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Various sources: Osama bin Laden is dead. (Merged)


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What channel? I'm zoomed in on Google earth trying to figure out which was his compound.

CNN showed the clips about 5 minutes ago.

The clips are being aired on Pakistani news. I'm trying to find streams for international news channels.

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Edit: Going to celebrate instead.

Yep that's it Dan! Got me figured out! You are definitely a crafty one.

Um, no, I was actually singing his praises, still am, this was an outstanding operation and he gave us some closure. Finally. Doesn't negate the fact that I find it odd that he foot stomped the "I". How about YOU watch it again. Because I'm listening right now and all I hear at the beginning of the speech is "we" over and over again. "We removed the Al Qaida in Afghanistan" "We, disrupted terror attacks and strengthened our nations security"...then all of a sudden "Shortly after taking office I directed the director of the CIA to make the killing or capture of Bin Laden a priority" "Then last August I was briefed" "I met repeatedly with my national security team" "Finally last week I decided we had enough intel" "Then today, at MY direction, an operation was carried out".

Dude, I can't help that I find it odd that he foot stomped the fact that he was in the "drivers seat". No ****! I would hope so, you are the President. I'm just saying that he's going to get the credit by default, no need to foot stomp it.

I'm happy! He's dead! I wouldn't give a **** if bugs bunny was president. Maybe my ass can quit deploying now.

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