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Xbox One Vs Ps4


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Can't wait for titanfall to come out so I don't have to deal with DICE/BF4 general ****tery anymore.

It may be a whole slew of problems, but it can't be as bad as the battlefield series has become.

I don't understand the BF4 hate. What's so bad with it? I play at least an hour of it almost every day and love it.

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I don't understand the BF4 hate. What's so bad with it? I play at least an hour of it almost every day and love it.


I agree I don't see all the hate either, I got Battlefield on Christmas and its been smooth as butter to me for multiplayer simply sweet ass game. One problem I had was I lost my save in single player but its short is hell and wasn't really feeling it anyway, Call of Duty single player kicks its ass I am sure. Multiplayer is pretty damn sweet most fun I have had since the first Gears and Rainbow 6 Rogue Spear for PC., I usually hate shooters cause I suck but I am having so much fun. So far played it more than NBA2k and Forza combined.


Titanfall publisher is EA so we are not out the woods when it comes to bugs. BF could have used a extra month to iron out the bugs, but damn since I had it its been amazing.

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Have you made it to the surgeon yet?



I think.  I woke up after being thrown off the balcony by the big dude, he said some weird stuff, and now I'm in the basement running from another big dude.  I ****ing love this game.  Thank you, Sony.


How cary is Outlast? IGN had several gamers sit in a dark room and play it from the beginning to about 10 minutes in. 

The hilarity starts around 2:25.



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Off the top of my head for BF4, some people obviously have bettter experiences, based on the community as a whole, you are lucky, and you probably havent played quite as much as some of us.

There are still way too many random crashes, this is on the Xbox AND the PC (Played all day saturday, and the other forums I frequent PS players **** about the same thing) spawn in the chopper gunner and the game crashes.

The spawns in domination and Squad DM are absolutely dreadful, and now that the rest of the world is figuring out the system and how simple it is the spawn camping is getting worse. Spawn camping isnt the worst of it though, in both game types players from different teams will spawn together at the same time in the same place.

its been at least 4 games since introducing revives and they still can't get it to work consitently, you died on the stairs? too bad, no revive for you, and that just happened to be the only attempt all game where a team mate actually chose to at least try and revive you.

Entire servers crashing at the same time

OP shotguns. The AKU12 is better at long distance than any of the DMRs (maybe this is a good thing)

The "shakes" whenever you get in a jet or chopper. It usually happens on lancang dam, you get a hard jolt every 5 or so seconds making shooting at anything near impossible. Sometimes the sound completely dissapears from the attack chopper. it's nice and quite, but apparently its important to actually hear the missle warnings.

The latest patch has introduced the sounds of cetain players guns/vehicle shooting and it will never stop until the map reloads, the whole server can hear this.

The latest patch has also screwed up the score board on hainan resort. Many of the players names wont show up.

There still aren't any private servers.

Enemys killing me after I put an entire clip in them and it tellsyou they have 0 HP left.

LMGs are garbage, so there is no incentive for anyone to ever use the support class, so no ammo for me.

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If you have to ask, it's probably not worth it for you at this point. There still aren't many games out.


agreed.  I think Titanfall is Xbox's first big exclusive, and PS4's big exclusives The Order: 1886 and Uncharted 4 won't be out for a while.

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I just picked up a xbox this weekend. I have to say i am impressed with it. I only picked up two games so far for it Zoo tycoon for the GF and Assassin's creed. I downloaded the beta for Titanfall, and although I am not much of a FPS multiplayer guy, I am enjoying it. It definitely has a different flavor than other FPS's and it is very fast paced. You have to stay on the move. I am not sure how much time I am going to spend on it though as I don't want to invest a lot of time leveling up only to get wiped and start over once release comes. I am also looking forward to dying light. 

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You guys bring up an interesting point. Is it too much to ask for these companies to have a slew of games when they systems are unveiled? They want you to pay $500 and like you said AND I saw yesterday at Best Buy, there aren't many games available. 

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Its worth it at the moment to get an XBOX ONE IMO


Dead Rising

Forza 5

Killer Instinct

and the big one Titan Fall in 20 days


All good games on top of the multiplats like 2k, Battlefield and AC etc.


I recommend it, even when your not playing games your going to love the TV aspect of it. I would get a XBOX ONE now and then a PS4 when those killer exclusives start pumpin out. Imfamous Second Son is coming and its going to be cool.

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You guys bring up an interesting point. Is it too much to ask for these companies to have a slew of games when they systems are unveiled? They want you to pay $500 and like you said AND I saw yesterday at Best Buy, there aren't many games available.

I wish there were more games out but to a certain extent it is out of their hands. Sony was counting on having DriveClub as a free PS plus game and both companies thought Watch Dogs would be a major launch game. There's no way to get around delays.

That and I've read several places that it takes developers a lot longer to make games on the new systems so maybe that wasn't totally planned for by sony and MS. Once they start building their systems I think they fully intend to release them pretty much as soon as they are done. I wish there were more games out though.

Total side note but NBA 2k is trash compared to last years. I only played for a week but saw plenty of bad glitches, audio cutting out consistently every time I played, and the biggest one... No online association?!?!? What the hell

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NBA2k plays the best basketball out of the box of any game I have ever played period, and then those graphics O MY. Glitches I have the crowd glitch every now and then an it sucks but my biggest problem with the game is the ****ing VC!! Its stupid that they are microtransactioning to death (is that even a word). All I want to play is franchise mode called MYGM in game and to be able to set my rotation you need VC. You need VC for every damn thing in the game and its annoying is hell, Also I lied another thing I hate is that your game saves are tied to the server so if the server is having issues you can't play your career or mygm mode which is ****in supid. O and another thing why take couch coop out of franchise? I can't even play a franchise with my brother.


ALL that is so frustrating but the gameplay gets a 10 in my book and thats what keeps me coming back.

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Oh yeah, I got the XBox one yesterday. My XBL name is the same as my PSN name "MLp33zy".

I forgot all about killer instinct. I am getting that as soon as I get in the house!

Oh yeah, I got the XBox one yesterday. My XBL name is the same as my PSN name "MLp33zy".

I forgot all about killer instinct. I am getting that as soon as I get in the house!

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NBA2k plays the best basketball out of the box

Totally agree. On the court it looks great and plays great. Otherwise though it's BAD. The servers still seen totally unreliable so it's hard to play online and as you said it's tied to your saves offline too.

Some of the glitches though.....man. I didn't even have to deal with the worst ones. I've heard of people getting stuck in the MyGM playoffs after the first round or getting to the finals and playing a team that didn't even make the playoffs. But truthfully I lost interest as soon as I found out they took out online association as usually all I do is play an online league with 7 or 8 friends (oh and don't even get me started on the "online league" feature that replaced online association).

On the court it plays and looks good but literally everything else outside of that is somewhere between bad and absolutely horrible. So disappointing.

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Good luck with the new update, One users..




Xbox One users experiencing black-screen error following update


The Xbox One's February update added a number of improvements to Microsoft's gaming console, but for some users it's also causing some headaches. A number of users are reporting that, after installing the update, their screen will sometimes turn entirely black. The problem occurs when users press the Xbox button to move to the home screen, and it persists even when the console is powered down. Luckily, the Xbox support team is aware of the issue, and there is a temporary fix — you simply hold down the power button for 10 seconds. Whether a more permanent solution is incoming isn't clear, but the fix should at least help you get in some more Titanfall before the beta ends.

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