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Multiple Deaths And Many Wounded After Shooting During 'Dark Knight' (MET


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'Dark Knight Rises' Paris Premiere Cancelled Due to Colorado Shootings


Christopher Nolan and cast members Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman also scrapped press interviews after learning of the Denver movie theater attack.

Plans for The Dark Knight Rises have fallen through in France with Warner Bros. cancelling the film’s red carpet premiere in Paris on Friday night in addition to media interviews with director Christopher Nolan and cast members.

Nolan and Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman are at Paris' hotel Le Bristol to promote the film. However, journalists present at le Bristol for a daytime press conference were told to leave.

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Well, it's a good thing we have all these guns to keep us safe from the bad guys..

****ing CRAZY.

But hardly unexpected.

This stuff happens every week, and it's always the same react..

"Senseless" "Tragic", "RIP", "Oh, their poor families.."


Just "Oh, what a shame it happened AGAIN."

Completely predictable. Within the next week to ten days some other ******* will shoot up a group, or a kid, or a family, or a guy walking his dog, and we'll hear all again about how senseless and tragic and awful it is. Just hope it's not you shopping for shoes, or watching a movie, or enjoying a night out when the lunatic starts shooting his Confidence Maker off.


Here's a good idea, let's take all the guns away from the law abiding citizens, and that will work for criminals too, because they're so good at follow the law right? :doh:

One person carrying (legally) could have put an end to that very quickly.

The only thing that's completely predictable is the knee-jerk gun-grabber/confiscation mindset you, and others of your ilk have.

The cries for more gun laws to "prevent" this kind of thing will be long and loud for the immediate future... (nevermind the fact that this country already has more gun laws than anywhere else on the planet) but all they're gonna do is create MORE unarmed victims for criminals to prey upon.

The grabber blowhards will be shooting off their "confidence makers" on tv all this week, crawling out from under their rocks and using this as a tool to further their agenda.


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'Dark Knight Rises' Paris Premiere Cancelled Due to Colorado Shootings


Christopher Nolan and cast members Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman also scrapped press interviews after learning of the Denver movie theater attack.

Plans for The Dark Knight Rises have fallen through in France with Warner Bros. cancelling the film’s red carpet premiere in Paris on Friday night in addition to media interviews with director Christopher Nolan and cast members.

Nolan and Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway and Morgan Freeman are at Paris' hotel Le Bristol to promote the film. However, journalists present at le Bristol for a daytime press conference were told to leave.

I actually hate this. You should never let the ****s or fear win.

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If it turns out that the messed-up piece of **** gunman who did this was motivated by Rush Limbaugh's latest rant about the Obama / Batman / Bain-Bane "conspiracy," I think I may throw up.

Not likely. Sounds like he had been planning this for awhile.

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If it turns out that the messed-up piece of **** gunman who did this was motivated by Rush Limbaugh's latest rant about the Obama / Batman / Bain-Bane "conspiracy," I think I may throw up.

I read some comments on Denver post and they are all for NRA, anti Obama and wack jobs just like rush lovers...

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To what point?

What possible reason could someone have for doing this even if they are insane? It's too choreographed for the act not to have some level of reasoning and planning behind it.

Why did Ted Bundy bludgeon dozens of women? Psychopaths don't have logic. They are screwed up in the head.

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Here's a good idea, let's take all the guns away from the law abiding citizens, and that will work for criminals too, because they're so good at follow the law right? :doh:

One person carrying (legally) could have put an end to that very quickly.

The only thing that's completely predictable is the knee-jerk gun-grabber/confiscation mindset you, and others of your ilk have.

The cries for more gun laws to "prevent" this kind of thing will be long and loud for the immediate future... (nevermind the fact that this country already has more gun laws than anywhere else on the planet) but all they're gonna do is create MORE unarmed victims for criminals to prey upon.

The grabber blowhards will be shooting off their "confidence makers" on tv all this week, crawling out from under their rocks and using this as a tool to further their agenda.


Question for anyone reading along.

Has banning guns been part of the discussion til Marty put it in here?

Pay attention, clown. Quit jerking your knee.


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I read some comments on Denver post and they are all for NRA, anti Obama and wack jobs just like rush lovers...

I read that too.

Doesn't exactly reflect the demographic of Denver, though. This is probably one or the most liberal cities in America...

But the rural areas of colorado are pretty darn red...

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Another person shooting in the dark with people running around, nothing could go wrong there.

Right. I can understand the theoretical premise of "if someone had their own gun they could have just taken the shooter out" logic but it rarely is that simple. In this case its in a dark, crowded movie theater filled with smoke, against a guy with an AR-15 wearing body armor. The best case scenario there is you shoot wildly in the direction of the guy and are lucky enough to not hit any other innocents.

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I don't think anyone is talking about banning guns completely. But it sounds like this kid had a AR-15 or AK-47.

Now what kind of American citizen needs that type of weapon?

I don't know.. a collector i guess. i know plenty of people with those kinds of weapons... some of them quite paranoid, but harmless.

And no, Marty, no one has said anything about banning guns. My point is we need to figure out what to do.

As to the AKs and ARs... part of the 2nd is intended to help us protect ourselves from government, or to overthrow it if need be, right?

Can we all agree that is a friggin pipe dream? No well organized citizens militia can compete with tanks and fighter jets and cruise missiles and drones and the Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force..

So, realistically, that intention is non-existant. ANY rebellion or armed insurrection that does not have the full backing of the military will be summarily crushed.

Is there any doubt of that? (Does anyone think that the military would ever perform a coup here? i don't.. I can't foresee a scenario that would force that)

So the 2nd boils down to personal protection from each other. Which is valid, and should be protected. But in protecting ourselves we have made it very easy for these squirrels to get a hold of things that can kill a lot of people very quickly.

So what do we do? we already won't allow for fully auto weapons. And collectors yell every time anyone says anything about curtailing military type weaponry.

Is there a compromise to this?


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He just gave me a very uneasy feeling. We sat a few rows in front of him and off to his left. So the entire movie I kept peering out of the corner of my eye to watch him. Nothing happened obviously and after the movie I felt kind of like an idiot for letting my paranoia get the better of me. But then I read stories like this and it just reminds you that there are crazy mother****ers at every turn.

Same here. On a couple of occasions I have felt the same paranoia come over me while in a theater. We took our kids to see Toy Story 3 and a guy, probably in his early 20's, walked in and planted himself in the first three rows Nothing happened, but like you said, I kept an eye on him.

The terrible thing about movie theaters is that though there are emergency exits, all the exits are in front of the moviegoers. So basically you are painted into a corner.

I can't imagine the fear among these people. Awful tragedy.

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Reported Victim In The Colorado Shooting Wrote A Chilling Blog Post A Month Ago On Witnessing A Shooting


Chillingly, from a link to her blog through her Twitter feed, Ghawi was apparently also in Toronto mall shooting in June. Here's an excerpt:

I can’t get this odd feeling out of my chest. This empty, almost sickening feeling won’t go away. I noticed this feeling when I was in the Eaton Center in Toronto just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court. An odd feeling which led me to go outside and unknowingly out of harm‘s way. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around how a weird feeling saved me from being in the middle of a deadly shooting.

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Been watching this one for awhile. Couple of things noted.

It's an interesting thing thread derailments. Sometimes,(like this one),things get worked out and it gets back on track. This is a good thing. Makes my "job" easier. That said,what's really interesting is how after the thread gets a bit derailed,others come in complaining about the derailment when then results in.......further derailment. Just sayin'.

Marty's post is so thick with irony,(and filled with dumb),that my computer nearly froze up. :)

( I also not my little derailment but I can do that. :D ).

Very unpleasant way to wake up a couple of hours ago. Ready for all kinds of wonderful news about how great this movie is,(a rare event for a part 3 of a trilogy these days),then find about this. Sucks. Obviously. Right now the info coming out is still a bit hit and miss,but apparently one of the things that I read was how the police took 3 of the injured,threw them in to cars and rushed them in to the hospital.

Very sad events here. :(

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