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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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If ESPN gave a **** about polls, (or facts. Or if they considered themselves journalists.), they would have run one of their own.


Actually, they have, and the results are the same as they are for every other poll from every other source, which they conveniently ignore.

Just within the last few months...I'm pretty sure it was linked to this thread.  Don't have time to look though.

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Such irony in the last two Chiefs games at FedEx; as they were the lowest attended and least anticipated regular season home contests in my lifetime. The meetings in 2009 and 2013 were absolute low points for our franchise, yet high points for apathy.

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Skins fans are liberal PC pussies and members of Kardashian Kulture perhaps? I think its time to kick them to the curb.




My question would be how did they identify "Washington NFL fans"  Are they Washington Redskins fans or they are just NFL fans at large in the Washington area, who may not be Redskins fans?  There is no secret there are a lot of fans of the NFL in the DMV that are not fans of this team.  In fact, I know a few who would love for the Redskins to be forced to change their name just to troll the fan base.


I'd be willing to bet my life if you poll the larger "Washington Redskins" local fan base that number is better than 90%.  Poll every person that enters the stadium on game day with Redskins gear on, and see what the percentage is, all 70 plus thousand of them.

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that seems a low number



I thought the same thing. But it said specifically "Washington NFL fans".

I think I'm gonna put my sig on a t-shirt. Should bunch up the panties of the Braves fans, then we've got more backup.

Can't believe I'm on the R side of any-friggin'-thing. Whatever it takes.

Btw, the poll was published on Jose Diaz-Balart's show, he had a NA teen on, and Jose really tried to make the guy make his case on what the "offense" really is. I'll see if I can get the link over, it was a good interview.


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I thought the same thing. But it said specifically "Washington NFL fans".

I think I'm gonna put my sig on a t-shirt. Should bunch up the panties of the Braves fans, then we've got more backup.

Can't believe I'm on the R side of any-friggin'-thing. Whatever it takes.

Btw, the poll was published on Jose Diaz-Balart's show, he had a NA teen on, and Jose really tried to make the guy make his case on what the "offense" really is. I'll see if I can get the link over, it was a good interview.


Call me insensitive, but does this kid really identify himself as Native American? If I were in a crowd that said "kill black people", I would be afraid for my life. Does this kid really feel anything towards his Native American heritage? All I see is a kid with a pony tail and a cliched, Native American middle name.

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Skins fans are liberal PC pussies and members of Kardashian Kulture perhaps? I think its time to kick them to the curb.

Well, it is possibly showing a trend.

As I said before, as numbers change, so will my stance.

I definitely take note of that %


I still think it's ultimately the Native American citizen's call. But if enough of the general populace also changes tune, that matters as well.



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Such irony in the last two Chiefs games at FedEx; as they were the lowest attended and least anticipated regular season home contests in my lifetime. The meetings in 2009 and 2013 were absolute low points for our franchise, yet high points for apathy.


is it coincidence that we won 4 games in 09 and 3 last year? 

In 09 the Chiefs came in 0-5, we were 2-3 and looking bad under overwhelmed Jim Zorn. Not much of a draw to see two teams spiraling out of control.


You can't really blame anyone for not showing up last year. Abysmal team, horrible weather, cold and wet and nasty.


There's a photo taken in that game that was made famous in a lot of the articles concerning this debate that came after..   lots of pathetically empty seats..   the photo was played up to be what is seems you might be implying, that the controversy is hurting turnout.

As it was, the photo was taken at halftime, while a lot of the sparse crowd was out of their seats.


I don't think the controversy is hurting attendance. The team's performance is a bigger factor IMO.



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is it coincidence that we won 4 games in 09 and 3 last year? 

In 09 the Chiefs came in 0-5, we were 2-3 and looking bad under overwhelmed Jim Zorn. Not much of a draw to see two teams spiraling out of control.


You can't really blame anyone for not showing up last year. Abysmal team, horrible weather, cold and wet and nasty.


There's a photo taken in that game that was made famous in a lot of the articles concerning this debate that came after..   lots of pathetically empty seats..   the photo was played up to be what is seems you might be implying, that the controversy is hurting turnout.

As it was, the photo was taken at halftime, while a lot of the sparse crowd was out of their seats.


I don't think the controversy is hurting attendance. The team's performance is a bigger factor IMO.



I was there. Stayed for 3 1/2 qtrs. The infamous photo was a screen shot from the CBS telecast, and it was taken just before kickoff of the second half. Yes, some media people spun it like that was all of the crowd who showed up for the day. I knew better. I don't hold the low attendance numbers against any ticket holder who failed show up for either of those games. Our team was in the toilet, and on the brink of yet another nuke-n-rebuild offseason.


Irony can be interesting, that's why I pointed it out Bang. Just like GPM being buried in "Indian" Mound Cemetery. 

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Not sure what type of credibility this polling has, but...polling methodology is at the link as well.


Do you find the name "Redskins" offensive?

All NFL fans - 71% NO

Redskins fans - 83% NO


Should the Redskins change their name?

All NFL fans - 65% NO

Redskins fans - 77% NO


If the Redskins did change their name, would you buy new merchandise with the new name?

All NFL fans - 56% NO / 32% YES

Redskins fans - 55% NO / 31% YES

If these numbers turn out to be real than we are approaching and maybe are at the critical mass necessary for me to think a name change could be appropriate.  I still think hearing the "native" voice is very important and this poll didn't attempt to do that.


That said, isn't it interesting how the Redskin name news has all but died down since training camps have started and there is no need for football reporters and collumnists to work so hard to find a story?  Makes you wonder if they were just looking to fill inches and it was an easy go to story versus a movement.

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the thing about the question of whether the name is offensive...is that it is self fulfilling.  the more the name gets discussed, the more people get convinced that maybe it is indeed offensive (with the thinking more and more: "after all, I have been vaguely aware of debates about how offensive the name is going on for the last several years...right?")  


and the OTHER thing is.... the more people vehemently defend the name the more it ALSO leads to more people being convinced that the name is squirly...


i see this debate as a bit of a one-way ratchet.... each time it comes up for discussion a few more people are convinced to be squeamish about the name...but almost nobody is EVER convinced to go the other way (changing their mind AWAY from thinking it is offensive).   its hard for me to imagine the name not having been changed 10 years from now.  
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Not sure what type of credibility this polling has, but...polling methodology is at the link as well.


Do you find the name "Redskins" offensive?

All NFL fans - 71% NO

Redskins fans - 83% NO


Should the Redskins change their name?

All NFL fans - 65% NO

Redskins fans - 77% NO


If the Redskins did change their name, would you buy new merchandise with the new name?

All NFL fans - 56% NO / 32% YES

Redskins fans - 55% NO / 31% YES


This poll is excellent.  Take out the last question, maybe even the first, administer the poll to Native Americans, and we will finally have our answer.  If the majority says NO to the second question, then that will be the end of this controversy.

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the thing about the question of whether the name is offensive...is that it is self fulfilling.  the more the name gets discussed, the more people get convinced that maybe it is indeed offensive (with the thinking more and more: "after all, I have been vaguely aware of debates about how offensive the name is going on for the last several years...right?")  


and the OTHER thing is.... the more people vehemently defend the name the more it ALSO leads to more people being convinced that the name is squirly...






yep. well said. 


its kind of why i get so annoyed at the 'changing' polling data, or sportswriters suddenly refusing to use the word, as if they just realized theres a sports team named 'redskins'. 


the activists have convinced enough people that its a slur (and i'm sure there are plenty of other bloggers who may not agree, but are hanging on for the ride). and it just gets repeated, until it becomes true. 


its totally ridiculous. 

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heard Peter King on WTEM earlier today..   basically he said that

A/ he could see the writing on the wall, that there is a growing groundswell.

He accepts or indicates no responsibility that his own self- flattering stance of being among the Newly Offended has anything to do with creating or sustaining this groundswell among people who really haven't got any say in the matter at all, namely non-natives. 


B/ he thinks it's a waste of Bruce Allens' time to be 'fighting against congress".

He's not fighting against congress, because aside from writing the letters they wrote, there is nothing Congress can do that requires any sort of fight. Legally, they are at the end of their rope. They can write all the letters they want, and Allen can ignore them.


C/ Seems to think that all of this is a distraction that is hampering Allen's ability to be the President of the team and the GM.
Doesn't realize that signing his name to a letter a staffer composes takes less than five minutes, assuming he uses 4 and a half of those minutes to proofread the document.



If there's anything i can't stand it's this smug self serving attitude of the Newly Offended who pretend that their constant farts have nothing to do with why the room stinks.


Peter King ignores all facts about this controversy that might get into the way of the spotlight he wants to throw on himself, and now he simultaneously ignores and overstates the effect he has had in creating the 'groundswell' he pretends to have nothing to do with manipulating, and how it may be distracting the President / GM of the team because he signed a letter.


I couldn't stand him before, and now i have even less respect for him as a 'journalist'.



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For all those who won't use the team's name in print or on the radio, etc. What do they think they are accomplishing by that? Are Native Americans sending them letters thanking them for not typing the word "Redskins" in an article? Do they somehow feel they are a better person because they don't write "Redskins" in an article? If they really wanted to make a difference to the Native American community, donate to a charity.

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