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Guys I need recommendations on the next TV series I should start watching.


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1 hour ago, Die Hard said:

Yes, I know the scene. But I thought that was a one off…. like a lot of shows start their first show with something dramatic (the hook). And the next few shows about Hughie were slow. I can’t recall the exact scene/episode when the crazy dropped… but now I expect it and they haven’t fail to deliver. Maybe when Starlight met The Deep for the first time?! 


Except that musical/dance number with Kimiko and Frenchie…. I hate when shows do that.

I hate that song and dance **** too.

That's what killed Lucifer for us.

Edited by Skinsfan1311
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5 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Tom Ellis playing the piano and singing in Lucifer was ****ing awesome.  Had no idea people hated that. 




I liked the piano playing and singing too.

The show started to get silly, around the time Morgan Freeman came on board. They did a bad song & dance routine during an episode and, at that point, we've had enough.  


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Strange New Worlds wrapped up season 1. Got to see James T Kirk in an alternate timeline scenario. It was cool see how different Pike and Kirk are.

Kirk is supposed to appear in season 2, in the real timeline.


The Boys wrapped up. Wonder where they go in Season 4?


Orville has been great this season on Hulu. A little more serious this season. Even though it has seen been said everyone released from their contracts; hope they do a season 4.

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Black Bird on Apple TV is damn good.


Old Man.... love it.


The Offer was a blast, with my favorite performance of the year, Matthew Goode as Robert Evans. 


Bosch: Legacy.... my comfort food. 


Terminal List... I like grim, but this is pushing it. 

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Finally getting caught up on Stranger Things & evidently Season 4 is set in 1986 & is full of screw ups. 


Add Extreme’s “Play With Me” that was used in S4E1 to the list. That song came out on their debut album which was released in 1989. 

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"D.B. Cooper:  Where Are You?" on Netflix.


I've read about the D.B. Cooper case a little over the years and I'm apparently one of the people in this world who isn't awestruck by the story.  For those of you who don't know, a guy hijacks a plane in the early 70s when airport and airline security practically doesn't exist, gets $200k, jumps out of the plane and is never seen or heard from again.  The coolest part about how he did it was that no one on the flight knew that he was hijacking the plane and he didn't kill anyone.  


This is a 4 part series about the case and it kind of hones in on one guy who's, like, the lead web-sleuth "Cooperite" that has dedicated a **** ton of his life to cracking the case.  As far as I can tell, it's an effort in futility but his dedication and persistence is admirable.  


It's really well done and covers the case from a lot of different angles and perspectives.  While I get why people are super interested in the case, I remain a bit indifferent. 



That all said, I think Rackstraw is probably the closest bet to being the guy, based off everything that was shown in the documentary.  People allege that he liked playing up the idea that he might have been Cooper but in the end he seemed a bit annoyed by the whole thing.  


Episode 4 talks about how there was a prominent Canadian comic book character in the 60s named Dan Cooper (Dan Cooper was the name the hijacker actually used when boarding the plane, not D.B. Cooper) who was adept at flying planes and parachuting.  My favorite part was one of the web-sleuths was like "If I hijacked a train, used the name Tony Hawk and escaped on a skateboard, that could not be a coincidence that I picked that name."  Which is true, and kind of makes Rackstraw perhaps less of a suspect in hindsight as people seem to think that it was actually a Canadian who pulled off the hijacking.






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Any of you guys ever watched this survival show Alone?  It’s on Netflix.  I had never seen it but I’ve been watching season 8.  Essentially contestants (all purportedly qualified survivalists) are given a camera, some rudimentary gear, put on the bank of a cold lake in British Columbia, and the last one to quit wins 500k.  If this show it real, and you never can be sure, it’s insane.  

This one lady, one of four remaining contestants clinging to life, was crying because the doctors forced her to leave.  Why did they force her out?   Because she could barely see, her foot was developing frostbite, she felt hot (while laying in the snow), and she had recently fallen unconscious from lack of food.  This wild woman, on the verge of death, was actually upset they were making her leave.  

It really gives you an appreciation for just how insane the entire idea of surviving alone is.  These people, all of who seem pretty damned good at the required skills, are all literally starving just a few weeks in.  

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1 hour ago, Destino said:

Any of you guys ever watched this survival show Alone?  It’s on Netflix.  I had never seen it but I’ve been watching season 8.  Essentially contestants (all purportedly qualified survivalists) are given a camera, some rudimentary gear, put on the bank of a cold lake in British Columbia, and the last one to quit wins 500k.  If this show it real, and you never can be sure, it’s insane.  

This one lady, one of four remaining contestants clinging to life, was crying because the doctors forced her to leave.  Why did they force her out?   Because she could barely see, her foot was developing frostbite, she felt hot (while laying in the snow), and she had recently fallen unconscious from lack of food.  This wild woman, on the verge of death, was actually upset they were making her leave.  

It really gives you an appreciation for just how insane the entire idea of surviving alone is.  These people, all of who seem pretty damned good at the required skills, are all literally starving just a few weeks in.  


I watch it sometimes.  I think I'm on like season 3.  I could go on for days about myths in survival but that is probably better for another thread.  But yea, the lone wolf theory is garbage in my opinion. 

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4 years late is nothing.. My almost 70 year old mom recently started watching all of the star trek series online. I mean all of them. 100s of episodes I am sure.


35-40 years ago when I was a kid and was into that stuff she didn't want anything to do with it lol. 


Now whenever she's visiting she keeps telling me to watch this or that Star Trek series and I'm totally not going to lol.

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My gracious, you sound like me when it came to the Wire.  I tried to convince my wife to watch the show for years...like when the show was still airing new episodes.  SHe always politely refused.  Then a couple of years ago, her friend was visiting and told her she should try the Wire...she did and over the next month watched the whole series.  Afterwards, she was like, "The Wire is one of the best series ever!"  


I just reminded her somebody else in the house said that more than a decade ago...

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So, a few years ago I tried Breaking Bad, and I hated his wife and sister in law so much in the first five or so episodes I lost interest.
Then maybe a year or so ago I tried again, and I didn't get much further, same reason.
But I love Better Call Saul, so I knew I was missing out.
A month or so ago I decided to try AGAIN, I'm about 4 or so episodes from the end. (He just told Hank "If you know who I am, then it would be prudent to tread lightly." Holy **** what a great TV moment.)


Woo HOO.



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You guys mentioned being late for my 1 and 1a shows of all-time: The Wire and Breaking Bad.


Anybody watch Shining Girls with Elisabeth Moss on Apple+.  I’m trying to decide if I should start that.


I watched an episode of the Sinner over the weekend.  Jessica Biel is in the first season.  I had not heard of it before.  Not sure if I’ll get sucked into it or not.

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Netflix Resident Evil is so bad I thought about canceling Netflix.  I’m not sure why everyone that tries to make this game into a movie (now a series) makes an abomination worse than the T-Virus, but they do and it gets worse each time.  The bar for a resident evil anything at this point is very low.  This one still manages to stand out as particularly bad.  

i was initially excited for the show (I should know better) because I loved the games and I heard they cast Lance Reddick to play the big bad, Wesker.  Wesker’s issue is that he’s as boring a villain as you’ll ever see in the source material.  Bringing him to life on screen has only made things worse.  I figured they might make some changes for Reddick and they’d turn out to be much needed upgrades.  If you don’t know who Wesker is he’s the Kirkland brand Matrix guy from Resident Evil.  


I can’t see that guy and not think of J.P. From Grandmas Boy.  



 I made the mistake of hoping Lance Reddick could make things better.  I should have known better.  




Reddick deserves better than that costume.  We all do.  The picture doesn’t even capture how bad it is, or how absurd that scene was.  

If having a bad Wesker was the only issue I could easily forgive it.  That’s a source material problem and it’s not that important.  It was the least of the shows problems.  The biggest is what we’ve come to expect from Netflix adaptations, terrible writing. Parts of this series sound like adults that spend too much time on Twitter were trying desperately to relate to the youths (and predictably embarrassing themselves).  Also, the main characters are so unlikable that you find yourself rooting for the zombies, or the giant bugs, or anything that just makes it stop.  

I saw that online a lot of the hate was being written of as racism.  The internet does hate the diversity of Netflix casting choices, and this one basically just left white people out almost entirely.  That’s sure to anger a certain contingent.  (The racists). I couldn’t care less about that… and I’m still saying this show is garbage.  The cast isn’t the issue.  The cast deserved better.  

On a related note, Jane Austen fans are raging on twitter right now over a Netflix adaptation as well.  Not a good month for Netflix adaptations.


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1 hour ago, Destino said:

I saw that online a lot of the hate was being written off as racism.

This is the go-to trick in the terrible-writing playbook.  Go all-in on diversity so when people don't like your terrible writing, you can paint them as racist or sexist.  When Ghostbusters 2016 came out, Sony had all of the constructive criticisms deleted from youtube comments but left the sexist comments (youtube comments gonna youtube comment) so they could paint their critics as sexist.  Stick it to those sexists by watching our movie!

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13 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

This is the go-to trick in the terrible-writing playbook.  Go all-in on diversity so when people don't like your terrible writing, you can paint them as racist or sexist.  When Ghostbusters 2016 came out, Sony had all of the constructive criticisms deleted from youtube comments but left the sexist comments (youtube comments gonna youtube comment) so they could paint their critics as sexist.  Stick it to those sexists by watching our movie!

I remember that, that ghostbusters was garbage.  That cast also deserved better.  Same thing happened with A Wrinkle in Time too.  A diverse cast won’t save a bad movie, because in most cases it’s not the cast that caused the problem.  It’s the writing and creative decisions.  

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On 7/3/2022 at 8:32 PM, Renegade7 said:

Westworld is back, and so am I.


Not what I was expecting, and that's why I believe it's further ahead in the damage that's been done in the background then some of the good guys realize yet.


This sci-fi show has my curiosity in a way that it will be hard to F it up, but it's not impossible...😶

I had honestly forgotten what happened in Season 3, so when I first started watching again, was a bit confused.


Aaaannndd, they did another time warp fakeout thingy ... its now got to be like 70 year since young William first entered the park

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