3-ME, RG3andOut, etc....

They will never change the fact that up until this point in their respective careers RG3 has overexceeded expectations regarding the Rams trade(when healthy), and Andrew Luck has dissapointed if you were trying to make the point that Luck was this once in a decade qb lol.

Luck gets excuses made for him when he sucks, and trust me in his career thus far, he has sucked a lot. They love to reach at gamewinning drives haha, but never talk about his multiple picks or failed 3rd down conversions that keep his team from being better than they are lol. They also play in a dead division.., the titans, texans, and jags will all be picking in the top 10 of the 2014 nfl draft... the colts were the first team since 1969 to clinch a playoff berth with only 8 wins and a loss in the same week

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This is exactly why the revealing of the new logo was not a good idea. The timing couldn't be worse. I love RGIII, he's my favorite player, but when I saw this it made me angry. After all of the s*** that RGIII has been through with Shanahan and all of the criticism RGIII got such as people saying he's a diva and only cares about himself and RGme, and he releases this logo. Man I understand he's just being himself and trying to make a buck off of the football field and promote his brand. But I really think RGIII just needed to lay low for the entire off season as much as possible, and just let his play on the field promote his brand. Then when you're dominating again release the logo. The logo looks awesome. But it means you better produce or else. So RGIII, get it done man, lead us back to the postseason.

Exactly. Produce or else all hell is going to break loose.

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Exactly. Produce or else all hell is going to break loose.

Prior to this nothing bit of news, no one would have batted an eyelash about him failing, what with the heavy price we paid to get him, injury in his rookie year and all.

Production was optional then. Redskins fans are typically very patient.


NOW if he busts,,   boy will there be egg on OUR faces!


:rolleyes: Where's that old jerkin' off smiley when you need it?



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I guess I must have missed what you are talking about. The last 2 days I have seen a few posts he made about Griffin that was not derogatory. I was just going off that, I figured he was trying to be more objective with his posts, so I figured I would try to be encouraging and positive.



Well, that makes sense as to why RGMe likes him, birds of a feather flock together...


Still, doesn't mean he can't produce for us, I think he will the first year and then go down hill from there. Hope I'm wrong.

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Exactly. Produce or else all hell is going to break loose.


Hell broke loose the moment he hurt his knee, and spread throughout the offseason, and into last season. The entire team, and the fanbase, pretty much ate, slept, ****, and bathed in hell.


They're still here, and you're still here. It's a logo. Griffin is a pro athlete. Don't let the media/comment sections reel you in.

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He was healthy. It's asinine to think Andrews would deem him 100%, if he wasn't. And the brace is normal procedure following a surgery. It was mostly a mental thing, combined with rust from not having an offseason and trying to be a pocket passer.


I agree, to a degree. The "trying to be a pocket passer" narrative has been inaccurate from the very start. He made plenty of plays from the pocket in 2012, the difference in 2013 is our interior OL didn't perform nearly as well and he had no pocket to be a pocket passer in. 

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This is exactly why the revealing of the new logo was not a good idea. The timing couldn't be worse. I love RGIII, he's my favorite player, but when I saw this it made me angry. After all of the s*** that RGIII has been through with Shanahan and all of the criticism RGIII got such as people saying he's a diva and only cares about himself and RGme, and he releases this logo. Man I understand he's just being himself and trying to make a buck off of the football field and promote his brand. But I really think RGIII just needed to lay low for the entire off season as much as possible, and just let his play on the field promote his brand. Then when you're dominating again release the logo. The logo looks awesome. But it means you better produce or else. So RGIII, get it done man, lead us back to the postseason.



I have never seen so much hatred directed at one player in my 30 years. Comments sections under any RGIII related articles are always full of bitter, ignorant, off the wall hate. People are wishing for this kid to fail.

I have all the confidence in the world in RGIII. I can't wait for him to shut these idiots up. Non fans and fans alike.





I can see both sides of this coin. I want to have a great QB and we've seen some promise of that. I also do NOT want a media-driven Shirley Temple and lord knows we've seen promise of that.


Can we have both? Sure thing, but I wish he'd become one before he becomes the other as well.


Oy vey, Bob. Please earn it before you shamelessly rake it in. I'd hate to see that logo go to waste because you spent too much time distracted by doodling your dreams.

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I hate these stupid "Rg3 says Gruden supports him" articles inferring that Shanny didn't support him. Don't get me wrong i'm all for bashing Shanny and bashing certain players but this arguments are silly its like if I said "My dad supports my career choice" and you infer that my mom doesnt support it just because I didnt specifically that person.

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I really just want Griffin to start smoking Cigars and wearing sun glasses to every press conference. I want his usual response to the media to be '**** you, next question' and I want him to be unstoppable on the field. That way at least people would have something real to talk about. 

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I really just want Griffin to start smoking Cigars and wearing sun glasses to every press conference. I want his usual response to the media to be '**** you, next question' and I want him to be unstoppable on the field. That way at least people would have something real to talk about. 


So... Jordan?

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I really just want Griffin to start smoking Cigars and wearing sun glasses to every press conference. I want his usual response to the media to be '**** you, next question' and I want him to be unstoppable on the field. That way at least people would have something real to talk about. 

No offense, but that is a very immature mentality. i defended Robert all the time last year but now I am a year older and a year wiser and I just want a winning team. i want to look forward to NFL Sundays, not be forced to go pull weeds and do menial tasks around the house or avoid sports bars because of the endless lolz of the sports journos and the lemmings who repeat what they say. Just win games, by hook or by crook. I don't care if Robert does a plie after avery TD pass or a crotch grab and a moonwalk  across the goal line on every Rush TD as long as we are winning games. We don't have to win every week but we have the talent, staff and culture to become a perennial winning team over the next 5-10 seasons. The time is now. The time for excuses is past.

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I can see both sides of this coin. I want to have a great QB and we've seen some promise of that. I also do NOT want a media-driven Shirley Temple and lord knows we've seen promise of that.


Can we have both? Sure thing, but I wish he'd become one before he becomes the other as well.


Oy vey, Bob. Please earn it before you shamelessly rake it in. I'd hate to see that logo go to waste because you spent too much time distracted by doodling your dreams.

Ridiculous. He probably didn't design it himself. Likely just signed off on it. Do you really think he sits around drawing logo concepts?

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Why is it news that RG3 has a logo?



Bleacher Report: Top 25 Player logos in sports?



Refined Guy: Awesome Athlete Logos







Maybe RG3 needs a new slogan?  Logos, they're not just for corporations anymore.


I'm curious.  How many people who didn't have a problem with RG3's media handling before changed their mind as a result of him announcing the logo (which I'm guessing was done as part of his deal with Addidas).  It seems to me that the camps are pretty firmly divided and people are going to view RG3's actions through their own prism.

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So it appears some fans want a QB with above average talent, confidence, winning attitude, and no personality? And if he does become a celebrity it should only happen at a time deemed appropriate by the fans,championships etc? Why don't we just tell him to get the hell off our lawn while we're at it. Lots of judgement passed on this kid with nothing to substantiate any of it.

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I'm starting to realize that it's the cool thing to hate on RG3.  It's pretty sad.  People act like they are holier than thou and think they know how this kid should act.  Plenty of athletes have Twitter accounts.  It's not an issue.  This kid tweets out all positive stuff and works "harder than anyone" according to Jay Gruden.  But that's not good enough.


It's funny to me how "boo-hoo" people get about sports.  It's SPORTS.  It's FOOTBALL.  IT'S A GAME!!!  Go root for another team if he isn't living up to your dream of how a Quarterback should act.  Jesus Christ.


It's like, when did Redskins Nation become a bunch of whiny b*tches?  A couple of years ago, we had Rex Grossman as our starting QB.  Now we have an unbelievable athlete with an unbelievable passion for the game under center.  Why not focus on the new year of football that's coming rather than harping on the past?  The past is just that.  The past.


I'd love to see these RG3 haters say something to the kids face.  I guarantee they'd drool all over him or piss their pants with excitement.  Instead, they feel that their opinion matters because it's the internet where everyone has a voice.


If the Redskins are so un-enjoyable for you, go root for another team!

Exactly.  3 years ago, we went to war with Grossman/John Beck. Let that sink in for a second.  We're sitting nice with a franchise qb with unique talents and now we're treating his twitter feed like its the gospel??  Drop the pitchforks folks, its only april

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So it appears some fans want a QB with above average talent, confidence, winning attitude, and no personality? And if he does become a celebrity it should only happen at a time deemed appropriate by the fans,championships etc? Why don't we just tell him to get the hell off our lawn while we're at it. Lots of judgement passed on this kid with nothing to substantiate any of it.

They want Mark Rypien Part II. I'm 46 and this doesn't bother me in the least.

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No offense, but that is a very immature mentality. i defended Robert all the time last year but now I am a year older and a year wiser and I just want a winning team. i want to look forward to NFL Sundays, not be forced to go pull weeds and do menial tasks around the house or avoid sports bars because of the endless lolz of the sports journos and the lemmings who repeat what they say. Just win games, by hook or by crook. I don't care if Robert does a plie after avery TD pass or a crotch grab and a moonwalk  across the goal line on every Rush TD as long as we are winning games. We don't have to win every week but we have the talent, staff and culture to become a perennial winning team over the next 5-10 seasons. The time is now. The time for excuses is past.


No offense taken. 


But you missed my point (it was not clear though, so no foul there). I just want us to win too bro. But what he does with his personal life doesn't have any effect on MY personal life. There is your problem. If you have to avoid sports bars because Griffin makes comments on twitter than you have to be the most mentally weak person I have ever had the displeasure of talking to. No offense. 


Seriously. Its just football. Its entertainment. The kid is 23 years old and if you hang onto EVERY word a 23 year old says on twitter.... guess who has the problem. 

I was thinking Ditka.


I was definitely thinking Ditka. I want RG3 to be Mike Dikta. 


There. I said it. 

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Ridiculous. He probably didn't design it himself. Likely just signed off on it. Do you really think he sits around drawing logo concepts?

Exactly right, he doesnt do anything but approve the final design which may take 3 minutes of his day. We have a guy that has all the talent and doesnt waste it with poor work habits. He actually works extremely hard yet people want to **** about nothing. Its stupid the man is gonna do what it takes to succeed like he always has.

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I really just want Griffin to start smoking Cigars and wearing sun glasses to every press conference. I want his usual response to the media to be '**** you, next question' and I want him to be unstoppable on the field. That way at least people would have something real to talk about.

This is what I said about Tiger Woods after the sex stuff/divorce happened. He should embrace being the "bad guy". Actually I think Bill Simmons might have given me the idea but I loved it.

So RG3 should smoke cigars, refer to himself in the 3rd person during all press conferences, divorce his wife, post photos of himself on his twitter with various models and Redskins cheerleaders even other players wives/gfs with tags like #gonnawaxdatass #hatetastegood #mylifesuckas, record himself teaching Romo's kid how to throw a football, say something condescending about every opposing QB he faces "Tannehill? Yeah I know him, he's a decent #4WR" when he comes out to award shows it should be in Lambo like Bruce Wayne and 4 girls pile out of the car to walk in with him and he just flips $100s out on his way down the red carpet.

Stuff like that. Couldn't hurt right.

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