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Xbox One Vs Ps4


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PS4 makes me chub.  :)  Sony is knocking it out of the god damn park!!!



Sony's formal plans for streaming games have arrived in the form of PlayStation Now. But it is more than just a way to beef up the PlayStation 4's game library. It's an ambitious bet on how we will game in the future.
But more than that, PlayStation Now represents a future where gaming is not dependent on purchasing a $500 box, but instead will only require a smaller, cheaper box ... or no box at all. The device you use will largely be irrelevant. As long as you have an account, it will be easier to game from virtually anywhere with the same exact experience every time.





Sony is kicking so much ass!  :) :) :)

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I'm not big on online-streaming services for games. I'd much prefer to be able to use my own computer to run the games and stream them to my own devices and not pay a subscription.

That said, I'm curious as to the kind of latency you'll see from streaming games online. You've gotta send your control signals across the internet to the machine running the software that then has to react to your input, and send the output all the way back across the internet to your machine. Online streaming is perfect for non-interactive mediums like Movies and Music, as latency does not matter, but interactive media is another issue.

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Has anyone played Don't Starve yet? It's free on PS4 with a Plus account. Really fun and difficult game. I've yet to live longer than 20 days. I was doing fine till starvation kicked in and all I had left to eat was mushrooms. They made me go insane and my hallucinations killed me.....

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Has anyone played Don't Starve yet? It's free on PS4 with a Plus account. Really fun and difficult game. I've yet to live longer than 20 days. I was doing fine till starvation kicked in and all I had left to eat was mushrooms. They made me go insane and my hallucinations killed me.....

I'll have to nab that one.

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playstation now sounds like a good idea, but the more i think about it, the less i am inclined to pay a subscription to it.


i think a lot of people think they are going to be able to put uncharted 2 or the last of us in their PS4 and play them for free. i've heard this a few times.


i have a ps3. am i really going to pay $15+ a month to stream PS3 games or will I just buy them off amazon for $15 bucks? probably just buy them off amazon for $15 bucks.


it's only been a few months since xbox one and ps4 have come out, and i've barely touched my 360 (haven't touched my ps3). what does this tell me? i'm not going to be paying $15+ bucks a month to play old games...because i don't play old games. i bought new consoles to play new games.


the game latency will just piss me off anyways. if that tumblr image of the guy playing GoW at CES is any indication, i'm not getting PSNow.


so im just wondering what market sony is trying to attract.  the rental thing looks promising, but if they aren't going to let you rent new games, it's going to be pointless. i don't need to know the last of us is a good game before i buy it because there's been plenty of fanfare around it. i need to know if killzone: SF is a good game because it's new. i played the free MP weekend and i decided not to get it (lol)

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Been playing Tomb Raider on X360. Great game. I'll probably pick up the Definitive Edition on PS4 when I finally get my hands on one.

I think it's as good as if not better than Uncharted.


I wouldn't put it on the level of Uncharted but its definitely right behind it. Very good game that I think a lot of people missed. Looking forward to a next gen sequel. 

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Wonder if either will get this?


The original was a classic and filled many hours with friends.




Saw that. Wonder if they'll try for the more realistic style, like that of MLB The Show. Or stay with that old arcade style. I'm hoping for the former since 2k games isn't making baseball games anymore. And The Show is a PS exclusive.

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I now have all the games in my possession, except for GTA, that I must finish before moving to a PS4. DMC, The Last of Us, Mass Effect 3, The Darkness 2, Bioshock Infinite, Crysis 2 & 3.

Still trying to decide if I am going to move to the PS4 when Thief and Watchdogs arrive or if I will just keep the PS3 for a bit longer. Definitely moving over for a new Uncharted and Metal Gear. I might wait for a cool bundle to arrive this Summer or Fall.

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this has a video showing the latency of the Playstation Now. Consider that this is with the server just a couple doors away on the same network. Imagine what it'll be when the server is in another state dealing with all the other internet traffic. I'm just not convinced live-streaming of games is the future, at least not until the broadband infrastructure is much better than it currently is.


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How wide is the Xbox One Kinect camera? I ask because I'd be hooking it up to a projector TV and the setup would have it tucked into a corner of the room while I'd be sitting on my sofa a good distance away.


Still debating which system to get. Both seem to have positives and negatives.

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How wide is the Xbox One Kinect camera? I ask because I'd be hooking it up to a projector TV and the setup would have it tucked into a corner of the room while I'd be sitting on my sofa a good distance away.


Still debating which system to get. Both seem to have positives and negatives.

it's almost exactly as wide as if you put two 12 oz soda cans on top of each other then laid them down.

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I will probably be buying one of these in the next 4 months.  I am not a huge gamer, rarely play online.  I historically have bought Playstations.  Love by PS3 for its ability to run Netflix and play Blurays.  Should it change my calculus that my new TV is a smartTV (so it already runs Netflix) and Blurays are pretty much a thing of the past?

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