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Xbox One Vs Ps4


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Sorry for the late response. I got mine at a gamestop in San Diego. We had to call about 4 other game stops before we found this one that had 1 left in stock that they received that day


EDIT: Also, anyone who has BF4 are you having problems saving your campaign? I thought it would autosave but everytime I go to play campaign I have to start from the begninnng.


Also, is there a way to modify you loadouts in multiplayer like you do in COD?

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I've been a fan of the BF series since 1942, and it's probably my favorite series ever. DICE and EA have been absolute **** companies for a long time now, but BF4 might just be the worst release of a game I've ever seen. It makes the online release of GTA V look incredible.

I can't even call this version a Beta.

The crashes

The absolute **** game mechanics (I get stuck on curbs, stairs, team mates more than any other BF game

Releasing DLC before having the original game fixed

****ty hit detection, it's unclear if spawning players have spawn protection. It seems like they do half of the time.

The TERRIBLE net code that they designed to promote simultaneous deaths? Are you kidding me?

And so much more

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agree with your entire post, but this in particular...is just awful.

The sad part is it's still fun because there is nothing else in the genre trying to put out a similar product... But if this **** isn't patched ASAP...

Also, the spawns in deathmatch and squad DM are worse than any CoD...ever.

Edit: you read my mind No Excuses. No party system, and I doubt they will implement one in bf4 even though that was the biggest complaint of bf3 for console players. The menus are also ****. The customization is a cluster ****

And are they ****ing serious about pressing the select button to bring up your STATS instead of the SCORE? ****ing idiots. Who gives a **** about your K/D and unlock progression DURING a GAME, I want to know how close the match is you imbeciles, not your stupid ass battle log menu.


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The sad part is it's still fun because there is nothing else in the genre trying to put out a similar product... But if this **** isn't patched ASAP...

Also, the spawns in deathmatch and squad DM are worse than any CoD...ever.

Edit: you read my mind No Excuses. No party system, and I doubt they will implement one in bf4 even though that was the biggest complaint of bf3 for console players. The menus are also ****. The customization is a cluster ****

And are they ****ing serious about pressing the select button to bring up your STATS instead of the SCORE? ****ing idiots. Who gives a **** about your K/D and unlock progression DURING a GAME, I want to know how close the match is you imbeciles, not your stupid ass battle log menu.


Amen brother!  The respawns are ****ing horrible.  I still haven't figured out why they can't have twice as many respawn points than the opposing teams max # of players and put you in one that nobody is around.  You would think they could program that.  This would eliminate spawn camping.  There are some games I die, respawn, run a couple of seconds and get shot in the back, die, rinse repeat 2-4 times. 


My biggest gripe is the respawns.  Plus the magic bullets that do not hit the enemy at long range but its projectile path goes right through their chest, but no damage.  Repeat 3-4 times, only for the asshat to turn around, snipe me with one shot.

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I've been a fan of the BF series since 1942, and it's probably my favorite series ever. DICE and EA have been absolute **** companies for a long time now, but BF4 might just be the worst release of a game I've ever seen. It makes the online release of GTA V look incredible.

I can't even call this version a Beta.

The crashes

The absolute **** game mechanics (I get stuck on curbs, stairs, team mates more than any other BF game

Releasing DLC before having the original game fixed

****ty hit detection, it's unclear if spawning players have spawn protection. It seems like they do half of the time.

The TERRIBLE net code that they designed to promote simultaneous deaths? Are you kidding me?

And so much more


As hard as it might be to believe, this doesn't even crack the top 10 for worst game launches.  Anyone that has ever played an MMO can attest to that.  It's still inexcusable.

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rush is the only real reason to play battlefield. conquest is good as well now that there's 32v32. TDM and SDM...not so much.



If we were playing on the PC, this would be pretty close to the truth (conquest will forever be the GOAT game type for battlefield), but on the consoles its just not the same, mostly due to the terrible team mates.  I can't stand playing 64 conquest and looking through the team setup menu to see 16 snipers on my team.  Medics that don't run paddles, support that don't carry the box with them (or at least don't actually put it down)


It happens on rush even more, the whole offensive team will be sitting in the hills of maps trying to snipe defenders as they spawn, while I'm one of the few actually trying to plant.


The nice part about Squad death match is it truly promotes squad play with only 5 people on your entire team, and EVERYONE plays the objective because everyone enjoys getting kills.  Removing the vehicle aspect of BF kinda sucks, but it's also a blessing to not have 10 kids at the spawn fighting over jets/helis.  If you don't revive your team and run support, you will lose.  A squad King of the hill gametype would be awesome for the kids who need an objective to have fun.


through playing BF3 I also found SQDM to have a bit of a niche of the better infantry players/squads in the community playing it almost exclusivley.  It was the best gametype in BF3 in terms of the rounds being competitive on a consistent basis.


Mufu- I believe you, and I've tried my best to stay away from MMO games for the most part.

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well it told you wrong. i can't speak for the other game types, but rush on the PC is the same. sometimes you jump into games where no one PTFO, other times you do.


i will say the PC community's skill level is head and shoulders above across the board. you don't really get chances to do **** like this:




i would never get the opportunity to do that.

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well it told you wrong. i can't speak for the other game types, but rush on the PC is the same. sometimes you jump into games where no one PTFO, other times you do.

i will say the PC community's skill level is head and shoulders above across the board. you don't really get chances to do **** like this:


i would never get the opportunity to do that.

Lol, so you've been apart of the community for one round of rush? That's what it sounds like.

Conquest is the GOAT game type for battlefield, rush is an afterthought, in both league play and pubs. Keyboard and mouse is the GOAT controller (ESPECIALLY for planes/helis)

The best part of PC play is there are community servers going 24/7 with joint vent/TS servers, "Pro Pubs". Everyone there is objective try hards, all using mics. It's amazing.

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why are you playing on xbox then if it's superior on PC by that much? honest question, if I had experienced that I probably wouldn't play on Xbox. the only reason why I do is because I don't know anyone with a decent PC rig to play BF4.


i mean seriously, why would you? better graphics, community servers, chat w/ more then 8 people, better input device, more players (xbox one dips below 10k all the time, I rarely see PC below 20k during off peak  hours) etc?


as far as joining random games though, it's the same. i'll concede that if you join servers where the same players play on the same servers and get to know people, yea it's better. but that's console vs PC, and that's how it always will be, across all FPS. FPS are superior on PC, no doubt.

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I grew tired of spending money and constantly needing to upgrade my PC. Plus all of the trouble shooting when games don't work, there are more software elements to trouble shoot. When it works it's the best, no doubt.

I also get sucked into competitive league play on the PC, it's awesome, but takes up way too much time.

I'll get sucked back into it someday, but for now the simplicity, cost, and higher chance of real life friends on a console is more reasonable for me.

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My god, Viper. That sounds like heaven.

There is nothing better than a close conquest league match in battlefield. A stalemate at the end of a round. No ticket bleed, flags are equal, 2-3 tickets left for each team. Everyone is reviving like crazy or wrenching the tank, but also trying to get those last few kills and make sure the other team doesn't get the revive. Then you get that semi lucky SRAW direct hit kill from across the map on an infantry player that means they can't revive him, game over.

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I initially bought the PS4 on launch weekend having owned both the Xbox 360 and the PS3. In my opinion the PS4 is a solid system but doesnt really offer anything special outside of games. I feel like it even offers less than my 80gb george forman style ps3. PSN as a pay service is also a joke compared to XBox live. I ended up selling my ps4 for a profit and picking up an XBOX one. Best decision ever. I love the new interface and Xbox live absolutely destroys PSN in every way. I'll probably still get PS4 down the road but if you have to make one choice go XBOX One.


PS My gamertag on xbox live is DCthug78. I currently have Madden, NBA2k14 and Battlefield 4 if anyone wants to play



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I'm down to about 10 games left on my PS3 that I must finish. Working on Far Cry now. Bought Tomb Raider Bundle for 13.00 off of PS Plus. I may pick up NHL for $15.00.

I initially bought the PS4 on launch weekend having owned both the Xbox 360 and the PS3. In my opinion the PS4 is a solid system but doesnt really offer anything special outside of games.  


No offense, but I have to laugh at you for buying a PS4 and expecting more than games. They have said they are a gaming system from day one.

A few seconds of research would have saved you time. You were lucky to make a profit. But, I am glad that you are happy with the XBone. Everyone should be happy with their purchases when they are spending that amount of cash.

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