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So in the process of looking for a dog. My parents have always had dogs...but small ones. Looking for a good "big" dog. Thinking either Boxer or German Shepard. My sister has two boxers and they are great with kids. I only know one person with a German Shepard and it is great with kids as well.


Anyone on here have one of these dogs? Any suggestions? I know Labs are great dogs as well but i have heard they are a total pain in the ass to train. 


German Shepard is one of my favorites. Very loyal dog.


Just make sure you train it properly. They're big dogs that are used by police for a reason. They're strong and powerful and can really hurt someone if it decides it wants to.


I wish I was in a position to get another dog, I'd love to get a german shepard.

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I thought German Shepards turned on their owners/children at times?  Beautiful dogs though.  


I don't have that experience and I'm not aware of statistics... but those big dogs can be very dangerous. People tend to forget dogs are animals... you don't see it as much with the little ones because of their size, but lack of training in a big dog can produce bad results.


My border collie had a problem and I eventually had to put him down for it, much much too early. I can't help but think it's my fault and that he wasn't trained correctly. He had a screw loose too, so I'm not sure how to distribute the blame :(


Anyways, my personal experience is that germand shepards are extremely loyal to your family, the training is for how they react with strangers :)

If i ever buy another dog for home protection reasons, it'll be a german shepard :)

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My mom rules.


Her car got broken into in her driveway this weekend. A bunch of houses did up in a nice area of NW DC. She wrote an e-mail about it to the family. Her sisters responded, glad you're safe and nothing was taken...

My mom writes back...

"I will buy a gun and massacre those ****s."

she just turned 70



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Reminds me, I meant a Puerto Rican dude over the weekend, he said its annoying being called Dominican. I get the same thing, I get annoyed being called Mexican.


I've endured a ****load of Mexican jokes over the years. "What up, Jorge! You gonna cut my grass this weekend?" One dude kept calling me "Low Tide" all throughout hs, until I evolved and started talking so much **** that no one would dare try to start roasting.


The smartass I am today, thanks them. 

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Re: Dogs/GSheps...

Dogs don't have a "turn on people" button like a pet lion would. It's either in their disposition or it's not. The tendancy doesn't depend on breed as much as early life experiences/upbringing does. It really mimics human dispositions in that way. Obviously there aren't any canine drug dealers, but there are those that need to be muzzled, and kept locked away from people. This goes for any breed, from chihuahuas to mastiffs.

I'd bet my life savings that my boy chihuahua will never bite anybody. He's the biggest pushover sweet pea of all time. I saw him develop that personality early on. My girl chihuahua...she's 5 lbs and will continue to need to be restrained from certain folks for the rest of her life. Tried killing my partially obnoxious nephew, but she just got a little of his jeans around the ankle.

If she was 20x bigger, he'd be crapped out in the backyard the next morning.

So many people think pit bulls have the "eat a random person" button, but it's all about how they grew up. Unfortunately pits are too popular. They aren't any different than other puppies, except that they have jaw, neck and back muscles from hell. Lookin like gargoyles and ****.

They will **** you up if they feel threatened. This can be anything from an unfamiliar person, to kids playing when they're not totally used to it. Just like my female chihuahua, they might pounce. Except when a pit pounces, it's one of the worst bites in the dog world.

I've been attacked outright by a lab. I was in 7th grade and it was enormous. ****ing knocked me back and had my arm. Tore it up good, puncture wounds. Been around hundreds of pits, never bit. Seen psycho shih tzus, golden retreivers you wouldn't want to be around. It's just that you aren't seeing every other person buying bulldogs and basset hounds. You get some hardass first time owner who wants a mother****er of a basset hound, you can do it.

It comes down to physical prowess. A german shepherd will have more endurance, strength, dexterity, speed, ect. This means if you get one young (or adopt a lively one), be prepared to exercise it. Be prepared for a restless big dog if you've skipped a few play sessions. I got my maltese SUPER young. He opened his eyes and saw me. I played fetch with him right when he started walking. Tossed a toy right next to him and he found it funny. Well it got funnier and funnier until now I literally have to run around and play fetch with him for a couple hours daily...and he STILL wants to play the rest of the day. This little ass toy breed is a better athlete than two of my damn border collies were. A maltese! Our top running speeds are the same, and I can book it for a white boy.

And just FYI, german shepherds have a fairly short lifespan, and are notorious for developing hind leg problems when they get past 6 years old. Hip displacia...arthritis...sad ****. That build makes 'em takedown artists when they're younger though.

Adopting is a great way to go. Shop hard, shop smart. Don't fall in love easily. Take your time, go to different shelters. If you want a puppy, look for a reputable breeder. Don't support pet shops. It's a ripoff, and the pups were born in atrocious conditions, shipped from far away, taken from their depressed, over-bred mothers way too early.

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Just from my experience, aggression from dogs stems from either them being improperly taken care (desensitize your dogs to being touched when they are pups, please) of or from health problems (especially when they lose some sight). 


Of course, some are taught to attack. But that's just a conditioned response to a verbal or sight cue, usually.






At no time during Humpty Dumpty is he/she referred to as an egg.




Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
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I've endured a ****load of Mexican jokes over the years. "What up, Jorge! You gonna cut my grass this weekend?" One dude kept calling me "Low Tide" all throughout hs, until I evolved and started talking so much **** that no one would dare try to start roasting.


The smartass I am today, thanks them. 


I've always wanted to just call you Cheech.  :ph34r:

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I've always wanted to just call you Cheech. :ph34r:

lol, I've laughed about that since I read it hours ago. Never saw him that way, and no matter how hard I try, ....

can't call anyone cheech except my bro Chewie.

(On that note, I have no female counterpart ....Bueller?? )

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Such a rough day. I had to put one of my best friends to sleep. I was spending $400 a month to keep her going, but her body finally gave up. This has been a really rough day. My wife went out of town today as well. I feel bad for her because this was her first dog since she was a pup. It has been heartbreaking. The border collie I rescued is still going strong at 13, but she has been very down today. Not her normal happy self. She slept a lot today which is abnormal. I think she misses her friend, even though they had a love hate love relationship. It is really making me question whether I want another. I'm sure I'll come across one that needs rescuing and will break down. But, man, it is so friggin hard. She was the sweetist dog ever. Nothing but a bundle of love and joy. She trusted me above and beyond everyone else. She wouldn't even except treats from a stranger. Teach your kid that! I feel like I have betrayed her, but I know it was for the best. She just couldn't function anymore. Her name is Rumor and I miss her dearly.

(On that note, I have no female counterpart ....Bueller?? )

Here!!! Ooops, sorry, just a crossdresser :(

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Such a rough day. Her name is Rumor and I miss her dearly.

Dude, I am soooo sorry. I know how you feel, you're gonna find yourself missing her more & more for the next...well, always...just remember that you did the selfless thing by letting her go. I know I kept a kitty too long, having to give him sub-cu fluids twice a day, and it wasn't fair. (I send him at least one prayerful apology every day.)

You have my very deepest sympathies, and if ya need to let it out, I'm here.

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Good friend of mine at work lost her battle with cancer this morning.


Please remember her family. 


Call someone today that you haven't spoken to for some time, just to let them know you care.


You never know when it can all go away.


No need to respond, rough morning.

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I was looking in The Owned Thread and had an oddly pleasant flashback to playgrounds in my childhood, and how treacherous they used to be. Everything was made of steel, contraptions held together by loose rivets and bolts. Lots of sharp rusty things to give you a good pinch, or maybe a laceration or two. Metal slides would heat up in the sun to unbearable levels, and sliding on them was more like sitting on them and pushing yourself down as your skin stuck to the slide. You'd get a nice burn/road rash combo. Afterwards, a quick hobble over the off-kilter, dilapidated merry go round and you'd join in a group pushing the thing as fast as possible, jump on, and hang on for dear life. Kids would get flung off and go flying yards in the air in multiple directions, if they were lucky enough not to get a body part or clothing snagged on something and dragged in a circle until the thing stopped. With every soul that got flung off, the g-force would pick up and hanging on got harder and harder. Old steel belted tires were always a fixture too, hung from thick rusting chains for swings, or various other mosquito breeding diversions. I still have a metal splinter from one of those tires embedded deep in the palm of my hand some 40 years later. Going to the playground was a little dangerous, and we loved it. You earned a real sense of accomplishment getting out of there with no major wounds or injuries. This was all done barefooted, of course, and the obligatory stepping in a load of dog poo would cap off the play/survival session nicely. Then we'd go for a refreshing bike ride in the cool mist behind the mosquito spray trucks. Life was good-ish.

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Beofre he was in the world's most dangerous band, Jack Black made this little short film in high school. Amazing stuff here..you can see his mannerisms already had emerged.


NSFW due to language.






edit..also it takes about a minute or so before Jack starts singing. 

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