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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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The desperation reeks. I like how the parents are desperately trying to take pictures and he immediately turns his back on them so the media can get pictures

Come November, I am buying VIX calls. I think Trump is winning the election,

Springfield and redskins59

Sorry. Just keeping track of everyone making Trump victory predictions
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borna...you're gonna make it to the actual election without exploding into a cloud of wrathful rainbows and warrior unicorns, right?


Love it or leave it Jumbo!!!

Sorry. Been sitting in the car waiting for someone for the last three hours. Just trying to enjoy myself in the meantime. My America is finally the "real America" and it's nice.

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You should see my Facebook. Pretty sure I'm gonna have to literally fight some folks at the next family reunion. Goal: convert the women, mock the men. Best part is I'm the only one in the family (living) who has done hard time, only one (living) who has served and only one (on one side anyway) who has a college degree. I got all my bases covered. They hate me for it and I'm loving it.

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Moody's: Clinton economy would create 10 million jobs


Hillary Clinton's plans for the economy would boost growth and create millions of jobs, according to a new analysis.


Moody's Analytics estimates that if the Democratic presidential nominee's proposals are enacted, the economy would create 10.4 million jobs during her presidency, or 3.2 million more than expected under current law.


The pace of GDP growth would also accelerate to an annual average of 2.7%, from the current forecast of 2.3%.


"The upshot of our analysis is that Secretary Clinton's economic policies when taken together will result in a stronger U.S. economy under almost any scenario," Moody's writes in its report.


Moody's Analytics is an independent research group, but the lead author of the report on Clinton is Mark Zandi, who donated $2,700 to her campaign last year, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.


Zandi was a vocal supporter of the stimulus package President Obama deployed during the financial crisis of 2009, but he has also served as an economic adviser to former Republican presidential candidate John McMoody's published a similar analysis of Donald Trump's plans in June. It concluded that the Republican presidential nominee's policies would result in an economic downturn that would last longer than the Great Recession. About 3.5 million Americans would lose their jobs, unemployment would jump to 7% and home prices would fall.


The reports are based on a forecasting model similar to those used by the Federal Reserve and Congressional Budget Office.




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Does Trump even have an economic plan?

He does not, but it does not matter. We live in a reality tv world, where everybody wants to be entertained.

Also, Trump is showing that if you say something stupid, double down. Don't apologize.I cannot believe Trump is the first person to think of this strategy.

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He does not, but it does not matter. We live in a reality tv world, where everybody wants to be entertained.

Also, Trump is showing that if you say something stupid, double down. Don't apologize.I cannot believe Trump is the first person to think of this strategy.

I mean, I read somewhere, that somebody, of some importance, said that Trump would cost Americans millions of jobs...

I just don't remember any substance of it.

He does not, but it does not matter. We live in a reality tv world, where everybody wants to be entertained.

Also, Trump is showing that if you say something stupid, double down. Don't apologize.I cannot believe Trump is the first person to think of this strategy.

I mean, I read somewhere, that somebody, of some importance, said that Trump would cost Americans millions of jobs...

I just don't remember any substance of it.

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I think progressives do have a defining issue: They are against the rule of the billionaire class.


I'll bet the percentage of billionaires that support doing something about climate change is much higher than lower class whites.

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They'll probably have to build a wall to stop it if Trump wins.


Canada can't afford no dang wall, they are stuck with them.

I'll bet the percentage of billionaires that support doing something about climate change is much higher than lower class whites.


Oh yeah, lotta money to be made

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Sanders delegates fault Bernie for DNC chaos


Supporters say first-time delegates didn’t get enough information from the campaign about what to expect at the convention.





The computer network used by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign was hacked as part of a broad cyber attack on Democratic political organizations, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.


The latest attack, which was disclosed to Reuters on Friday, follows reports of two other hacks on the Democratic National Committee, or DNC, and the party’s fundraising committee for candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives.

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Trump rips ‘failed’ Gen. Allen in rebuttal to DNC criticism


Donald Trump continued his counteroffensive against speakers who criticized him at the Democratic National Convention Friday night, blasting retired four-star General John Allen for having "failed" in the battle against the Islamic State.


Speaking at a rally in Denver, Colorado – his third of the day – Trump began by mocking the lack of “star power” of the Democratic convention and touting the television viewership of Republican National Convention that took place a week prior.


“I think my kids had more star power, I really do, than anybody I saw [at the convention],” the recently nominated Republican presidential candidate said.


Trump then proceeded to pounce on criticisms levied against him by Allen, who Thursday night gave an impassioned speech framing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as a leader who possessed the needed experience to helm the United States military.


“They had a general named John Allen. I never met him, and he got up and started talking about Trump, Trump, Trump,” the Republican nominee said before unleashing his counterassault.


“You know who he is? He’s a failed general. He was the general fighting ISIS. I would say he hasn't done so well, right?” Trump said.


Allen, who commanded troops in Afghanistan and worked with Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state, painted Trump as an inexperienced and self-interested candidate who stood on the wrong side of issues like torture.


“I also know that with her as our commander in chief, our international relations will not be reduced to a business transaction,” he said on the last night of the Democratic National Convention. “I also know that our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture, and they will not be engaged in murder, or carry out other illegal activities.”









Khizr Khan near tears on MSNBC right now, appealing to Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan -- who he says he admires -- to repudiate Trump fully.
10:17 PM



Watch: KhizrKhan asks Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to repudiate Trump. Tune in to @TheLastWord for the interview
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