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Went to the game today early, getting soaked, we were looking for the ST21 tribute, pregame was terrible, half time non-existent. We saw the "Taylor tribute" well after it had been displayed so we didnt realize that it was the ST21 display and literally thought it was some display from one of the many stores. They have these damn stores all over Fedex some big, some small, they sell shocking expensive big framed posters. We really thought it was a display mannequin for one of the 10 stores.


First, for god sake Dan and Jason you need to start leaving the family alone. I can only imagine now them realizing what small money and effort went into it.


But the new name should be the Washington Mannequins. It would honor to all of the FEDEX stores.

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With all the talk from some that they can't just change the name again (which is obviously false), and that they can't go back to Redskins (probably true) it seems that they could easily just change it back to Football Team. 


They even already have all the product and everything to do it.

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1 hour ago, SkinsFTW said:

it seems that they could easily just change it back to Football Team. 


They even already have all the product and everything to do it.


Exceedingly unlikely given trademark difficulty.


The team never abandoned their attempt to trademark this name, and two of their 3 patents were rejected again on Aug 21st.

Again the reasoning was "Geographically Descriptive Refusal"

Meaning "Registration is refused because the applied-for mark is primarily geographically descriptive of the origin of applicant’s goods and/or services"


There is no pathway that I would put any amount of confidence in that they can get all the trademarks an NFL team would need with this name in anything close to a reasonable timeline. I'm talking like 20 years. They could re-challenge the findings and stretch copyright coverage over a the course of a year or two if need be, but that is not a long term solution.


Its too generic of a name.



I'm like 85% sure the guy who owned "washington football club" abandoned his trademark after we went Commanders and there was no money to be had, but as I have laid out here and in the past that was far from the only issue. If we ever try to pursue the WFT name he can file paperwork to revive it and cause the same headache all over again

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The above research lead me to poking my head into the progress of the "Washington Commanders" trademarks and...


Several of their trademarks for merch were given initial refusal due to infringing on other trademarks. This rejection got handed down last week.


Its too early in the mourning for me to fully research this but Serial No 97251275 and 97251276 are the ones that I glanced over. Infringements included several pending trademarks held by that squatter guy as well as some held by the Washington Nationals as well as several orgs that own the trademark of "commanders" for a variety of products. It think in all it was like 15 infringements. Two of them are ones I think predicted could be problematic back in the branding thread. 



Its not uncommon for large teams to face initial refusal like this. They will be given the opportunity to argue with the USTPO why each presented infringement is invalid and there is no question that they will 100% do that. The bigger factor is the timeframe. The USTPO trademark process is a slow and unwieldy beast, and this will add months to this stage of the process, and in term of all the commanders trademarks, we are still in the initial stage. That means whoever buys the team will be getting trademarks for merch that are still in limbo and undecided.



If your rooting for a full on rebrand w/ new ownership this bears keeping an eye on. If there is any level of unrest that they can not secure the rights needed for commanders, it adds all the more reason to move to another name.


Keep in mind that I'm not advocating that this means they can not obtain the Washington Commanders for needed merch rights, just pointing out that the road will not be as smooth as it initially seemed and the new owners will be nowhere near fully registered trademarks when they get their hands on this org.

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20 hours ago, woodpecker said:

Half the fan base?? C’mon man, pretty much everyone has said they would like anything else better when the new owner takes over. At that point, defending the name Commanders will be akin to defending Snyder himself. Good luck with that, I seriously doubt anywhere near 50% will agree with you. And people are not going to keep demanding name changes over and over again. One more change, to exterminate the last vestiges of Snyder and then we are done.

This poll shows only 41% like or love the name, 49% dislike or hate it and 11% had no opinion.  



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6 hours ago, SkinsFTW said:

With all the talk from some that they can't just change the name again (which is obviously false), and that they can't go back to Redskins (probably true) it seems that they could easily just change it back to Football Team. 

Yeah, that'll go over well...there won't be ANY backlash on that, at all.


Going back to Football Team is beyond dumb. It's more emblematic of the Snyder regime than Commanders because, as someone pointed out--I can't remember who, it shows how utterly unprepared Snyder was for the name eventually being changed. He got caught with his pants down (possibly with a cheerleader on his private plane), in his utter and unearned arrogance, that the name would never change. And then it had to and he had no solution other than to go to "Football Team." Nothing is more vintage Snyder.

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22 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

There is nothing better.  That's the problem.  The only thing "better" is going back to Redskins and that's never going to happen. 


There is a vocal group who will never let go of Red Wolves.  But, honestly, that's just never going to happen with any new owner.  It's not a "timeless" name, it will age badly.  Timeless names are basically boring and mundane.  So, let's take Red Wolves off the table for the sake of argument.


What's better that a majority of fans are going to agree with?  The answer is nothing.


So the new owner will be asked to spend MILLIONS of dollars to come up with another brand/name that everybody is going to **** on.  And when they decide it's not Red Wolves, the Red Wolve fetishists will then come out and howl about how the new owner is just as stupid as the old owner.


When the new name is announced, and it would almost certainly be something bland and vanilla like Commanders, everybody is going to say "we went through all this again and you came up with that?"


The path of least resistance for a new owner is just to "clean up" the look and feel of Commanders.  


But here's the thing, we're massively putting the cart before the horse.


Step one is getting Dan gone.  The hope for that is March.  I'm still holding firm to that timeline, and I still think it gets done.  But all of the name conversation is pointless until we know who the next owner is and they make some decision on what they want to do.


I DO, however, think Brand Value is going to be a HUGE component of the valuation of the team.  So the new ownership group will know right away what they want to do. We might not hear about it for a while, but they will know, because they will do market studies and other things as part of diligence to determine if the name is truly an impediment to financial success (hint: it's not) but they will evaluate it.  If they deem the name/brand is weak, they will factor that into the deal thesis, and will effect the bids. 

Totally agree we are putting the cart before the horse. Yes, the most important thing by far is that Snyder is gone. Until he is, you are right we don’t need to be talking about this. In fact, we don’t need to be talking about anything concerning the team’s future until he is gone. But this is a message board, so hypotheticals are up for discussion. When it comes to changing the name again, I think the big disconnect is that you can’t stand the name red wolves and therefore do not see a viable alternative. But most of the polling I have seen throughout this saga, is that most fans seemed to prefer red wolves, especially over Commanders. And that includes the large chunk of fans who aren’t as concerned about the name and have accepted Commanders. I bet a good chunk of them, if the opportunity were presented, would gladly switch to it red wolves. For me, red wolves is fine. And it’s not a Snyder creation, in fact he rejected it which makes me like it even more! So basically, I like red wolves and despise commanders, simply because of Snyder. forgive me if my take is crazy, but my distaste for Snyder sometimes clouds my judgment.

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9 minutes ago, woodpecker said:

But this is a message board, so hypotheticals are up for discussion.

You're absolutely right...lets talk hypotheticals. What do you all think about hypothetically trading for Patrick Mahomes? 


Because that is more viable and realistic than another name change.

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12 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:

You're absolutely right...lets talk hypotheticals. What do you all think about hypothetically trading for Patrick Mahomes? 


Because that is more viable and realistic than another name change.

Well you can discuss it but I don’t think you’re going to find anybody who is actually against trading for Mahomes?? That would be a no-brainer, as would be getting rid of commanders in my opinion.

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52 minutes ago, woodpecker said:

Totally agree we are putting the cart before the horse. Yes, the most important thing by far is that Snyder is gone. Until he is, you are right we don’t need to be talking about this. In fact, we don’t need to be talking about anything concerning the team’s future until he is gone. But this is a message board, so hypotheticals are up for discussion. When it comes to changing the name again, I think the big disconnect is that you can’t stand the name red wolves and therefore do not see a viable alternative. But most of the polling I have seen throughout this saga, is that most fans seemed to prefer red wolves, especially over Commanders. And that includes the large chunk of fans who aren’t as concerned about the name and have accepted Commanders. I bet a good chunk of them, if the opportunity were presented, would gladly switch to it red wolves. For me, red wolves is fine. And it’s not a Snyder creation, in fact he rejected it which makes me like it even more! So basically, I like red wolves and despise commanders, simply because of Snyder. forgive me if my take is crazy, but my distaste for Snyder sometimes clouds my judgment.

I'm fine with Red Wolves being an emotional attachment to anti-Snyder.  


The problem with the polling you are referring to is, unless I missed something, it was basically a set of twitter polls with pretty small, non-scientific sample sizes.  I get twitter loved Red Wolves.  I also get that isn't necessarily representative of the fanbase at large.


If they named the team Red Wolves, I really wouldn't care. 


But I do think you two things are true:


1. The Red Wolves folks are very loud, and even if it is a small segment of the fan base, it seems larger because of how loud they are

2. For the people in the group, there is an echo chamber effect where they've convinced themselves it's the only viable name.  


Trust me, there are a lot of fans, possibly the silent majority, who really, really, really don't like it.  And I'm pretty sure when the team did it's polling of season ticket holders and suite holders specifically, that probably came through.  

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1 hour ago, Riggo#44 said:

Missed The Point GIFs | Tenor

No, I get it. It’s just a bad comparison. There are good arguments on both sides of the name thing. Literally nobody would argue against trading for Patrick Mahomes. That you don’t think another rebrand is even remotely likely to happen, well that’s just your opinion. Not everyone agrees with you. The new owner will make the call, and for somebody who can spend 7 billion, a few more dollars for another rebrand is likely not going to be an issue.

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1 minute ago, Riggo#44 said:

No you don't. It has nothing to do with what people would be for or against--it has to do with the likelihood of either happening. Neither are happening, so ranting about it is pointless and just taking up space.

Right. And like I said, that’s your opinion. Mahomes will def not be traded, but another rebrand under a new owner is definitely possible. That’s my opinion. Plenty of ranting from both sides, which I agree is pointless, at least for now. So I’ll let it go. I think we can both agree that any name will be fine as long as Snyder is gone!

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2 hours ago, Riggo#44 said:

You're absolutely right...lets talk hypotheticals. What do you all think about hypothetically trading for Patrick Mahomes? 


Because that is more viable and realistic than another name change.


Straight facts.


Acceptance is final step in grieving process, yall, met you there...

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