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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Trump to fallen soldier's father: 'I’ve made a lot of sacrifices'


“Who wrote that?" Trump continued, referring to Khan's six-minute remarks. "Did Hillary's script writers write it? I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard.”

Pressed by Stephanopoulos to name the sacrifices he’d made for his country, Trump said: “I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've had tremendous success. I think I've done a lot.”

Later, Trump also said, “If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.”

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Trump to fallen soldier's father: 'I’ve made a lot of sacrifices'



Well he might have paid a lot of taxes and given to charity till it hurts....but kinda hard to tell w/o tax returns or such 


he has certainly supported several women at the same time  :ph34r:

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an excellent interview with an author/marine/yale law grad who was born and raised in deep Appalchian poverty. He has some interesting insights into what it is about Tan Dump Lord that appeals to "working class whites". Definitely worth a read. His book sounds pretty interesting too. Might have to pick that up


Awesome article / interview. Nails the hypocrisy of liberals who have completely forgot about the working class

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thats what you gather from that exchange?


Khan didn't invite himself into the spectrum. I would imagine its hard for him to stay silent when you have one candidate actively shading all Muslims when Khan has personal examples that completely contradict the image Trump wants to portray

I second that...And Trump isn't his opponent.  He's Hillary's. 

To challenge Mrs. Khan was abhorrent. 

He's a despicable human being.  If he really is human...I don't know another one that orange.

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Awesome article / interview. Nails the hypocrisy of liberals who have completely forgot about the working class

Now if we can get someone to run for president that actually cares about them and the inner city poor.

Instead of just speaking to one or the other and doing little to nothing about either.

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Awesome article / interview. Nails the hypocrisy of liberals who have completely forgot about the working class

It was a good article in that way. It did little to address the appeal the rural white population is finding in the xenophobic/racist side of Trump's message. Basically all people like to bash the other, we just differ in who we choose as the other.

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Now if we can get someone to run for president that actually cares about them and the inner city poor.

Instead of just speaking to one or the other and doing little to nothing about either.


You could make the case Lucifer does

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Now if we can get someone to run for president that actually cares about them and the inner city poor.

I'm pretty sure that the Dems do. At least with some qualifiers. Sometimes. The ones in unions. At least they don't actively try to screw them as badly as the other side.

I'm certainly not saying the Dems are perfect, on that score. But they seem to be the best choice we've got.

You could make the case Lucifer does

No, YOU could make the case Lucifer does. And have. And will again.

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After Snubs, Trump Claims He Rejected Koch Request to Meet


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — As 400 wealthy conservative donors in the Charles and David Koch network gathered at a luxury resort at the base of the Rocky Mountains here, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took to his normal form of communication, Twitter, to blast the activist brothers, saying he "turned down" a meeting request with them.

But officials with Freedom Works, the Koch's political arm, indicated that they requested no meeting.

"We are not engaging in the presidential," James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, said.

Trump's tweet comes after Politico reported Friday that Trump's finance team requested a meeting but that the request was denied by the Koch organization. Trump held two rallies in Colorado Friday, including one in Colorado Springs.

The Koch network, which spent $400 million on politics and policy in 2012, has decided to stay out of the presidential race with Trump as the Republican Party's nominee.

While they will do nothing to prop up Trump, they won't work to defeat him either.

"We have no intention to go after Donald Trump," Holden said.

As for Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton, the network won't run an anti-Clinton campaign either.

"We're going to differentiate on policies alone. It's not going to be anti-Hillary," Holden said. "We're not going to run anti-Hillary ads, we don't do that."

More from link.

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Trump: "I got a letter from the NFL saying, 'This is ridiculous. Why are the debates against'" prime time games...




Top @NFL spokesman tells me: "While we'd obviously wish the debate commission could find another night, we did not send a letter to Trump."


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"It is a stand-alone disorder as well as a symptom of other disorders such as psychopathy and antisocial, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders, but people who are pathological liars may not possess characteristics of the other disorders. Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental disorders."

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It was a good article in that way. It did little to address the appeal the rural white population is finding in the xenophobic/racist side of Trump's message. Basically all people like to bash the other, we just differ in who we choose as the other.


The working class poor poor could align with Bernie who offered much of the same "the system is broken", and "our foreign policy is ****ed up" messages. That they lean so strongly Trump is either because they also embrace the typical GoP platform on abortion and gay marriage (even though Trump is liberal on both of those topics), or the anti immigrant message.

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Someone explain to me how the top however many welfare states all being red states is the Democrats fault? At what point are the people responsible for continuing to vote against their self interests?


can you explain why Detroit and Chicago are bankrupt or near it?


we could follow the model of a non-welfare state that has the highest credit rating of all states  :P


whose self interests are you referring to?

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