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Steve young on MNF about RG3: "...its not his fault.... "


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Bang, I noticed you said rat's behind instead of ass. Are you implying that it's not your fault, but the fault of your teammates that your team is "behind" in so many games? I'm not reading in to anything...this is coming straight from the horse's mouth.

Well, now that you mention it, i used the word "behind" instead of ass because I did not want to imply that Snyder was still being an ass for forcing Mike Shanahan to take a quarterback he hates so much that he probably sent his parents a cake baked with soap just to give them the message that he'd be 'washing' their son of any of their influence, and making him play like the robot he always wanted.


Oh, and that 'behind' is a word that Jim Haslett understands, and i heard he might have someone reading this site to him before bed.



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I think any time you have compulsory press conferences you're going to get a lot of rubbish spouted at them. That's human nature. So taking them with a pinch of salt is probably advisable as many on here have said. Having said that I think Griffin needs to learn what to say and what not to say. Especially after a frustrating loss like this one.



That's the point for these '3 haters though. They are compulsory PC's, and you know that if '3 came out and said ANYTHING or NOTHING at all, the '3 haters are going to go ape **** about it regardless. That's why I spend so much less time here than I used to!

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Don't be so sure. He might just wait for them all to melt.


Mike and his entire staff is like the band playing on the Titanic



Haslett and Mike and Kyle are doing exactly what Einstein said about the definition of "insanity"; repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Haslett has been calling the SAME game plan for FOUR YEARS and yet, the defense gets worse every week!

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I think it was clear from the get go this year that Robert was going to need to carry this team. And there's nothing wrong with that, not in today's NFL. Many teams have pretty much hinged their success on elite QB play and it's not a bad way to go about things with the way the NFL is managed now.  


But what we gave up for him coupled with a handicapping salary cap penalty meant that he was going to determine the success or failure of this team this year even more so than a QB usually does. Had Robert been playing at the level he was last year from the start this season would've been a lot different. It's unfortunate we had to deal with his injury and he's simply not as explosive as he previously was yet. But he's getting there. And he's growing as a passer, which is good.   


I don't blame Mike for sticking with Haslett, Slowik and Raheem after last season. I know the insiders were saying Slowik and Has were pretty much guaranteed to be gone by year's end during last year's bye week, but then we went on a run and it would've been unfair for Shanahan to fire those guys. Unfortunately, whatever special they had going on during that run disappeared. Our defense has been slightly better this year, though the stats may not show it, but they're simply nowhere near the level of being able to compensate for Robert's lack of, how to put it, "being elite".


We needed nothing short of amazing from Robert and we got good at times mixed with bad and very little great. To me, it's that simple. All the trashing of the coaches, especially Mike and Kyle, who proved last year that they can innovate and be league leaders in offense even with a lot of new players is the biggest shame to me and shows such a ridiculous level of under appreciation that I can't even enjoy this board anymore. I don't think winning 7 in a row in the NFL can even be a fluke. Maybe 3, 4 or even 5 games. But almost half of a season's games? That is not a fluke. The coaches simply showed what they can do when the players play decently and the QB is playing at a high level.


I know I'm in the minority, but I'm still excited about the direction of this team and look forward to having a lot less restrictions when it comes to adding personnel. I look forward to Robert getting an entire offseason to work on his game, our young guys continuing to improve and I look forward to Mike continuing to add pieces as he's done so well thus far. The only thing that would put a damper on that is if we keep Haslett and Slowik. They both should lose their jobs. Raheem is a bit difficult to judge since he's had so little to work with, but Amerson is improving under him and the secondary is playing better in general.


That's how I feel. I know, homer making excuses and all that. Everyone sucks. Whatever.   :mellow:             

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You guys are smart football people. When you watch Griffin, dont you see something much different then a guy like Jason campbell? Or even a guy like Josh Freeman? I see hes good, I see he can be great and more importantly, I see that hes very young and inexperienced and that this is a great learning curve for him. Its one of the reasons I dont want Shannys fired, though, now I start to worry they will be. Haslett should go though, no questions there.

But honestly, when I watch him, I feel we always have a chance. If that was Jason Campbell in there Sunday we get blown out 24-0. I know we are losing but, man, the kids still not playing that bad for his SECOND YEAR IN THE LEAGUE!!!!

Next year, if he plays like this again, then fine, Ill start to worry, but right now this is a great learning experience for him. I like hes throwing more, getting more yards etc; Thats what we need to get him used to things.

Only time will tell.

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Amazing how quickly things have turned bad for RG3.


I mean, he does things that drive me crazy, but I still love the guy. Suspect 99 percent of us Skins fans do.


But on a national level... I mean, he is getting CRUSHED for blaming things on Mike and Kyle.


What a mess.

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Cam is also in his 3rd year and is on a better team.  


I remember when people were calling Cam a bust and saying all he did was put up garbage stats when the games were out of hand.


It's all perspective. 


I don't want to hear comparisons to Kap or Wilson. Those two were handed keys to Ferraris and all they had to do is simply put the cruise control on, (something btw, Kap is having trouble doing at that, on a team mind you that Alex Smith of all people was tearing it up with)

Thank You, took the words right out of my mouth. RGIII is struggling, who cares, cam did too and everyone called him a bust and now he is back, RGIII will be back too because the kid works hard. So many people hate RGIII because he tries to do the right thing, it's crazy how you can be hated for simply trying to be a good person.


The crazy part is when young studs like Cam Newton or RGIII struggle it's no holds bar bashing from fans/media yet when a young stud like Andrew Luck struggled his rookie year it was kid gloves with that guy from fans and media.


Cam deserves the success he is getting now, he was bashed relentlessly, even from his fans who forgot just how special the kid was. I'm also sure RGIII will bounce back and make all the people who tweet him and call him a bust/****y/reason we suck and all the fans who want him traded or benched for cousins, pay.!!!

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I know I'm in the minority, but I'm still excited about the direction of this team and look forward to having a lot less restrictions when it comes to adding personnel. I look forward to Robert getting an entire offseason to work on his game, our young guys continuing to improve and I look forward to Mike continuing to add pieces as he's done so well thus far. The only thing that would put a damper on that is if we keep Haslett and Slowik. They both should lose their jobs. Raheem is a bit difficult to judge since he's had so little to work with, but Amerson is improving under him and the secondary is playing better in general.


That's how I feel. I know, homer making excuses and all that. Everyone sucks. Whatever.   :mellow:             

i agree with your overall sentiment man. And yes, we're in the minority lol. 


The huge concern I have is the lack continuity with Owner (speculative on my part), Coach and QB. I feel like Shanny and Griff are on a whole different page and it becomes clear when speaking with the media. Curious to see how that all plays out in the coming months. 

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Also, when the Panthers OL got beat, they still kept blocking so when Newton started moving around, they were still on their man. Our OL has a bad habit of getting beat, turning around, and watching Griffin get blasted.




Then watch him peel himself off the ground or the ref help him up, that's the part that ****s me off the most actually.

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I'm just hoping he remains in one piece. This year is lost to me and in my estimation we are getting the lumps this year that we should have gotten last year. After we get our cap money back to improve the O-line in addition to Robert getting an offseason with a QB guru and lots of film, reps, R&R and growth from him and our younger players, we will be rocking and rolling next year.  Not predicting a 12 win season but I think we will be better than .500  and that will feel GREAT after this year. I also think certain cancerous players need to be removed from the locker room and certain dead weight veterans should either move on gracefully or be removed. This will be an exciting offseason and we will be healthier and better for it. We won'r need some miracle 6 or 7 win streak to make the playoffs because we will be consistantly decent to good next season throughout the year. I am not going to call of Shanahan and son's head because I actually think they are a creative team who have given us an offensive concept that works. We just need the pieces and player development to execute it.

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