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R.I.P. Royallypwned


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I haven't been very active on ES in the past year but like others I could not believe my eyes when I read this. Last season's MLB thread was awesome with daily correspondence from RP, HH, Bubblescreen, the Nats guys, and myself. Probably the coolest Dallas sports fan I could ever imagine. Can't believe he's gone.

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This news is terribly sad. Although I post infrequently these days... I still read the forums religiously and it was fairly evident that Royallypwned was a very prominent and well-respected poster. I'm sorry I never had the pleasure to ever engage him personally in discussion. But I'm glad he got to see the Mavs win a championship.... and his Rangers have a tremendous couple of years during his last couple of years of life. I know he enjoyed that very much. Rest in Peace. Cheers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted by Josh (mod over at Cowboysforum.com) about Blake tonight: "Hey man, I was just thinking about ya today.. I was thinking about all the debate we have had over in the forum and what your thoughts were going into the season with replacement refs.. I know you watched us beat the Giants and been crappy after that, and I k ow you would have already complained about the replacement refs screwing up vbookie.. And I'm sure I would have already whooped your butt in our yearly fantasy football or you woulda won and listened to me complain about it.. I know up there you and Dandy Don have already had a debate over Jerry Jones and I can hear the response of, "well, Rangers magic number is 3, at least".. The forum is doing well, no trolls as of yet this season, I think everyone was kind of stuck in their own worlds with the replacement ref debacle, but that's all over now.. Regular refs are back to screw the Cowboys over.. Hahaha... Not a big game goes by and I always expect a text from ya about it, or another story about locking your keys in your car.. Anyhow, we are looking forward to Rangers playoffs down here once again, I know your excited like I am.. Hello win column!!! Miss ya buddy, we all miss you on the forum!!!"

You guys remember the story about him locking his keys in his car at a Mavs game? WHILE IT WAS RUNNING? Cracks me up...


Here it is... Blake in all his glory...

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You guys remember the story about him locking his keys in his car at a Mavs game? WHILE IT WAS RUNNING? Cracks me up...


Here it is... Blake in all his glory...

Yeah I remember that thread. I was so blown that even after what happened to him he still said my story was worst. :doh: :ols:

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  • 3 months later...

He would have taken the two losses against Washington in stride. You don't have many Cowboys fans on here who would willingly put a pic of themselves in a Redskins hat as their sig. He lived up to "sig bets" all the time. We would have had a lot of fun with him over those 2 games, and him with us. That's what made him so great.

It's still empty without him, and there is a hole that can never be replaced or filled completely.

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  • 1 month later...

You will be missed around these parts. Always loved your sense of humor and willingness to see both sides. Our prayers and thought will be with you, your friend and your family. Rest in Peace, Brother.

A deeper level of sadness right now... :(

And a funny post about blake one of the PM's I got from him about our last "sig" bet:

I've actually got a pretty funny story about my time at the post office today. I was busy looking for the right size box to pack the hat in. Well seeing that I was having trouble, this postal worker walks over to me and asks if I needed any help. This guy was a big black dude who looked like he probably played football once upon a time. I told him that I was shipping a hat. Seeing that none of the right kind of boxes were out where I was looking, the guy goes to some back room and brings back a stack of what I needed. After he gets done taping one side of the box, he turns it over so that I could put the hat in it. It was at that moment when he noticed that it was a Redskins hat I was mailing. He kinda looked at me and said "Redskins huh?" with this half smile on his face. But he said it in a way that you knew he was a Cowboys fan. I went on to explain about the bet I lost and how it sucks to lose a sports bet. When I was done, he leaned closer to me and said, "I know what you mean." He then proceeded to slowly unbutton his postal uniform () to reveal a Redskins shirt underneath. He said "Me too, brotha. Me too." And we exchanged half sad/half amused expressions before I left.

Not gonna lie, I thought it was pretty comical.

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