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THE SHAMELESS VICE THREAD: What's yours? Please share, be honest and of course, keep it PG


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Didn't see any old thread exactly like this one so I'll let rip: What's your most shameless vice? I want to make sure we keep this (relatively) clean so I'm not asking to make this a confessional that skates into R rated material, I'm just wondering what shameless (i.e., time-wasting, non-productive, self-indulgent) ways fellow posters engage in. OK, enough said, I'll go first:

I have one completely shameless vice and it's this: I LOVE NFL gambling. I've been wagering on games for probably 10+ years and I don't think it's anything I'll ever completely give up. It drives the new wife skats but I win much more often then I lose and she quiets down when I hand her a couple hundred to spend as she sees fit. The downside? I spend probably entirely too much time during the week handicapping every team, player and how each upcoming matchup will play out. I can't give it up!

What's yours?

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Didn't see any old thread exactly like this one so I'll let rip: What's your most shameless vice? I want to make sure we keep this (relatively) clean so I'm not asking to make this a confessional that skates into R rated material, I'm just wondering what shameless (i.e., time-wasting, non-productive, self-indulgent) ways fellow posters engage in. OK, enough said, I'll go first:

I have one completely shameless vice and it's this: I LOVE NFL gambling. I've been wagering on games for probably 10+ years and I don't think it's anything I'll ever completely give up. It drives the new wife skats but I win much more often then I lose and she quiets down when I hand her a couple hundred to spend as she sees fit. The downside? I spend probably entirely too much time during the week handicapping every team, player and how each upcoming matchup will play out. I can't give it up!

What's yours?

Online message boards., video games and I gamble as well. Though I only rarely sports bet I love table games particularly Baccarat and Roulette. I make several trips a year to Vegas or AC to gamble and always come back up multiple G's so I can't even feel too bad about it. :ols:

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Feel good music. The Swedes never fail to pick me up when I'm down.


*Edit* And believe me, with my friends, to admit that would be 'shameless.' Or as my best friend announced upon me slipping an Abba song into the 5 onto the jukie in the bar one night ..... 'That's just gay!" :paranoid:

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I make several trips a year to Vegas or AC to gamble and always come back up multiple G's so I can't even feel too bad about it. :ols:

Yup! I did Vegas 8 times in the past year. I've moved further away from it now but love the place and of course camping out in the Sports Book on an NFL Sunday.

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Yup! I did Vegas 8 times in the past year. I've moved further away from it now but love the place and of course camping out in the Sports Book on an NFL Sunday.

I happened to be in Vegas last January(took the GF for her bday) and we were going through the Sportsbook at Ballys during the end of the Tebow/Steelers game. That place went nuts. Never seen anything like it, it was a blast. Nothing like hanging out at a sportsbook for some NFL games.

---------- Post added July-19th-2012 at 03:55 PM ----------

A Royale with cheese

Why is that your vice... because of the metric system?

---------- Post added July-19th-2012 at 03:57 PM ----------

Can't fault you for that one...that looks amazing.

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I guess I could append notes to that opening post: the "vice" as such, need not be unproductive. It can just be embarrasing :ols:

One of mine: Some of the mindless pop music that's currently out there. I'm pretty much a music snob but will listen to the wife's additions to the iPod like Katy Perry etc. Yeah, I just blamed the wife for this vice of mine.

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Online message boards., video games

These 2. Between sports forums, DC-based gogo forums, car forums, etc, I must be a member of like 12-13 different message boards.

Oh, and add alcohol as well. Preferably cognac.

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alcohol, ES, goallineblitz, xbox, alcohol, driving way over the speed limit, soft spot for 80s music including the poppy stuff and hair bands, alcohol

oh, and I'd like the ridiculously hot chick sitting in front of me in master's class to be a vice

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Is there such a thing as bad pulled pork sandwich/ ? Don't really remember having one, hahaa.

The great thing about pork is, even when it's bad pork, it's still pretty good... And sure beats the hell out of no pork at all...

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The great thing about pork is, even when it's bad pork, it's still pretty good... And sure beats the hell out of no pork at all...

I almost fell outta my chair...again...because...

alcohol, ES, goallineblitz, xbox, alcohol, driving way over the speed limit, soft spot for 80s music including the poppy stuff and hair bands, alcohol

and I smoke, too. My husband truly hates the hair band stuff, but a great deal of it is good metal, and Soundgarden, (who he got to see at the Fox Theatre, dammit). He truly thinks he's losing me to ES. I told him to just wait till the season starts. ( I just started to cry tears of joy.) I made the pic of RG3 with the pen in his hand on the "he signed" thread my phone wallpaper.

Now I'm not a gamer at all, I think the real world is hard enough to deal with. I thought I'd have to rack my brain to come up with 'em (oh, one that's been mentioned that I won't);)...I think "that's all I've got to say about that". (should go into "great movie lines" thread, if it isn't already.)

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I quit smoking 2.5 months ago, so far so good.

I'm not a huge gamer, but I grew up from NES to Wii and xbox, so it's always been a part of my life. I mostly will just play Madden or Halo or Nazi Zombies on Call of Duty, and not every day, and I usually limit it to a few hours, but it's still a vice.

life is like a box of chocolates

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I quit smoking 2.5 months ago, so far so good.

I'm not a huge gamer, but I grew up from NES to Wii and xbox, so it's always been a part of my life. I mostly will just play Madden or Halo or Nazi Zombies on Call of Duty, and not every day, and I usually limit it to a few hours, but it's still a vice.

life is like a box of chocolates

The only things I got from your post were quitting smoking and chocolate, which must go together, so I'll end up as big as my house. Thought you were my friend...:silly:

---------- Post added July-19th-2012 at 07:46 PM ----------




arguing on the web

pretty sure my only vice is working too much,which cuts down on the above

A total surprise to me...j/k, haha

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To echo others, sports gambling and poker. Although I think I have quelled that pretty well recently. Being employed for the past year has helped, before that forget it.

Sex. I can't go more than a month without it and sometimes stoop to low levels to get it, i.e. not with the best girls, mentally or physically.

Unhealthy food.

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Craft beers.

I travel alot for work, so its hard enough to stay healthy when I go out to eat, but when I see something local on tap I absolutely have to have it.

This....good bourbon and a cigar.....

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