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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Shame on Him': Father of Muslim Soldier Killed in Iraq Responds to Trump


The father of a Muslim U.S. soldier killed in Iraq blasted Donald Trump Saturday for suggesting his wife was "not allowed" to speak during a powerful speech at this week's Democratic National Convention.


"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect [a] Gold Star family and Gold Star mother, not realizing her pain," Khizr Khan said in an interview on ABC News Saturday.


"Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khan said. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency. He has a dark heart," Khan said.


In an interview to be broadcast Sunday on ABC's "This Week," Trump implied that Khan's wife, Ghazala Khan, "wasn't allowed to have anything to say" when she stood next to her husband at the convention.


The Khans' son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, was killed by a car bomb in 2004 while guarding the gates of his base in Iraq, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers and civilians.


At the convention, Khizr Khan questioned whether Trump had read the U.S. constitution, and said Trump has "sacrificed nothing and no one." Trump has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the U.S.


Ghazala Khan on Friday night told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on Friday that she was anxious during her husband's speech, knowing her son's photo would appear behind her. She also spoke on ABC News Saturday.


"Sacrifice — I don't think he knows the meaning of the sacrifice, meaning of the word," Ghazala Khan told ABC News. "Because when I was standing there all America felt my pain, without saying a single word. Everybody felt that pain, but I don't know how he missed that."







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Clinton Image Improves Following Conventions; Leads Trump by 5


PPP's new national poll, taken completely after both party's conventions, finds that Hillary Clinton emerged with a much more positive image than she had a month ago. Donald Trump meanwhile is just as unpopular as he was before the conventions.


Clinton's net favorability improved by 9 points over the last month. She's still not popular, with a -6 net favorability at 45/51, but it's a good deal better than the -15 spread she had at 39/54 a month ago. The gains are particularly attributable to Democrats increasing in their enthusiasm for her, going from giving her a 76/15 rating to an 83/12 one. Trump, on the other hand, is at a -22 net favorability with 36% of voters seeing him favorably to 58% with a negative one. That's barely changed at all from the 35/58 standing we found for him in late June.


Clinton leads the race with 46% to 41% for Trump, with Gary Johnson at 6% and Jill Stein at 2%. In a head to head just between Clinton and Trump, Clinton hits 50% and leads Trump 50-45. A month ago Clinton led 45-41 in the full field contest and 48-44 in the head to head so there hasn't been much change. But not much change is good news for Clinton. We've been writing for months that this race is shaping up pretty similarly both nationally and at the state level to the margins Barack Obama won by in 2012- not a huge landslide by any means, but a solid victory. The conventions have passed without any change to that big picture, and that leaves Clinton as the favorite going into the final three months.

This election is never likely to turn out to be the sort of landslide for Clinton that some expected a year or 6 months ago because Trump voters just hate Clinton too much for that to ever happen. For instance on this poll we find that 74% of Trump voters think Clinton should be in prison, to only 12% who disagree. By a 66/22 margin they say Clinton is a bigger threat to the United States than Russia. And 33% think Clinton even has ties to Lucifer, to 36% who say they don't think so, and 31% who are unsure either way. Against that set of findings it's simply not very likely that many Trump voters will be moving into the Clinton column and that's why although she's certainly the favorite the chances of her winning a double digit victory are pretty minimal.
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The working class poor poor could align with Bernie who offered much of the same "the system is broken", and "our foreign policy is ****ed up" messages. That they lean so strongly Trump is either because they also embrace the typical GoP platform on abortion and gay marriage (even though Trump is liberal on both of those topics), or the anti immigrant message.

From the article

The two political parties have offered essentially nothing to these people for a few decades. From the Left, they get some smug condescension, an exasperation that the white working class votes against their economic interests because of social issues, a la Thomas Frank (more on that below). Maybe they get a few handouts, but many don’t want handouts to begin with.

And also just because its highly relevant

And if you’re an elite white professional, working class whites are an easy target: you don’t have to feel guilty for being a racist or a xenophobe. By looking down on the hillbilly, you can get that high of self-righteousness and superiority without violating any of the moral norms of your own tribe. So your own prejudice is never revealed for what it is.

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Wow Donny, just..............wow


So we have a definitive answer, there is no spin, no advice, no mentoring, no nothin', pure, unfiltered Trump the way he likes it.


But I do agree with one thing, he's right, we need to be building walls..........



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That article makes perfect sense. I have some extended family in WV and this fits them to a "T" ... Great people, love them to death, and felt this was really why they support trump. This article confirms that.

Also, having worked in western NY ... This is a major issue there too. Basically anywhere that's rural ... You'll find this mentality among the lower class whites.

As a privileged middle to upper middle class educated white millenial born and raised in the shadows of the federal government and all it offers for the economy ... I found this article also relating to my own views looking down on the low class whites. But that still doesn't mean trump is good. He's awful and just shows he's willing to sell to them to get what he wants. At the end of the day he doesn't care for them one bit. They're just his vessel to the White House.

I agree 100%.

Reading that just reinforces my disdain for the ivory tower dwellers that rail about white privelege.

Who governs the Red States? Republicans do.

Not all of them.

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Lol. I take way more offense to those that grew up with white privelege and act like that's how all white people had it.

Haha.  I know people who used to camp in woods, and "live off the land"...now if the silverware in an Outback has a spot on it, they lose their minds.


Point is, don't lose sight of where you've been.  Who you are can change with money, and isn't always for the better.

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And also just because its highly relevant



It's nothing to do with class. Plenty of my neighborhood white "elites" in NoVA are anti-immigrant too. But you know, not immigrants like me, but the "other kind".


And hostility in working class areas to immigrants is much more understandable: in part it comes from when heavily unionized communities were deliberately targeted during strikes by bringing in union-busting immigrant workers.

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It's nothing to do with class. Plenty of my neighborhood white "elites" in NoVA are anti-immigrant too. But you know, not immigrants like me, but the "other kind".

And hostility in working class areas to immigrants is much more understandable: in part it comes from when heavily unionized communities were deliberately targeted during strikes by bringing in union-busting immigrant workers.

Not sure anyone was saying racism isn't a factor but to say it has nothing to do with class makes me think you don't read the tailgate. The appalachian redneck is fair game here, you might be the first to acknowledge the racist nova elite in tailgate history.

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I think if anyone is contacted by a pollster, they should say they are voting for Johnson even if you know you aren't. His numbers need to get up so he can get on the debate stage. No matterms want you think of his policies, him on the stage only helps everyone.

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I think if anyone is contacted by a pollster, they should say they are voting for Johnson even if you know you aren't. His numbers need to get up so he can get on the debate stage. No matterms want you think of his policies, him on the stage only helps everyone.

While that favored Clinton (with Ross), I have a fear of it favoring Trump this time around, and I can't see that as a good thing.

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Trump doesn't know Russian army's pin Ukraine. Trump: Putin's 'not gonna go into Ukraine, all right?' @GStephanopoulos: 'He's already there'




Trump: "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were."


Did Putin tell him directly or did his man Manafort do it?

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And way left, in others. Blacks and gays, for example, while still not equal citizens and all, are certainly treated better than they used to be.

Socially, yes. There have been huge advancements. I think only the loony religious people are holding us back there.

Fiscally, we are stuck in this low tax, "trickle down" mindset that obviously favors the rich. The military budget continues to grow and grow, meanwhile things I'd consider public works like NASA continues to shrink. Workers ability to be upwardly mobile is dwindling, which is why you see such turnover and freelancing. Both parents in a household must work to support the family, something caused by the conservative imbalance. The economy is made up of large players, mom and pops are largely gone, thanks to capitalism supported by conservatives. Education is wrought with conservative principles of test and score, promote and relegate. Our prison system, law inforcement system is ****ed.

Democrats are becoming more centrist and republicans are becoming more right wing. He whole spectrum is shifting right. It's scary.

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Kind of a snarky thought, but after yet another round of complaints... an ambitious and overly political DA could criminally charge Donald Trump with piracy for the music he used without permission and probably win... especially since a number of the complaints say that not only is he using their music against their wishes, but he doesn't even pay for the rights to use it.

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Edit  - FanboyOf91 just posted it too, beat me by a couple minutes.




So yeah, this has been going around Twitter this morning.


Trump says Putin will not enter Ukraine, even though he already invaded and is there now, annexing Crimea and leading to thousands of deaths.


Two things I get from this - first, he has officially stamped his pro-Putin stance. Second, he is claiming deliberate ignorance and/or incompetence about major current international events which should immediately disqualify him from running as President.

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Trump: "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were."

Yeah, because most people are opposed to self-governance.  


To be fair, there are quite a few Crimeans who self-identify as Russian. Still, I'm not sure that is an argument for occupation. I know plenty of Americans who relish their Italian roots, Mexican roots, etc. who don't want their part of the US to become a part of Mexico, Italy...

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