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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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What are the odds that Pence is top of the ticket on election day?


It would be without precedent but it's hard to understand why Trump wants to continue. He is totally unsuited for the job, and with his changing of message on many topics it's clear that his inner circle is continually correcting him.


I don't think it would be legal.  He's the nominee.  I don't think you can just switch it.  You'd likely have a court case in every state.  I think you the best you could do is have Trump promise to resign if he's elected, leaving Pence as President.

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Maybe it's just me, but I can't think of Paul Ryan without thinking of those absolutely terrifying "budgets", which he took sole credit for (and which the entire Republican Party unanimously voted for).

Sorry, if the guy wants to try to look moderate by kinda picking at some of the most outrageous things Trump has done, I'm not buying it.

For a while, there, those "budgets" were his sole Claim to Fame. And, to me, that's what defines him. (At least in my mind).


Oh the good old days when Republicans were proposing far right "terrifying budgets". Now those Republicans seem like a minority voice of reason. Things have to get worse before they get better, right?

Also, I know budgets. I got the best f***ing budgets.

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Trump supporter attacking Khans on CNN right now and claiming Trump lost two wives because he “sacrificed” by working a lot

I'm sure it was a sacrifice to give up custody of his children.


“When I divorced Donald, the children were like 4, 6, and 8,” Trump tells the fashion publication. “I had full custody, and there was only one cook in the kitchen, which was me.” Ivana Trump



"The truth was, the challenge was being able to balance being a working mom and being there for a child full time. Her daddy loves her, of course, but … I was the parent. I was the parent that was there in the flesh [and] with her all the time." Marla Maples

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Trump Pushed For GOP To Change Ukraine Position, Now Claims He Didn’t



Exact quote from Trump campaign surrogate on CNN a few minute ago: "Russia did not seize Crimea." Literally Putin's propaganda.
7:06 PM
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Found this at the link...


Putin on the Trump: A Vladimir Putin Donald Trump erotic journey


No effin clue what that's about but it's free with my Kindle Unlimited account so I definitely just picked it up

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RedState the "Conservative Blog & Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists' is so anti-Trump it could be mistaken for liberal Daily Kos. It's a bizarre place that Trump has taken the GoP

Meet the big-name Republicans supporting Hillary Clinton



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Trump's tough weekend


The self-inflicted wounds seemed to come fast and furious.


With an imaginary letter, a disputed invitation and controversial comments about a fallen soldier’s parents, Donald Trump’s weekend was not going well even before he seemed to endorse the Russian annexation of Crimea, in opposition to U.S. policy and international law.


This was a weekend Trump may hope to forget, and one Democrats will work hard to make sure voters remember. It seemed to demonstrate all of the flaws — trouble with the truth, an inability to let criticism go unanswered and a lack of knowledge of world affairs — that Republicans fear Trump will be unable to put behind him and that Democrats hope will be the billionaire’s undoing come November.

There was an attempt by some of Trump's top donors, reported by POLITICO on Friday, to arrange a meeting with Charles and David Koch, the deep-pocketed conservative donors who have so far shunned Trump. That attempt was rebuffed by the Kochs, sources told POLITICO. But Trump took to Twitter on Saturday night to say no, it was actually the Kochs who tried to arrange a meeting, but he rejected them.


There was Trump’s claim that the NFL sent him a letter complaining about the debate schedule. The NFL says no such letter exists.


And there were attacks on the family of the late Capt. Humayun Khan, insinuations that his mother was forbidden from speaking while onstage at the Democratic National Convention and a claim that his father had “no right” to disparage Trump.


All of that came before the airing of an interview Sunday in which Trump appeared to endorse the Russian annexation of Crimea, saying on ABC’s "This Week" that “the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.” He also stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “not going into Ukraine” before admitting “well, he’s there in a certain way.”


The series of events only complicates life further for those Republicans who have tied themselves to Trump. His running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has a son in the Marines, will inevitably be asked about the Khan controversy. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan both released statements on the controversy praising Khan and distancing themselves from Trump — without actually naming Trump.


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He's gone a lot farther than that. He's called our military "a disaster" He's insulted troops, generals, etc. Very little has escaped his flame throwing.


I know you like to be reasonable and struggle to be fair. With Trump that's not an easy task at all. He has bullied and vilified practically every group. Don't pretend he hasn't.  There's a reason so many military, intelligence experts, and foreign affair guys have jumped ship and switched sides. Actually, there are many reasons why they have done so.

We haven't friggen switched sides. Most of us will not vote for Hillary either. Will continue to work to win back the White House (From Hillary) in 2020.

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