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R.I.P. Royallypwned


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Read this yesterday, just couldn't come to terms as to what, how, or why. No parent should ever have to bury a child. I don't care if said parent is 110 and their child is 93. It is one of life's many questions that is not meant to be answered.

I was never one that took death easy. Anyone who passes that I have ever heard of (not just those that are dear to me) it remains on my mind. I feel for the family mostly. But, also the friends. I try and figure out why. I never get an answer but, it is still something that follows me. I hope Blake rests easy and that his family and friends can find a way to search for something good out of his passing. What that may be, I couldn't even begin to tell you.

Right about now, Bubba and Blake are having some wicked debate about how RGIII is a better QB asleep than Romo sits to pee is awake.

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PG, one of the conversations we had when we were in Dallas was that he doesn't think Romo sits to pee can win a championship, and how he had a "debate" with people on the cowboys boards about it...

But damnit, this rivalry is dead to me... I can't do it without the RP/IONTOP sig bets....

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His obituary confirms that his birthday was 6/21/1985...way too young.

It always strikes me when I hear about someone my age passing away. Can't imagine the pain his family and friends must be experiencing. Hopefully seeing all the love from the people he managed to touch helps them in some small way.

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I saw a signature and came to the ATN forum because I couldn't believe it.

I really don't know what to say, other than this is a grievous loss to this board (and of course, to his family and friends.) He seemed like a great guy, and very fair in his opinions but still enthusiastic about his teams and his home.

To all of his friends from ES (and any who might read from elsewhere) I am very sorry for your loss but know that he will be remembered fondly here.

Bless you, Blake.

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I hope RP is proud to see the unity between ES and CF members in trying to pay proper homage to his memory. It's an awfully special man that can bring together two groups who are so often pretty hostile toward each other. Seems fitting to me. RP understood that it could be done in life, and he did it daily here. I hope some spirit of camaraderie continues between the two boards once our initial heartache has calmed some.

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Just saw pjfootballer's sig and couldn't believe what I read. I came here and, sure enough...

Ugh, I never really interacted with him but he'd always make me laugh and he really was my favorite Cowboy fan poster. I especially loved how he fully understood that he was posting in a Redskins board with Redskins fans and was always so gracious about the, both, good-natured and ill-natured ribbings he would take from us. He will be missed. ATN seems to keep getting hit with losses like this. First bubba, then royallyowned.

This life is just like a day or two.

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I hope RP is proud to see the unity between ES and CF members in trying to pay proper homage to his memory. It's an awfully special man that can bring together two groups who are so often pretty hostile toward each other. Seems fitting to me. RP understood that it could be done in life, and he did it daily here. I hope some spirit of camaraderie continues between the two boards once our initial heartache has calmed some.

I've retired my "Dallas sucks" sig, as well as the 'Dallas Sucks' hat outta the back of my car window. We are sorta one now...still can't believe it. We've had a passing on my husband's part of the family, but to me, I didn't know the brother of my brother-in-law as well as I kinda knew Blake. HH, I am proud as well to see how we CAN all get along.

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Just to let everyone know. I attended Blake's funeral this morning. It was a very somber funeral. The stories they told about him were amazing. He was very active in community service. His senior year of high school he volunteered 750 hours helping fit shoes for the needy in Dallas County.. There were so many stories, too many to share..

Btw.. The attention about how one guy's life brought 2 rival forum's together has not gone unnoticed. From my understanding there will be an article of some sort in the Cowboys weekly magazine about how he touched so many lives on both sides of the fence. I was highly surprised to find that this is being talked about in higher circles than just in the blogesphere..

In other words, Blake was able to do something on our forum's did when Sean Taylor died, yet RP was no football player, he was just a fan of a game and a fan of people..

In 4 weeks training camps will start, the feud between you guys and us will commence like it does every year.. We will debate RGIII vs. Romo sits to pee, whose defense is the best, curse the refs when (Enter team here) doesn't win, and blame our coaching staffs when stuff doesn't go the way we expect it to.

But I think we leave with a better knowledge of ourselves.. Hate is a strong word and although we will hate each other's teams for eternity, it doesn't mean I will hate the other teams fans (exception a few misguided Eagle fans.. shhh!).. In all Blake taught me that if not for the Redskins, the Cowboy's just could not exist the way they do and vice versa. This rivalry is the most watched in sports minus maybe the Yanks and Red Sox and if you look at the numbers that is another debate for another time.. Blake knew that, understood that one can't live without the other.. Ying and Yang.. He found great respect for the Redskins and its fan base and I have found respect for it as well.. Its awesome to look at all of you and instead of seeing blood thirsty zombies, ya'll are just like us.. Humanity in its simplest form.

I am hoping to put closer, yet never forgetting what all of us has learned through this tragedy.. At CF we have never turned away a fan of another team (Minus the trolls of course like you guys do here as well) and I know each of you have a home here, but what Im trying to say as rivals we may be, but each of you are ALWAYS welcome over at the CF and I would be PROUD to call you guys my friends.. That is the way Blake would have wanted it..

See ya'll in battle in a few weeks.. Have a GREAT season.. Beat the Giants twice and the Eagles twice for us (Unless of course there are playoff implications.. hahahahaha) and if not, just make sure and get a few good shots to Michael Vick for us.. ;)

Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.. I will never forget the week that we all came together for him..

OH!!! And Ill be back when the articles comes out in the Cowboys weekly so other fans can see a man who brought us all together for a little while..


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