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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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How so? Seriously.


His NATO position is pretty outrageous.

His position on ordering our military to break international law via torture is pretty outrageous

His position on tearing up and disregarding treaties and agreements in trade and military spheres are pretty outrageous

What he has said about numerous 4 star generals and how his tactical knowledge is superior is pretty outrageous

His ongoing abuse of the Khans' McCains' and other families has been pretty outrageous

His support of Russia at the expense of our own national security is pretty outrageous 


Trump has not "abuse[d] our military dead and their families". 


He has personally attacked some people who he disagreed with, who are (or were) military or their families. 


The fact that someone has been in the military, or has a family member who was, does not render them immune from criticism, nor does it mean that any disagreement with them is "attacking our soldiers" or any of the other pompous proclamations that the Republicans have been using for decades. 


(Frankly, what offends me about Trump's attack on Kanh and Wife, is that he not only attacked them, as persons, he attacked them for their religion.  By trying to pretend that they represent a stereotype which is not only not true, but which they don't actually represent.) 


Let's not try to jump from "he attacked John McCain for being a POW" to "he's attacking our troops".  I've been hating that particular form of political theater for decades, and do not want to now be employing it, just because the Party labels have flipped. 

Trump is starting to sound more and more like a raving lunatic.

He's an excellent driver.

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Trump has not "abuse[d] our military dead and their families". 


He has personally attacked some people who he disagreed with, who are (or were) military or their families. 




Let's not try to jump from "he attacked John McCain for being a POW" to "he's attacking our troops".  I've been hating that particular form of political theater for decades, and do not want to now be employing it, just because the Party labels have flipped. 

He's an excellent driver.

The way he criticized McCain for being captured criticizes all POWs.

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The way he criticized McCain for being captured criticizes all POWs.

"I like the ones who don' get captured"


I agree with Burgold.

His total lack of respect for our military and their families is appalling.

The worst of it, he probably hasn't got the slightest idea why anyone thinks he's being disrespectful.




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Trump has not "abuse[d] our military dead and their families". 


He has personally attacked some people who he disagreed with, who are (or were) military or their families. 


He's gone a lot farther than that. He's called our military "a disaster" He's insulted troops, generals, etc. Very little has escaped his flame throwing.


I know you like to be reasonable and struggle to be fair. With Trump that's not an easy task at all. He has bullied and vilified practically every group. Don't pretend he hasn't.  There's a reason so many military, intelligence experts, and foreign affair guys have jumped ship and switched sides. Actually, there are many reasons why they have done so.

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What you're saying is true, and unfortunately, lot of people in your state and others are going to be voting on fear.



Probably around 90% of the votes.  :)

Therex will be lots of people voting for hillary on fear. Lol


The difference is, they will be voting based on fear of reality:)


I know you like to be reasonable and struggle to be fair. With Trump that's not an easy task at all.

It's not really a desire to be fair. I don't think there's some kind of karmic balance, whereby, for every bad thing I see about him, I'm morally required to find a corresponding good.


It's a matter if "I've been conditioned to be sick of that particular tactic". 

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So Paul Ryan is just going to continue to denounce what Trump is saying, but won't rescind the endorsement?



Well, just because you can't stand behind anything the man says doesn't mean you can't stand with him.







Wait! That came out weird.  :wacko:

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I know that as a reporter, I have a duty to report on the news evenhandedly (and I hope much of my commentary in here has been just that). But we're past the point where any pretense of neutrality is irresponsible and is complacent to...whatever it is this Donald Trump thing truly is.


Every time I hear that man's name and the latest thing he's done, this bite runs through my head:



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Maybe it's just me, but I can't think of Paul Ryan without thinking of those absolutely terrifying "budgets", which he took sole credit for (and which the entire Republican Party unanimously voted for). 


Sorry, if the guy wants to try to look moderate by kinda picking at some of the most outrageous things Trump has done, I'm not buying it. 


For a while, there, those "budgets" were his sole Claim to Fame.  And, to me, that's what defines him.  (At least in my mind). 


And at least the early ones (they got better, after the first few) were probably scarier than anything Trump has proposed.  (Well, maybe not as bad as defaulting on the debt.  But almost.) 

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