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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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The coordinator of the Washington diplomatic corps for the Republicans in Cleveland was Frank Mermoud, a former state department official involved in business ventures in Ukraine via Cub Energy, a Black Sea-focused oil and gas company of which he is a director. He is also on the board of the US Ukraine Business Council.


Mermoud has longstanding ties to Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who in 2010 helped pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovych refashion his image and win a presidential election in Ukraine. Manafort was brought in earlier this year to oversee the convention operations and its staffing.


Three sources at the convention also told the Guardian that they saw Philip Griffin, a long-time aide to Manafort in Kiev, working with the foreign dignitaries programme.


“After years of working in the Ukraine for Paul and others, it was surprising to run into Phil working at the convention,” one said.

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"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."

This wasn’t a slip of the tongue. In an interview with Maureen Dowd, Trump took the same tack. "I’d like to hear his wife say something," he said.

Let’s be very clear about what Trump is doing here: as ABC wrote, he’s suggesting "Khan’s wife didn’t speak because she was forbidden to as a Muslim." This is bull****. It is flatly, verifiably, false. But that’s almost beside the point.

Trump listened to a speech by the bereaved father of a fallen Muslim soldier and used it to slander the fallen soldier’s family. That was his response. That is his character.

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After their son’s death, Mr. Khan and his wife, who had moved to Charlottesville to be close to their other sons, had the university’s R.O.T.C. cadets over for dinner once a year. Mr. Khan would give them each a pocket-size copy of the Constitution, just like the one he brandished on Thursday, said Tim Leroux, who used to run the R.O.T.C. program.


University officials let Mr. Khan read an application essay his son wrote for a residential college. In the essay, Captain Khan wrote of how “liberty requires vigilance and sacrifice” and that those who are “beneficiaries of liberty must always bear this in mind, and keep it safe from attacks.”


“That summed up his later life,” Mr. Khan said.


12 years ago, the Khans would have been speaking at the other convention.

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I mean, not to take away from the piece of **** that Trump is, but Khan threw the first punch. You can't invite yourself into the political spectrum, make comments about your opponent and then expect nothing to happen.


thats what you gather from that exchange?


Khan didn't invite himself into the spectrum. I would imagine its hard for him to stay silent when you have one candidate actively shading all Muslims when Khan has personal examples that completely contradict the image Trump wants to portray

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I mean, not to take away from the piece of **** that Trump is, but Khan threw the first punch. You can't invite yourself into the political spectrum, make comments about your opponent and then expect nothing to happen.


That's fair. Still, it got under his skin and he didn't have a quality comeback for it either. What's next? While Americans were fighting and dying for this country, Trump's son was in Africa cutting the tails off of elephants? Kind of fitting in sad sick way.

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That's fair. Still, it got under his skin and he didn't have a quality comeback for it either. What's next?



Well if he stays true to form, Trump's next move is to question whether the son really died a hero. 


Then he asks to see the death certificate.

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thats what you gather from that exchange?

Khan didn't invite himself into the spectrum. I would imagine its hard for him to stay silent when you have one candidate actively shading all Muslims when Khan has personal examples that completely contradict the image Trump wants to portray

What I gather is that Khan asserted that Trump hasn't had to make any sacrifices, and while probably not far from the truth, that's an attack (and a well stated one) on Trump.

Khan, by appearing at the DNC, has become a part of the spectrum. What that means is that Trump will attack him, just as Hillary would attack anyone on the right who is attacking her character.

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Well if he stays true to form, Trump's next move is to question whether the son really died a hero. 


Then he asks to see the death certificate.



More likely he'll say the son wasn't really a hero, he was actually a disaster of a soldier, but the Obama administration really wanted a Muslim to paint as a war hero so they gave him a Bronze Star.

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I mean, not to take away from the piece of **** that Trump is, but Khan threw the first punch. You can't invite yourself into the political spectrum, make comments about your opponent and then expect nothing to happen.

Really? You mean, all of those reports I'd read, about Trump demonizing Muslims, they happened AFTER "Kahn threw the first punch"?

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A while ago, I really thought he was a big problem (Ryan), but since becoming speaker I think he's kinda turned a corner for me. It's a real shame that he decided he didn't want to run for president.


odd how perceptions change....not just yours

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What that means is that Trump will attack him, just as Hillary would attack anyone on the right who is attacking her character.

Hmmm...there was a multitude of speakers at the RNC that gleefully painted Hillary as a traitorous criminal whose hands are covered in the blood of American soldiers. Perhaps you could supply us with some citations of Hillary attacking them?

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More likely he'll say the son wasn't really a hero, he was actually a disaster of a soldier, but the Obama administration really wanted a Muslim to paint as a war hero so they gave him a Bronze Star.

Good soldiers don't get killed.

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Anyone shocked by this? Trump is FreeRepublic come to life. This kind of vile crap has been stewing in right wing circles for quite some time.

It's what happens when any group sees themselves losing the cultural war. If the Dems win this year, the 2020 Republican candidate will be even more disgusting than Trump. His voter base isn't electing some sane, principled conservative.

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Really? You mean, all of those reports I'd read, about Trump demonizing Muslims, they happened AFTER "Kahn threw the first punch"?



it would have really helped if Trump had offered clarity....a severe lack of his :P


I think most of us want to keep out the Muslims that killed Khan's son.

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Hmmm...there was a multitude of speakers at the RNC that gleefully painted Hillary as a traitorous criminal whose hands are covered in the blood of American soldiers. Perhaps you could supply us with some citations of Hillary attacking them?

I didn't watch the RNC, or the DNC for that matter, but if I recall correctly the time directly after the RNC was spent talking about figuring out the systematic placement of Hillary as the nominee.

But here's what the first result in Google is...


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I didn't watch the RNC, or the DNC for that matter, but if I recall correctly the time directly after the RNC was spent talking about figuring out the systematic placement of Hillary as the nominee.

But here's what the first result in Google is...




The distinction being that Hillary attacked other politicians, not private citizens. As it should be. Where Trump crossed the line is exactly there.

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The distinction being that Hillary attacked other politicians, not private citizens. As it should be. Where Trump crossed the line is exactly there.

That may be where he crossed the line, but he went quite a bit further than that. He tried to spread a lie about the religion of the speaker.

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Well if he stays true to form, Trump's next move is to question whether the son really died a hero. 


Then he asks to see the death certificate.

He has gotten crowds to boo a 4 star General and a Fire Chief who was recognized as a first responder to a horrific event. Maybe he is working for Putin.

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Apparently one of my local theaters is showing a "documentary" titled "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party".

Which reminds me. Isn't about time for somebody to release a shocking expose that turns out to be an incredible job of deceptive editing, again?

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He has gotten crowds to boo a 4 star General and a Fire Chief who was recognized as a first responder to a horrific event. Maybe he is working for Putin.


or a closet Dem  :P

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