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Xbox One Vs Ps4


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Not sure what system but the xbox one has it avail as a demo. I didn't really like it. But i get bored with those games pretty easy.


It has Dead Rising as a demo? Really? I just looked like a week ago and it had Fifa and NHL as a demo but not Dead Rising. DId you find it just by going to the demo's section on the dashboard?

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Am I the only one who doesn't see much difference between the PS4 and PS3 (ditto the 360 and the One as far as I can tell)? I haven't spent much time with it so maybe I'm missing it, but as far as I can tell this is th smallest difference between next-gen and past-gen that I can remember. Been wonder what the ceiling would be and when we would reach it. Maybe we're there?

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I've been saying for a long time that we would not see the jump this gen that everyone was expecting. Last gen's consoles were too expensive when they came out, so the jump was bigger from the generation before than I think it should have been. Going back to at least reasonably priced consoles this generation is going to result in smaller jump technologically, and I also think we're reaching the point of diminishing returns graphically; at least as far as regular TV gaming is concerned (higher resolution and framerates will be big for virtual reality down the line, but less noticeable on TV).

I don't think we'll really notice much the difference in models using 50 times the number of polygons as the previous generations, plus all these art assets get more expensive the more detailed they get. Game developers have probably started noticing that dumping too much money into graphics is a huge risk, because if the game isn't a huge smash-hit, they can lose a lot of money on these games, and we've already seen some developers go out of business this past generation as a result.

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But it's probably true. If Microsoft had gone disc-less for the XBox One against a disc based PS4 - they would have been creamed here in the States.

cept the didn't almost do anything. they considered it. there's a huge difference. it's not like they released a disc less version of a certain mobile platform that bombed like a certain company.

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Not trying to ruin your day or anything chew, but Infinite has got to be one of the most boring/lame games I've played in a looooooong time. The hype train was so strong that it definitely didn't help. The graphics weren't special at all, especially compared to the latest tomb raider game (waaaaaay better game, story, combat)

But hey, at least it's "free"

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Not trying to ruin your day or anything chew, but Infinite has got to be one of the most boring/lame games I've played in a looooooong time. The hype train was so strong that it definitely didn't help. The graphics weren't special at all, especially compared to the latest tomb raider game (waaaaaay better game, story, combat)

But hey, at least it's "free"


Not to get OT here but i am a huge Bioshock fan. I hated Infinite. I was forcing myself to continue to play it just to beat it. If you're ever looking for a game to play get Bioshock 1. Prob the best game i have played on the 360. 

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Playstation Now sounds interesting.  I wonder what the cost will be and if it will eventually have PS4 games:




Also, I just want to add what an amazing game Tomb Raider is.  It was funny, after I beat the game, there was a thank you note at the end for completing the game.


Also, this is childish but two of the people that worked on it were Amy Shat and (Forget this guys first name) Poon. 

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I have the PS4 and love it, but I also still have an Xbox 360 and still play that as well.  I'd love to have an Xboxone but don't have the money to do it. I chose the PS4 because I love "the Show" and that's a must have for me. There are no exclusive Xbox games I have to have.  That was the deciding factor for me. 

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Am I the only one who doesn't see much difference between the PS4 and PS3 (ditto the 360 and the One as far as I can tell)? I haven't spent much time with it so maybe I'm missing it, but as far as I can tell this is th smallest difference between next-gen and past-gen that I can remember. Been wonder what the ceiling would be and when we would reach it. Maybe we're there?


I thought the same thing, but apparently 7+ million people don't agree with us. I thought really hard about getting an Xbox One, but I just can't pull the trigger on $500 when my PS3 and 360 are both working fine for me. I'm just going to wait until the prices come down on both systems and see which one more people I know have.


But I agree with you 100%, I don't really see a huge difference between last gen and the new gen.

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I never experienced the 'awe' factor like I have playing BF4 on the ps4.


I don't know how many times I die because I'm checking out the scenery.


Paracel Storm, when the storm blows in, its gorgeous.  It makes me almost smell the rain coming in.


Explosions and smoke effects are crazy real.


I definitely notice a difference.  (From xbox360 to PS4 that is - I haven't played a PS3 in almost 2 years)

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