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Steve young on MNF about RG3: "...its not his fault.... "


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Cam Newton is what RGIII should aspire to be.. Cam Newton last year was crucified for his "me, me" attitude, and acting a fool, with his Super man endzone antics at inappropriate times.. Let's just hope that RGIII improves drastically over the off season, along with a few select FA's and draft picks to fix a horrible secondary.

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Cam Newton is what RGIII should aspire to be.. Cam Newton last year was crucified for his "me, me" attitude, and acting a fool, with his Super man endzone antics at inappropriate times.. Let's just hope that RGIII improves drastically over the off season, along with a few select FA's and draft picks to fix a horrible secondary.

Exactly, so why spend all day and night on a message board crapping all over a young guy in his 2nd year of pro football; parsing every one of his sentences and over analyzing his every move. Relax, and expect that he can make the jump that he should be able to with a full offseason to learn from his mistakes. The thing that most QBs of his stature tend to make after a sophomore slump.

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I will say Wilson is doing a bit more than just cruising. The man has come through with huge plays in the air and on the ground when they've needed him behind a line that has been fairly decimated by injury. No doubt that defense is fantastic and they can still run block. Golden Tate has had somewhat of a breakout year and Baldwin is reliable but it's not like that corps is top-flight without Harvin.

Your general point stands though.


Right, I am not meaning to say Wilson isn't putting together a nice season, and he does have some great improvisation instincts on broken-ish plays.  I'm just saying that when you watch a Seahawks game in full, it's not like he is doing anything spectacular out there, and there's no reason he should need to as a 2nd year QB, but due to him being on a contender from Day 1, the other aspects of the team afford him the luxury that Robert did not have.  This is a huge reason I felt Robert was justified in being ROTY, regardless of how people try to second-guess it due to 2013.  Out of the 3, and if you include Kap, Robert was given the least amount to work with as a rookie yet excelled and got his team to the playoffs. 

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I will say Wilson is doing a bit more than just cruising. The man has come through with huge plays in the air and on the ground when they've needed him behind a line that has been fairly decimated by injury. No doubt that defense is fantastic and they can still run block. Golden Tate has had somewhat of a breakout year and Baldwin is reliable but it's not like that corps is top-flight without Harvin.

Your general point stands though.

I wouldn't say their line was "decimated" especially since they've held up just fine considering. SEA has depth all over the field & Wilson's "late game heroics" basically come down to putting together 1 or 2 halfway decent drives against mostly mediocre defenses & their defense does the rest.

think about it...If RGIII I were running that team, most of their games would be blowouts pure & simple & I am blind to any counter to that point because logic supercedes all.

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Cam Newton is what RGIII should aspire to be.. Cam Newton last year was crucified for his "me, me" attitude, and acting a fool, with his Super man endzone antics at inappropriate times.. Let's just hope that RGIII improves drastically over the off season, along with a few select FA's and draft picks to fix a horrible secondary.


The cringey Superman endzone antics haven't changed. They're just winning now.

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After cursing out the refs like a baby, Tom Brady used the word "We" almost exclusively throughout his press conference. It was so classless and immature to not put all of the blame on himself for a horribly short throw into the endzone, and he didn't refer to all of his players as "Super-Smart" over and over.


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After cursing out the refs like a baby, Tom Brady used the word "We" almost exclusively throughout his press conference. It was so classless and immature to not put all of the blame on himself for a horribly short throw into the endzone, and refer to all of his players as "Super-Smart" over and over.



Funny how that works isn't it?

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Did anyone else that was watching this last game catch the graphic showing how many Eagles players could fit under $18 million in cap space?  Both Foles and McCoy were on that list, as were several other starters.

Yeah, and the Broncos are paying Eric Decker and Julius Thomas less combined than Shanahan decided to pay the league's 21st ranked punter.

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As far as I'm concerned there are only 3 players on this entire team I'm not willing to part with- Griffin, Morris, and Garcon. (That includes defense.)


RG3 is not "the problem." When he was healthy he masked how bad our o-line is with mobility. Zero preseason. He's not as mobile right now and his mechanics are hurting from the rehab and the brace. The cap penalty and poor o-line acquisitions/drafts are now transparent.


What we are seeing now in Cam Newton we will see in Robert Griffin. A better team will help but I can't make any promises.


You're willing to part with Trent Williams, David Amerson and Ryan Kerrigan?

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Agreed in the context that the Panthers, Seahawks, Colts, and 49ers all have pretty good to dominant defenses.


To an extent the Dolphins have a pretty good defense, too.





I dont think its just their defense.  I thought watching some of the game tonight that the Panthers did a great job up front creating a nice pocket for Cam.  Look at what the Broncos OL did to Chiefs etc...

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The chances of me having an orgy with Scarlet Johansen, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox, Carrie Underwood and Mrs. Tom Brady are greater than Haz coaching the 'Skins next year.  

Them odds are gettin' better...good grief, I'm 47, female, not even 5 feet tall, and I bet I can get at least 10 on two bum knees & a bum ankle.


All I've seen for the last 20 years is missed tackles.  I wanna win, dammit...you've gotta get the opposition ON THE GROUND. 

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Did anyone else that was watching this last game catch the graphic showing how many Eagles players could fit under $18 million in cap space? Both Foles and McCoy were on that list, as were several other starters.

That was a stupid graphic. How many on that list were draft picks still on the rookie contracts? It would make sense if all those players were free agent signings.

Here are some figures for some of our players signed as FAs:

Fletcher $6.2

Morgan $5.1

Chester $4.3

Moss $4

Bowen $3.4

Montgomery $2.65

F. Davis $2.5

That's 7 players counting $28 million against the cap this season who aren't producing. These players were signed during the cap penalty years.

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Anyone just watch MNF when they were talking about cam newton and young brought up rg3?

Steve young said about how the panthers d and other players have stepped up and newton now understands its not all up to him and about him, rg3 is struggling but its not his fault. its all about him

What I got from it he was saying cams supporting cast is doing its job and cam realizes he doesn't have to try and be superman, he can progress better without trying to make a play every down every second etc.

He said its all about him as saying the pressure is all on him, and the game is all on him. And it can really hurt a qbs progression.

Anyone else see this?


If this was not worthy of its own thread(and I understand if its not) just delete and I apologize ahead of time. Just thought it was interesting

In other note, the best quote of the MNF game was when gruden said "You can't go broke when you make a profit". He was referring to a specific play when Cam took a 5 yard check down instead of risking an incompletion to Smith who was open down field. In that game every down mattered, the good QBs learned that dinking & dunking is sometimes the best way to keep the drive alive and properly going to your progression is key. Instead of throwing an inaccurate pass in coverage, check it down. Move the chain. Keep the drive alive. Cam use to be a gunner his first 2 years in the league, now he's learning what wins game. RG3 with an off season will hopefully learn that. RG3 needs to learn the check down is his best friend and the coaching staff need to make it available to him.


Speaking of which, Cam is a beast.

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After cursing out the refs like a baby, Tom Brady used the word "We" almost exclusively throughout his press conference. It was so classless and immature to not put all of the blame on himself for a horribly short throw into the endzone...

Funny, NFL.com specifically states "Brady, after giving Blakeman an earful in the tunnel immediately after the game, largely blamed his bad throw for the incompletion when he spoke to the media." I haven't seen the actual video but are you sure you're not exaggerating to make a point?

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Good News...Cigarette Juice!


(If anyone knows what I'm talking about you're awesome)


What's with all the good news starts to posts?!  Anyway,  I think RG3 is having a down year similar to Cams second year.  He's not playing as well as he was his first year, but statistically in some categories he's having a better year.  But the proof is in the win column as it always is.  Next year, with a full offseason and preseason and sans knee brace (hopefully), he can progress.  If not, whoa nelly watch out as Redskins land will explode. 

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