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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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Saw "Lights Out" tonight. We see any quality horror flick in the theaters (think horror is so much better on the big screen) and this has a 77% on Rotten Tomatoes


What a stupid ****ing movie. But it'll also make you jump and **** yourself. Nicely done on that front. They also go hard with the ending. B to B- territory. Worth checking out if you like horror or at home if it's a Netflix and chill night

Why did you think it was stupid? Just a bad plot?

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I overall enjoyed The Killing Joke too. I wasn't a big fan of the prologue story with Barbara Gordon though. It isn't a part of the original story and just seemed unnecessary to the main story. I came away with the impression they added it to increase the running time. I think it would have been better to give Joker's full backstory as the prologue instead of bits of flashbacks. That would have made the movie a solid A for me. The joker story gets an A, the movie overall a B.


As always I stand by my belief that DC Animated should be given the reigns to the live action movies.

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I give  Star Trek: Beyond a B+   I liked the  movie and yes, the plot was weak.  I was entertained and that all I want. 


The whole concept of the Yorktown station was driving me crazy.


Stuff in space moves stupid fast and causes maximum damage upon impact, even small stuff.  To have a snowglobe in the middle of deep space like that, it took a lot of strength to just say "f it, f it, man, enjoy the movie, it doesn't matter... it doesn't matter".


Solid B, because I enjoyed it, but even the part with the Enterprise dodging debris in the nebula was like "c'mon, man".

Edited by Renegade7
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Plot: You know the plot

*Starting to think nature selected me to be a kid in the wrong era. I laughed, I cried, I raged, I reflected on the events in my life leading up to this moment...

I had my reservations about Spidey Pt III, but after the initial "Gee, this guy looks like he should be in middle school" shock (and Ant May going from lovable Gran to Cougar 1000), I have to say, he started to fit what I always envisioned him to be on the big screen in my mind. To a T. Perfect extended cameo. And Bose nailed Black Panther. In a short amount of time he has amassed one hell of a resume. Absolute crushed it. The Avengers saga continues to **** on the superhero film industry. This is the golden age where technology is finally able to match these characters abilities, and damn if Marvel isnt taking supreme advantage of it, unlike... Others.

Can't wait for Dr Strange

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Civil War was great with SpiderMan being the highlight in my mind.

My big problems with it were Cap being just ridiculously and inconsistently overpowered as well as his decision not to sign the agreement.

As "the leader" if he had any hesitations that they might be asked to do something they didn't agree with or that they would have problems later, why not just go against the agreement then.

Play it out and see what happens but sign the agreement now since those initial hesitations and fears haven't been realized yet. The only difference with being an outlaw then vs being an outlaw now at the beginning is that now you've caused everyone to fight and the Avengers to shatter.

Also, he was a bit cowardly not telling Stark what he knew and of course it blew up in his face.

As the supposed Boy Scout supremely honorable leader type he is portrayed as, these things didn't jive with me

Not to mention the whole entire villain plot involved him somehow antipating that the winter soldier, cap and iron man would conveniently all show up at the same time so he could play the video for them. I mean if Stark is 5 minutes late Cap and TWS have that guy in custody and it's all over.

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Yeah that did seem a little weird. But you could also say that he's the old school type that always fivhts for what he thinks is right, and it shows that even he is fallible, not recognizing the politics of the situation, but at the same time had the right instincts. Besides, to me, outlaw and villain seemed entirely dependant on pov. Everyone toom their side for their own reasons, ea h of them havi g so e merit, but all flawed, I thouvht the ending with Panther and homeboy at the end finally drove that poont home.

I've always thought when it came to the infighting, they always did a good job of making sure that no one got the upper hand for long, which is what usually happens between two skilled warriors.

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I watched "Lust, Caution" last night, with my wife.



I thought it was a great movie, although pretty damned depressing.      


(It is about some people in China during the Japanese occupation.. and before you watch it with your mother in law, be fair warned, there is a scene in it that is pure unbridled porno.)  

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I watched "Lust, Caution" last night, with my wife.

I thought it was a great movie, although pretty damned depressing.

(It is about some people in China during the Japanese occupation.. and before you watch it with your mother in law, be fair warned, there is a scene in it that is pure unbridled porno.)

Reminds me of this weird **** I watched years ago called Caligula (based on the roman emperor). One of the most ****ed up movies I've ever seen. And so much full on nudity and sex. Like GoT x 5.

Didn't know non porn films went hardcore like that until then

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Reminds me of this weird **** I watched years ago called Caligula (based on the roman emperor). One of the most ****ed up movies I've ever seen. And so much full on nudity and sex. Like GoT x 5.

Didn't know non porn films went hardcore like that until then


The mainstream actors in that movie didn't know it was gonna be straight-up porn when they agreed to make it and while they were making it lol...apparently the porn scenes were entered into the film after shooting was finished. But should have expected something like that when the producer is the son of the founder of Hustler magazine.

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The mainstream actors in that movie didn't know it was gonna be straight-up porn when they agreed to make it and while they were making it lol...apparently the porn scenes were entered into the film after shooting was finished. But should have expected something like that when the producer is the son of the founder of Hustler magazine.

I swear, even for todays standards, that was insane. Somewhat crazy par lt is that will probably forever be the closest interpretation of the craziness that went on. I've seen several docs on that dude, and he was just unimaginably ****ed in the head.

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Plot: Foster parents bring home a boy who's dreams have a way of becoming reality. Innocent at first, but you know how dreams are... They have a great way of bringing out your dark subconscious. :)

We liked it

Reminds me a bit of my childhood, dealing with near insomnia and having lucid, terrifying dreams night after night. Still do, but few and far between. Horrible thing to deal with as a child. Awesome little guy in this movie, too.

Not a possession/found footage horror movie, so thats also good (**** those with a Persian dagger).

Not out yet, but when it does come out, Wouldn't mind seeing it again



Plot: You know the plot

Enjoyed this one too. Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where things were headed, but it didn't detract from the film at all. Perspective matters to me, and I like the way this one was presented. Dunno if im gonna like what looks to be a possible sequel. That would be bad. Very bad. But it was fun, trying to figure out exactly who was up to no good. Really enjoyed it.

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Star Trek Beyond was good. But I dont need to see these movies. I think I like these movies because they slickly produced more than I'm actually interested in Star Trek.

13 Hours, aka the Michael Bay Benghazi movie. I liked this movie. Kinda felt like a poor man's Black Hawk Down.

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I don't think there will be a sequel. I think the story wasn't necessarily open ended since it was about this one particular woman's journey from always running away to facing her fears and fighting. That arc was completed.

I could see another movie in the same universe with a completely different story, situation etc


A while back when it was in theaters, I bought a pre-order bundle pack with Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane on Vudu.  I for whatever reason did not watch 10 Cloverfield Lane until this morning.  Wife and I enjoyed it a lot.  Like Sin said, very predictable, but it didn't matter due to the presentation.  


As far as a sequel, I think it will take place in Houston, but will focus around different characters.

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A while back when it was in theaters, I bought a pre-order bundle pack with Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane on Vudu. I for whatever reason did not watch 10 Cloverfield Lane until this morning. Wife and I enjoyed it a lot. Like Sin said, very predictable, but it didn't matter due to the presentation.

As far as a sequel, I think it will take place in Houston, but will focus around different characters.

I kinda think 'Cloverfield' is going to be more like a universe brand of sorts where crazy stories happen. Some are mass scale and some are smaller more personal stories. Similar to like a Twilight Zone but for movies.

Basing that on the stark differences of the two movies released in characters, events etc but with similarities that show it's the same universe

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I didn't like the first Cloverfield at all, but I greatly enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane. The two films couldn't be more different.


Last movie I saw was Suicide Squad and it was craaaaaaaaaaap. No better than a 3/10. Definitely in the bottom tier of superhero films and there are lots of bad ones.

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I didn't like the first Cloverfield at all, but I greatly enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane. The two films couldn't be more different.


Last movie I saw was Suicide Squad and it was craaaaaaaaaaap. No better than a 3/10. Definitely in the bottom tier of superhero films and there are lots of bad ones.


Alright, why didn't you like Suicide Squad?

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