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R.I.P. Royallypwned


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I haven't been as active on ES over the last week or so. I've been checking in on my iPhone but haven't been posting. I've been following this thread all week long though.

What a tragedy. Somebody so young, taken so soon. I've obviously never met Blake but I'm sure that I've had more than a handful of interactions with him here on the board. He was such a cool guy, willing to take a ribbing and give it back for his love of the teams he chose to root for (and the area surrounding it). You could have a genuinely good conversation with Blake. When I heard of Blake's passing, I asked my wife if she remembered a poster by the name of royallypwned. She hasn't posted or been active on ES in probably somewhere over 2 years. She remembered him. It's just sad to lose somebody like him. Such a great person.

Lastly, I'll always remember his username. I've caught myself at times thinking about how cool it was. Times where I didn't even have ES open or anything to trigger it. I always thought that it was an incredibly catchy and memorable username.

May his memory transcend.

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I always liked his posts, he had a good sense of humor and if I recall correctly was involved in a number of signature bets (most of which he lost if I'm not mistaken) and was a good contributor here. I'm sure his loss is felt in a far greater capacity than an internet message board. Perhaps it is my own curiosity since he was so young and I can understand if nobody knows or wants to answer this question, but how did this happen? My guess is a car accident or something, I guess it isn't important to know but for some reason I feel like I want to.

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I always liked his posts, he had a good sense of humor and if I recall correctly was involved in a number of signature bets (most of which he lost if I'm not mistaken) and was a good contributor here. I'm sure his loss is felt in a far greater capacity than an internet message board. Perhaps it is my own curiosity since he was so young and I can understand if nobody knows or wants to answer this question, but how did this happen? My guess is a car accident or something, I guess it isn't important to know but for some reason I feel like I want to.

He passed in his sleep and as of right now we still havent received all the details, we will gladly update everyone as soon as we get that info.

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I actually found this thread from him in 2009 that had just a little back-an-forth between him and Bubba:


It's crazy being on a message board and getting to know people over the internet like that. These were both very cool, much-loved members of ES. Very sad to not have them here anymore.

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This was posted by Blake's Dad.

I thought your write up was very good. His mother and I of course read every word of it and every word of everything others have written. The thoughts and prayers conveyed in the various posts are very comforting to us. I find it extraordinary that the Redskins posters were so kind and appreciative of Blake and his spirit of fair competition and respect. This makes us, as parents, very proud of him and gives us peace in knowing that he was a loving and caring soul. I am soon going to be printing out the various posts and copying them to a pdf file so that his little niece or nephew (we don't yet know the gender of Elizabeth and Brian's unborn child) so they might know what a terrific uncle he would have been.

From now on, everyone, everytime you get the chance tell your parents how much you appreciate them and love them. It means the world to them. I am sure you will be pleased with the love you receive in return.

I'm not gonna lie, the exchange this was a part of brought a tear to my eye.

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This was posted by Blake's Dad.

This makes us, as parents, very proud of him and gives us peace in knowing that he was a loving and caring soul. I am soon going to be printing out the various posts and copying them to a pdf file so that his little niece or nephew (we don't yet know the gender of Elizabeth and Brian's unborn child) so they might know what a terrific uncle he would have been.

From now on, everyone, everytime you get the chance tell your parents how much you appreciate them and love them. It means the world to them. I am sure you will be pleased with the love you receive in return.

Oh man that brought tears to my eyes, and it doesn't help that I happened to be listening to "Father & Son" by Cat Stevens at the time. :(

You realize just how fragile life is and how we all can take it for granted as we go through our daily routines, etc. Though I didn't know Blake personally, I'm glad that I had a few exchanges with him on ES. He touched many lives and it's just so damn heartbreaking when a parent has to bury a child.

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Holy hell, I haven't been around and missed this last week. I lurk way more than I post, but Royallypwned always seemed like a good dude. Had a great attitude. Seemed like the kind of cat it would've been great to knock a few back with while watching the game.

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R.I.P. Blake. Though I didn't know you personally I enjoyed chatting about basketball (and eating crow when your Mavs manhandled the Lakers 2 seasons back). Clearly you were a class act and you'll be dearly missed around E.S. Condolences to his family and friends.

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Came in hoping for an update, but nothing yet?

This is the latest post from Josh over at Cowboys-forum:

I'm not sure if anyone knows just yet what caused him to pass away in his sleep. Sometimes these things can take a while, and other times families just don't like to discuss the cause for one reason or another. We may never know the reason. My guess is probably a heart condition he didn't know he had or possibly sleep apnea. As soon as we know why, or the family wishes to share that information, I will definitely let you guys know..


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