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THE SHAMELESS VICE THREAD: What's yours? Please share, be honest and of course, keep it PG


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To echo others, sports gambling and poker. Although I think I have quelled that pretty well recently. Being employed for the past year has helped, before that forget it.

Sex. I can't go more than a month without it and sometimes stoop to low levels to get it, i.e. not with the best girls, mentally or physically.

Unhealthy food.

Happiness is in the palm of your hands.

Speaking of meat, I'd rather have a choice cut prime rib once a month than settle for spam weekly.

and though I eat healthy and avoid sweets, fast food, etc. I have to say being in a BBQ state it's not easy so I sympathize with the BBQ pork folk

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I don't smoke. I don't over eat (my wife is a cardiac nurse) I exercise somewhat regularly. I don't gamble,I don't watch much TV.

But, what I do, do is I buy records and older stereo equipment like it's going out of style, oh wait, all of it is out of style. I've got 0ver 5,000 records, 50 reel to reel tapes, 3,000 CD's a bunch of 8 tracks and cassetes. 14 turntables 6 receivers, 3 8-tracks 4 cassette player/recorders. 5 reel to reels and a bunch of misc equipment, equalizers, speaker switches, amplifiers, CD recorders, a mini disk recorder/player etc. 12 sets of speakers. I even have a neat little VW bus record player nicknamed the vinyl killer. I buy them and fix and clean them then I can't seem to sell them.So I have a whole 2 rooms full of this 'JUNK' as my wife calls it.

I don't know if it's shameless but that's my vice.

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I don't smoke. I don't over eat (my wife is a cardiac nurse) I exercise somewhat regularly. I don't gamble,I don't watch much TV.

But, what I do, do is I buy records and older stereo equipment like it's going out of style, oh wait, all of it is out of style. I've got o0ver 5,000 records, 50 reel to reel tapes, 3,000 CD's a bunch of 8 tracks and cassetes. 14 turntables 6 receivers, 3 8-tracks 4 cassette player/recorders. 5 reel to reels and a bunch of misc equipment, equalizers, speaker switches, amplifiers, CD recorders, a mini disk recorder/player etc. 12 sets of speakers. I even have a neat little VW bus record player nicknamed the vinyl killer. I buy them and fix and clean them then I can't seem to sell them.So I have a whole 2 rooms full of this 'JUNK' as my wife calls it.

I don't know if it's shameless but that's my vice.

damn! and I thought I was an audiophile! Impressive stuff. I admit music and sound systems have always been a healthy vice for me and something I'll always feed.
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- I spend way too much money on sports equipment (primarily tennis racquets, skirts, dresses, court shoes), workout clothing, and running shoes.

- I am seemingly unable to pass up purchasing new makeup and perfume every time I'm in a department store.

- probably drink too much wine and champagne on the weekends

- Play way too much blackjack in Vegas

- After a traumatic experience at a cheap hair salon, I only go to upscale salons now

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Competitive PC gaming. My last team won 4,000 dollars in a tournament for Red Orchestra 2. Never heard of it? That's nice, cause I won more money in that game than I did in all the CoD games combined. I played for and led top tier competitive teams in various games for the last decade. It started when my cousin introduced me to medal of honor allied assault for the PC in 2002 and has continued to this day. I will likely never give it up, I'm too competitive, too good at PC games (I'm not trying to be arrogant but its at the point where playing in public servers for fun in games in which I compete makes me sick), and its too much fun to stop doing it. I certainly don't have as much time to dedicate these days, though the less time I've spent on a game in recent years, the more money and prizes I've gotten out of it in online and LAN tournaments which is funny.

I'm not in high school anymore though, I'm married and working. We plan to have kids and I know those things will slowly retire me from serious competition, but I'll never step away for good.

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I spend way too much on computer hardware - in the neighborhood of 8K in the last 3 years. Damn Newegg and their "deals too good to pass up". There is NO reason for me to have 4 computers in my 900 square foot townhouse. It wouldn't be more than a 20 foot walk to get to any of them but every chair I have in the house has a computer in front of it in some form or another.

---------- Post added July-20th-2012 at 06:56 AM ----------

I'm so clean I squeak.


A better tack would have been to list a few that aren't very bad. I doubt you have a son moronic enough to believe that^. ;)

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Not sure if it's really a "vice" in the true sense of the word, but teality TV marathons. Not so much now, but I used to spend an entire Satuday watching The Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, The Real Housewives of Orange County, or whatever other reality TV marathon was on.

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Soda. But I've actually gone 5 days without it now and I think I'm on my way to being soda free. About the third day in I had a craving for it so bad and I almost gave in.

Fast food is another one and I think that's next to go. Taco bell, Wendys...it'll be hard to give it up but I have to. It's awful stuff.

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It's funny, when I first opened the thread, I was like, it's not really anything I can put besides the obvious thing that most males struggle with. (yeah that)

But after spending the last thirty minutes watching girlfight videos on youtube, I realized I have a problem. :ols: It's funny though, the whole time I am watching I am thinking, "I know I shouldn't be watching this." but I sat there and watched like 10 of them. :doh: Thank God I don't do it a lot, but when I do I always come away feeling guilty.

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A better tack would have been to list a few that aren't very bad. I doubt you have a son moronic enough to believe that^. ;)

Oh he DEFINITELY knows I've got a past just chock full of vices..

I do drink a hell of a lot of diet pepsi. Like 8 cans a day sometimes.

And I do find myself working longer hours because of the time I spend here on ES making sure someone knows why they're wrong :)


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Parts of me hate thinking I've become a cliche, at least in surface appearances. But it's younger women. Wasn't that way for a long time, but it's got that way the last 10-15 years. And I admit much of it is because of cliche reasons--though I don't mean the most obviously "shallow" one (but it plays a role too). Sometimes I'll actually be embarrassed to run into a respected female colleague when I'm out with one. Of course, the guys all tell me they think it's great and I shouldn't even concern myself about it---when their wives aren't around.

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Parts of me hate thinking I've become a cliche, at least in surface appearances. But it's younger women. Wasn't that way for a long time, but it's got that way the last 10-15 years. And I admit much of it is because of cliche reasons--though I don't mean the most obviously "shallow" one (but it plays a role too). Sometimes I'll actually be embarrassed to run into a respected female colleague when I'm out with one. Of course, the guys all tell me they think it's great and I shouldn't even concern myself about it---when their wives aren't around.

Well, if you're following the rule of thumb of half your age plus 7 years (and you're 13, as you've listed your age) then you're really dating women your own age (13). If you're hitting the pre-teens I would probably agree that's too young. :)

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because of the time I spend here on ES making sure someone knows why they're wrong :)


There are more than a few posters vying for that title Bang

---------- Post added July-20th-2012 at 11:43 AM ----------

Parts of me hate thinking I've become a cliche, at least in surface appearances. But it's younger women. Wasn't that way for a long time, but it's got that way the last 10-15 years. And I admit much of it is because of cliche reasons--though I don't mean the most obviously "shallow" one (but it plays a role too). Sometimes I'll actually be embarrassed to run into a respected female colleague when I'm out with one. Of course, the guys all tell me they think it's great and I shouldn't even concern myself about it---when their wives aren't around.

I decided to leave that off my list...and because my new wife is 14 years younger than me (it just hits too close to home) ;) And I'm sure I'll pay for it one way or another. In fact, I know I already am.

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The shameless part is probably me pimping my book. Part of me is embarrassed about it. The other part of me is just happy to share, celebrate, and crow a little bit about the fact that my book is finally out in the universe and that apparently people are liking it enough by checking out the preview that they are giving it a shot.

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