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Xbox One Vs Ps4


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I'm down to about 10 games left on my PS3 that I must finish. Working on Far Cry now. Bought Tomb Raider Bundle for 13.00 off of PS Plus. I may pick up NHL for $15.00.

No offense, but I have to laugh at you for buying a PS4 and expecting more than games. They have said they are a gaming system from day one.

A few seconds of research would have saved you time. You were lucky to make a profit. But, I am glad that you are happy with the XBone. Everyone should be happy with their purchases when they are spending that amount of cash.


Well considering my 80gb PS3 had a 3D blu ray player DLNA streaming and a memory card slots. I did lose alot of funtionality when I went to ps4. (Yes I know sony stripped some of these features from newer ps3s)

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Well considering my 80gb PS3 had a 3D blu ray player DLNA streaming and a memory card slots. I did lose alot of funtionality when I went to ps4. (Yes I know sony stripped some of these features from newer ps3s)

Yeah, I am a little upset about the lack of 3D, but they may have it in the future. At least from what I have heard. But, that doesn't help you now of course.

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Dead thread

Edit: this fix was included with the most recent PC patch

"We’ve addressed the so called “Kill trading”. This refers to when two players fire at each other and, seemingly, both die at the same time. The time window where a bullet could cause damage from an already dead player is now calculated as intended, decreasing the timeframe when players with high latency could get a kill, even though they should be dead according to the server."

Thank god

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What is happening in this clip..i cant wrap my head around this...how was this ever even possible

Flying in the jet, spots Little Bird over head. Ejects. Throws c4 on Little Bird while passing by and get the destroy/kills. Falling back down, hits his parachute and re-enters his jet that he ejected from.

That's what we like to call an "Only in Battlefield" moment. There's a whole bunch of clips like this on youtube.

My apologies if your post was rhetorical.

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Flying in the jet, spots Little Bird over head. Ejects. Throws c4 on Little Bird while passing by and get the destroy/kills. Falling back down, hits his parachute and re-enters his jet that he ejected from.

That's what we like to call an "Only in Battlefield" moment. There's a whole bunch of clips like this on youtube.

My apologies if your post was rhetorical.


That's what I thought but then I tried to understand how this happened and: 




I can't believe I had BF4 for 2 weeks and couldn't connect to EA Servers one. single. time. 

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Well that lasted long. Turn on the One today and it can't find my wireless internet network. Had to drag my 30 ft. ethernet cable all the way across my room again. *sigh*

"Nothing works". Story of my life.

Yes it's just a minor inconvenience. But it's only been 2 ****ing weeks since I've had it. How long until something more drastic happens...

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Battlefield 4. The Spas w/ duckbill, red laser...way OP'd. I've been trolling with that thing the last few days, and getting some hate mail. lulz.

Pretty much all of the shottys are over powered. All the bad kids are running around with them in squad DM

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I like it. There seems to be a lot more teamwork because it's easier to point out who isn't pulling their weight when there are only 5 of you. That one terrible kid on top of the crane isn't doing **** and we all know it. You are more likely to have team mates using VoIP as well.

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How do you guys feel about Killer Instinct?


I love it. I know its short on characters. I bought the version that will give the 2 extra characters when they are released. I use to love KI back in the day on arcade. My son loves screaming "ULTRAAAAAAAAA COMBOOOOOOOO" when he or I pull one off.


I would rather play with an arcade stick but that costs $200 and I'm not into fighting games enough to justify that price.

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Check this out though. I posted that I had to buy one for my nephew for my sister.

It's this Gamestop in DC on Pennsylvania Ave that had some, but they were only selling them in a bundle. The bundle cost $800 (tax included). lol It came with the PS4, the camera, extra controller and 4 games.


Meanwhile, it was this Gamestop in District Heights Maryland that had PS4s but you had to by it as a bundle for $520 (550 with taxes). It included an extra controller and a game, or two extra games. I was going to buy two games for him anyway, so I wasn't really that mad.


I can't believe that Gamestop is really that press for accessory and game sells that they are handcuffing them for you to by the systems, and on top of that, the prices for the "bundles" are the same if you add them up individually.


With that being said, I can't hate on them. It is a brilliant business strategy. But if that Manager of the Gamestop thinks she is going to sell her PS4s in $800 dollar bundles, she is crazy.

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i am getting the disc reading error on my xbox one.  ready to ship this xbox to get a new one :(



Sorry about that man.  That has to be disappointing.  Good luck with your next one.  After the problems with the Xbox 360s and 1st generation PS3s, I'm too paranoid to purchase new generation consoles right out the gate.  I've heard about the Xbox Ones having disk drive issues.  Hopefully problems with these new consoles are isolated and not the beginning of a manufacturing defect starting to rear it's ugly head.

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